Military Heavy

Chapter 493 Things Are Difficult

Chapter 493 Things Are Difficult

A certain military port is also the home port of the first 054 ship.

On the pier, many people were already waiting, watching, waiting for the arrival of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

"Section Chief Zhang, is there really something wrong with our warship?"

The major sighed softly, "Yes, during the execution of the mission, its power system failed."

Something really went wrong!

How long has it been in service? How could it be like this?

In the minds of many naval officers and soldiers, the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is very good, and the 054 ship that entered service has also performed well in the past few months.

I really don't want this to happen.

The atmosphere on the pier was a bit dull, no one spoke anymore, it is estimated that everyone's mood suddenly became a little bit bad.

It wasn't until the 054 ship sailed over from the distant sea that this dullness was broken.

Someone finally shouted loudly: "It's coming, it's coming towards the pier."

In everyone's eyes, the 054 ship finally approached the pier slowly, and finally docked beside the pier.

The maintenance personnel of the home port base quickly boarded the ship to troubleshoot the fault...


The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate had a power system failure during its mission. This incident had a relatively large impact, and even some major leaders of the navy were also paying attention to this incident.

Where's Yang Fan?
As the designer of this ship, of course he is also paying attention to its situation. In the office, Yang Fan read several design drawings, sat on the office chair, and thought in his heart, judging from the time, it should have docked at the pier. .

While thinking about this, the phone on the desk rang. Luo Jianguo called from the headquarters of the 054 Project in Beijing.

He is also concerned about the situation of the 054 ship, and he will call Yang Fan as soon as there is news.

As soon as the call was made, Luo Jianguo's voice came over, and he told Yang Fan: "Our ship has returned to its home port and successfully docked at the pier. Our maintenance personnel have boarded the ship and started troubleshooting. .”

It is a blessing among fortunes to return to the home port safely and smoothly, and it is much better than anchoring on the sea.

Although Yang Fan had confidence in the ship, he still breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

Yang Fan said: "The maintenance personnel of the navy alone, I think it may not be enough. Our design institute has formed a technical team, led by the deputy director of our power system design room, and will set off immediately to meet with the maintenance personnel of the navy. Let's troubleshoot together."

Of course, Luo Jianguo hoped to find out the reason as soon as possible, and eliminate the fault as soon as possible, so that this matter can be brought to a successful conclusion as soon as possible.

He said happily: "Okay, I will contact the navy and cooperate with the technicians you sent."

Yang Fan suggested: "It may not be enough to have design personnel. The shipyard and Hongqi Diesel Engine Factory should send technicians there as soon as possible, and everyone will conduct investigation together."

Yang Fan's suggestion was adopted.

Luo Jianguo immediately said: "Comrade Yang Fan, your suggestion is good. I will immediately call the shipyard and diesel engine factory and ask them to send a technical team immediately."

The two chatted for a few more minutes, and after hanging up the phone, Yang Fan sat there and thought quietly, "The design institute, shipyard, and diesel engine factory all sent technical teams. Together, we should be able to find out the cause of the failure. Hope this matter comes to an end as soon as possible.”

The longer things drag on, the worse it gets, and it's not good for anyone.

There are all kinds of people in this world. If some people seize this matter to make a fuss and say something bad behind their backs, it will not benefit the entire team involved in the design and construction of the 054 ship.

With such great fanfare, the design institute, shipyard, and diesel engine factory all sent technicians. Apart from wanting to find out the reason as soon as possible and deal with this matter quickly, there is another reason.

That's why this thing is complicated.

Historically, the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has not been in service for a long time. During a mission, there was also a problem with the power system failure.

As a reborn person, Yang Fan certainly knew about that incident, and he knew more clearly the real cause of that failure.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, is history repeating itself, is it the same failure reason?
If the cause of the failure is the same, it will be troublesome, because the cause of the failure in history is very hidden. Many experts have analyzed it for a long time, and even towed the 054 ship with the failure back to the shipyard, and removed the faulty ship. It is only when the diesel engine finds out where the fault is.

Finding out where the fault is is just the beginning, and it cannot be the end of it, because people can't figure out why such a fault occurs.

It took a lot of time and a lot of manpower and material resources to finally figure out why.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, it must not be a repeat of history, if it is the same as the failure in history, it will be troublesome.

If that is the case, it is just wishful thinking to find out the cause of the failure in a short time.

Donghai Institute sent a technical team led by Han Jiang, the deputy director of the power system design room. In addition to the two technical backbones of the power system design room, there is also a senior expert in power system design.

Such a team can be described as very powerful.

Before departure, Han Jiang came to Yang Fan and asked, "Brother Fan, we are going to the airport by car, what do you want to tell me?"

Yang Fan thought about it.

Now, Yang Fan is still not sure whether this failure is the same as the one in history, what if it is not?
If it is the same, then it can be appropriate to remind one or two cryptically, because Yang Fan is very clear about the failure in history.

After thinking about it, Yang Fan still reminded appropriately: "Judging from the information fed back so far, I personally judge that the diesel engine itself is faulty, and you should focus on that diesel engine, and there is no need to focus on the entire power supply for the time being." system, or other diesel engines.”

Enough is enough, that's all there is to remind, no more.

No one can predict the future, and Yang Fan doesn't want to give others such a feeling, it's too evil.

Han Jiang kept Yang Fan's words in mind, and agreed immediately: "Brother Fan, I understand, we will focus on the faulty diesel engine."

Yang Fan nodded.

Only by targeted elimination can the cause be ascertained as soon as possible, what is wrong with that diesel engine.

Han Jiang led a team, and several technicians from the East China Sea Institute went to the military port where the lead ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate was docked.

Dongjiang Shipyard also sent a technical team. In order to cooperate with the inspection, they also sent several skilled workers.Troubleshooting like this often involves the disassembly of certain parts. Such manual work definitely requires these workers to do it.

The same is true for the Hongqi Diesel Engine Factory. Several workers, several skilled workers, led by Gu Zhengxin himself, took a plane, left Province S, and headed for the location of the first ship.

Our first ship experienced a power system failure. Among so many related units, Hongqi Diesel Engine Factory is undoubtedly the most stressed.

Because one of the four diesel engines that failed, it is precisely that these diesel engines are manufactured by Hongqi Factory, people often think at the first time that there is a problem with the quality of the diesel engine.

In order to show importance and to find out the reason as soon as possible, the Hongqi factory has the highest specification, and their chief engineer Gu Zhengxin personally leads the team.

When everyone arrived at the destination, they started work almost non-stop, boarded the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and started fault analysis and troubleshooting.

Many people's eyes are looking there.

Although Yang Fan is at Donghai Institute, he has been concerned about the troubleshooting work there, and he understands the situation there, because Han Jiang basically calls several times a day.

In fact, Yang Fan really wanted to go there to have a look in person, but he really couldn't get away. The design of 054A was in full swing, and he couldn't leave Yang Fan, the leader.

If he really went there, it would take three to five days at least, and more than a week at the longest. Where there is so much time, Yang Fan would have enough time to spare two or three days.

The 054 ship is docked by the pier, and there are always many people on board. They are not officers and soldiers of the navy, but personnel from design units, shipyards, and diesel engine factories.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

After three full days, it was finally cleared that there should be no problem with the power system itself, and the problem should only be with the diesel engine.

(End of this chapter)

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