Military Heavy

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Gu Zhengxin couldn't help but look at Han Jiang more, a little admired in his heart. As early as when the troubleshooting started, Han Jiang put forward a clear point of view, focusing on this diesel engine.

At that time, Gu Zhengxin was still a little uncomfortable, thinking unconvinced, how can you conclude that our diesel engine has a quality problem, maybe there is a problem with the assembly during construction, or maybe even the design is unreasonable, It's simply a design issue.

But two days later, Gu Zhengxin was a little convinced. Various analyzes showed that there was no problem with the assembly of the various components of the power system, which fully met the requirements of the assembly process, and the design of the power system should also be no problem.

Inside the engine compartment.

The originally small power cabin is now very crowded, and it is a little difficult to turn around, because there are several people in the compact power cabin.

In front of everyone is this diesel engine that may be faulty.

Han Jiang judged: "It is basically certain that the problem lies in this diesel engine. There is no problem with the assembly and design of the power system."

The technical director of the shipyard leader also said: "I agree with Director Han's judgment, there is indeed a problem with this diesel engine."

Gu Zhengxin nodded helplessly.

He has the highest level here, but he doesn't have the slightest temper, because the diesel engines they produce have quality problems, and they can't be hardened at all.

"I basically agree with your judgment. Maybe this diesel engine really has a quality problem."

Gu Zhengxin didn't say anything dead, and used the word "maybe". In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the word "maybe" could be changed to "sure".

Gu Zhengxin felt a little heavy and felt pressured.

Han Jiang was different. He admired Yang Fan a lot and thought to himself, Brother Fan is really amazing. He didn't come here in person, but only based on some information fed back to him, he can accurately deduce the power system. In terms of design and assembly, there is no problem, but there is a problem with the diesel engine.

The problem is with this diesel engine, what to do next?

Everyone got out of the power cabin, disembarked from the 054 ship, and held a discussion meeting in a meeting room of the navy. In addition to those from the design unit, shipyard, and diesel engine factory, many people from the military also participated.

After repeated discussions, a frustrating result was reached, that is, our first ship must return to the shipyard for troubleshooting.

It is of course best that the problem can be solved here. Obviously, such conditions do not exist here.

Han Jiang said: "We also hope to solve the problem at the dockside, but that is just a good idea. The conditions here are not available, and the conditions of the shipyard are obviously much better."

The technical director of the shipyard also said: "Yes, the conditions of our factory are much better. This diesel engine has a quality problem. It is necessary to open the power cabin at the shipyard, lift the faulty diesel engine out, and disassemble and check it in the workshop. Specific reasons."

Many people accept reality.

Although they very much hoped to solve the problem on the dockside, that was too idealistic to be realistic at all.

The warship had to return to the shipyard, open the power cabin, and hoist the faulty diesel engine out for disassembly and analysis.

In the end, a show of hands voted, and most people agreed to return the ship to Dongjiang Shipyard. Therefore, the opinions of this meeting were quickly fed back and submitted to the upper body for final decision.


Yang Fan was answering the phone, and Luo Jianguo called again from the capital, and he said, "Comrade Yang Fan, it can basically be concluded that the diesel engine has a quality problem, and everyone's opinion is that our warship returned to the shipyard for troubleshooting. "

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan said, "I'm afraid that we won't be able to solve any problems at the naval base. I completely agree that our first ship will return to Dongjiang Shipyard."

So it's settled.

Luo Jianguo completely followed Yang Fan's suggestion, so the 054 ship returned to Dongjiang Shipyard.

The first ship began to return to Dongjiang Shipyard.

People from the design institute, shipyard, and diesel engine factory left one after another and returned to their original units. Han Jiang and the others had successfully completed the business trip and returned to Donghai Institute.

Early in the morning.

Not long after Yang Fan went to work, as soon as he entered the office and sat down, the door was happily pushed open by Han Jiang, "Brother Fan, I brought you some local specialties."

In the Donghai Institute, as long as someone is on a business trip, they will always bring back some local specialties as gifts for the leaders and colleagues. If they can eat, they will often buy a large bag, and everyone in the office will share.

Seeing several items, all of which are local delicacies, Yang Fan was happy, "It seems that everyone in our family has taken it orally."

Han Jiang said: "Brother Fan, take it back and let my sister-in-law and the others taste it."

The relationship between the two is good, and Yang Fan is not polite, even needless to say "thank you", happily put these things into the cabinet in the office temporarily.

As for Han Jiang, he knew the way well, found out coffee and made two cups, one for each, and sat down on the sofa with the coffee himself.

Yang Fan said: "Tell me about what's wrong with our power system."

Han Jiang basically called Yang Fan two or three times a day, and told about the failure of the first ship's power system, but he never said it so clearly in person on the phone.

Han Jiang put down the hot coffee in his hand, reported the situation in detail, and then said with admiration: "Brother Fan, it is exactly as you inferred, but the diesel engine has quality problems, and the entire power system has not found any faults. .”

Hearing this, Yang Fan thought in his heart, could it be the same as the failure of the power system of the first 054 ship in history? If this is the case, Yang Fan knows the details of this failure.

The fault in history was also caused by the power system alarm of the first ship during the execution of the mission. The inspection found that there was a crack in the crankshaft of a diesel engine.

Is it the same this time, the crankshaft of this diesel engine also has cracks?
Yang Fan was thoughtful.

Our first ship finally returned to the Dongjiang Shipyard smoothly, docked in one of the docks, and did not dock at the dock.

The main reason is that the dock has supporting facilities, such as the large cranes needed for lifting and so on.

The design institute, shipyard, diesel engine factory, and people from the military came together, and Luo Jianguo also rushed over from the capital. First, everyone held a meeting to discuss the next step of work.

The meeting has been going on for three or four 10 minutes. There were some disputes at the beginning, but gradually the opinions tended to be unified, and everyone basically agreed with Yang Fan's suggestion.

Yang Fan's point of view is very clear. He immediately opened the power cabin and hoisted the diesel engine out without transporting it back to Hongqi Diesel Engine Factory. Instead, it was disassembled at Dongjiang Shipyard to check which parts had problems.

At the beginning, Gu Zhengxin advocated transporting the diesel engine back to Hongqi Factory, but under Yang Fan's insistence, and Luo Jianguo also agreed with Yang Fan's point of view, he only had to agree to do so.

This has great advantages, the most important thing is to save time and quickly know where the problem is.If it is to be transported back to Hongqi Factory, it will take two or three days for the transportation on the optical road, and the road is bumpy, and some unknown problems may appear.

Luo Jianguo made a decision: "Then it's settled, open the power cabin immediately, and lift out this faulty diesel engine."

After finishing speaking, he ordered: "Mr. Sun, prepare for the dismantling of the site. As for manpower, Hongqi Factory will send people over immediately."

Everything is moving in an orderly manner.

Hongqi Factory immediately sent several experienced technical workers over, Dongjiang Shipyard prepared the site, and the power cabin of the first ship will also be opened.

The next day.

Everything is ready. A total of three skilled workers and a supervisor technician from the Hongqi factory have come by plane and arrived in Donghai City last night.

The site for dismantling the diesel engine has also been prepared. It is a new factory building of Dongjiang Shipyard, which is newly built and ready to be put into use. It has a large area and very good facilities.

The power cabin of the first ship was about to open. Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo, Sun Baoguo, and Gu Zhengxin boarded the warship in person to check the situation of the power cabin.

By the afternoon, everything was almost done. The mounting bolts of this diesel engine had been removed, and it was completely disengaged from the entire power system, so it could be lifted out of the power cabin.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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