Military Heavy

Chapter 492 Abnormal power system

Chapter 492 Abnormal power system
What Lu Huaqiang and the others didn't expect was that within a few days after returning from the United States, a chip foundry company took the initiative to find them.

Huaqiang Technology Company successfully bid to become the mobile phone chip supplier of XX Company, which aroused great repercussions in the industry.

Representatives of this chip foundry took the initiative to come to the door, which was unexpected and expected.

There are more than one chip foundry companies. The early bird catches the worm. Only by acting quickly can it be possible to get orders.

For their arrival, Lu Huaqiang welcomed them very much, and the two sides sat together to formally discuss the specific details of cooperation.

In just two days, everything was settled.Huaqiang Technology Company also handed over the A001 chip to this foundry company for production, and the first batch of production quantity is 500 million pieces.

The cooperation is successful and everyone is happy.

The chip foundry company got the order and left happily. Lu Huaqiang picked up the phone to report the good news to Yang Fan.

After listening to the report, Yang Fan was completely relieved.

I even thought in my heart that this is not just a double happiness, it should be considered a triple happiness.

The first joy is the joy of housewarming not long ago. Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. moved from the temporarily leased office building to the newly built headquarters.

The second joy is the successful bidding and becoming the mobile phone chip supplier of XX company.The third joy is to establish a cooperative relationship with this chip foundry company, and the 500 million chips will be produced by them.

In this way, Huaqiang Technology Company does not need to consider building a production line for the time being, as long as it concentrates on chip design and research and development.

It is very suitable for the current Huaqiang Technology Company to devote limited energy and funds to the design and development of chips.

Maybe after a few years, the scale or strength will be further improved, and you can consider producing chips yourself, establishing a professional chip production plant, and introducing complete sets of equipment, such as the key equipment for chip production-lithography machines.

The matter of Huaqiang Technology Company has come to an end.Yang Fan was also completely relieved, and concentrated on the design and development of the Type 054a guided missile frigate.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute has set an internal goal to complete the overall design of 054a within eight months, instead of the ten months given by the military.


On the blue sea, a fleet is sailing on a mission.

A knowledgeable person can tell the model of each warship in this fleet at a glance. There are not only older ships, but also two new ships.

One of them is said to be a Type 052 guided missile destroyer, and the other is a Type 054 guided missile frigate, numbered 525.

After the first Type 054 guided missile frigate was commissioned into the Navy, this is the second ship formation to carry out missions.

In the last mission, the ship performed well and won the praise of naval officers and soldiers.

How will it perform this time?

For several days in a row, the performance of this ship was remarkable, whether it was anti-submarine, escort, or regional security, it performed very well.

Accidents will happen.

On the relatively calm sea, the wind and waves gradually increased, and the sky was no longer cloudless, but gloomy.

This is obviously going to change.

If it is a fishing boat at sea, the fishermen may be a little bit worried when they see the weather changes, but it is not a big problem for this fleet of ships.

The officers and soldiers did not take this weather change to heart, and continued to sail forward according to the original plan.

The same is true for this Type 054 guided missile frigate, maintaining the formation to ride the wind and waves.

The atmosphere in the cab was relaxed, and the officers and soldiers did not take the weather changes to heart. We all know that such weather is a piece of cake for the 054 ship with excellent performance.

Some people have also heard that when the sea trials were held at that time, the bad weather with strong winds and waves was specially chosen, which was much worse than the current weather, and this ship could handle it well in that weather.

All the officers and soldiers believed that there would be no problems sailing in such weather, but things still happened.

After sailing at a high speed of more than 20 knots for a period of time, someone suddenly noticed that the power system warning light was on.

The second lieutenant of the Navy who noticed this situation was slightly taken aback for a moment, then took a careful look at it immediately, and his expression changed immediately.

He reported loudly: "There is abnormal power in the power system, and the system alarm light is on!"

The officers and soldiers in the cab who were originally relaxed were startled, but when they saw that this was indeed the case, their expressions changed somewhat.

Why does this happen?
Is there really an abnormality in the power system?
This situation was quickly reported to the captain, and no one dared to neglect in the slightest.

The captain's decision was also very decisive, and he immediately conducted an investigation and confirmed the fault.

After confirmation, it can be said with certainty that there is indeed a problem with the power system of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

One of the diesel engines was obviously working abnormally, and the captain did not dare to be careless, so he immediately reported the situation to the person in charge of the fleet.

The power system failed, and the weather changed again, and the sea was not calm. After consideration, the person in charge issued an order that the Type 054 guided missile frigate break away from the formation, terminate its mission, and return to its home port.

As a result, the speed of the 054 ship slowed down significantly. After breaking away from the formation, it sailed towards the home port at a speed of less than ten knots.

There is no way, one of the diesel engines fails and can only stop working.

Four diesel engines are used as the power, and the two-two formation scheme is adopted, so that only one of the diesel engines in the formation can work normally, that is to say, only two diesel engines provide power for the 054 ship, and of course the speed cannot be increased.


Hongqi Heavy Duty Diesel Group.

They were holding a meeting. The top leader Zhu Chuandong, the chief engineer Gu Zhengxin, and other high-level managers in the factory were all sitting in the meeting room.

This is a high-level office meeting.

In addition to discussing several daily issues just now, we also discussed the situation of diesel engines produced for Type 054 guided missile frigates.

Back then, when the first batch of diesel engines were manufactured, various problems emerged one after another, and the time was very tight, which almost affected the construction of the first ship.

The situation is much better now, and the production is relatively smooth, with basically no major problems.

The issue everyone was discussing just now is that only 054 Type 4 guided missile frigates will be built for the time being, and the Type 054a guided missile frigate will be built after the design of the Type 054a guided missile frigate is completed.

The diesel engine used has not been changed, and the 054A still uses this type of diesel engine. Just now someone proposed whether to start the production of the diesel engine required for the 054a in advance.

After some discussion, it was finally decided to wait a few more months for the 054A to complete the overall design and start the construction of the first 054A before starting the diesel engine production.

Just after discussing this topic, Zhu Chuandong's secretary hurried in, leaned over and whispered a few words in Zhu Chuandong's ear.

Zhu Chuandong quickly stood up and said to everyone: "Commander Luo is calling from the capital. I'll answer it. There may be something wrong."

It never occurred to him that there was a problem with the diesel engine manufactured by them.

When the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate was performing a mission, the power system alarmed, and one of the diesel engines was obviously working abnormally.

Zhu Chuandong left the conference room, walked into his office quickly, and picked up the phone.

Before he could speak, Luo Jianguo's unusually heavy voice came from the phone: "Mr. Zhu, something happened."

Immediately, Zhu Chuandong had an ominous premonition, and said in his heart, there must be something wrong with our diesel engine.

Sure enough, Luo Jianguo got straight to the point. : "Just now, when the first ship was performing a mission, the power system alarmed. One of the diesel engines was working abnormally. The first ship had to leave the formation and is currently returning to the home port."

It's really a problem with the diesel engine!

Zhu Chuandong prayed in his heart, God bless, don't let any serious problems happen, otherwise, even he himself can't bear the responsibility.

Zhu Chuandong was very anxious, and immediately asked: "Commander Luo, what is the specific problem, can you tell me?"

Jianguo sighed and said, "The specific problem has not been found out yet, but judging from the feedback, the problem may not be small."

It's really a big problem!
Immediately, Zhu Chuandong's heart sank, and his heart felt cold.


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan concentrated his energy and led the entire design team to go all out, and is currently designing the 054A guided missile frigate.

He never expected that at this time, such a serious problem would occur within a few months of the delivery of the first ship.

Luo Jianguo called and briefly explained the situation to Yang Fan.

Immediately, Yang Fan was not at ease, the power system was fine, and his experience told him that the failure of this diesel engine would not be small.

After introducing the whole situation to Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo asked: "Comrade Yang Fan, what is your opinion, should our first ship stop at the home port, or return directly to Dongjiang Shipyard."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then suggested: "Go back to the home port for troubleshooting first, and if you can't find the reason, then go back to Dongjiang Shipyard."

Such a suggestion is mainly because the area where the first ship performs missions is relatively close to the home port, only a few hundred nautical miles. If you want to return directly to Dongjiang Shipyard, you need to sail thousands of nautical miles.

Luo Jianguo immediately agreed: "Then according to your suggestion, our first ship should return to the home port for troubleshooting. I hope that the cause of the failure can be found out immediately, and this problem can be solved as soon as possible."

The first ship broke down within a few months after entering the Navy, and the impact is undoubtedly very bad. What we need to do now is to find out the cause as soon as possible and eliminate the fault as quickly as possible.

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out. In such a short period of time, our first ship broke down?

(End of this chapter)

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