Military Heavy

Chapter 496 Crankshaft Crack

Chapter 496 Crankshaft Crack
This is impossible!
how can that be possible? ? ?
Gu Zhengxin is the chief engineer, and he knows this diesel engine very well, not only the principle and structure, but also the quality problems that may occur with it. Combining the previous situation, he speculated several possibilities, and also thought of Which parts might be the problem.

A lot of parts have been disassembled, and they are placed on the tray on the ground, clearly displayed in front of everyone.

It is so convenient to want to see which part, Gu Zhengxin looked at a lot of parts, negating the inferences in his mind time and time again.

He didn't understand something.

Looking at the parts on the ground, and then at the diesel engine being disassembled, he frowned a little deeper, stood there, and thought carefully again, where could the problem be and which parts were most likely to Something went wrong.

Others may not have noticed the change in Gu Zhengxin's expression, but Luo Jianguo noticed it, walked over, and asked with concern: "President Gu, what's wrong?"

Gu Zhengxin didn't hide anything, he said the matter again, and then said: "It's really strange, where is the problem?"

Luo Jianguo comforted: "Don't worry, the dismantling work is less than one-third, and many cores and important parts have not been disassembled, just wait a little longer."

Gu Zhengxin felt bitter for a while.

Gently shaking his head, he thought in his heart, it must not be a problem with important or key parts, if that is the case, it will be serious.

General parts have problems, which is relatively easy to solve, but key or important parts are not the same, they generally do not have problems, and the reliability is very high, but once problems occur, it is often not a small problem, basically fatal Serious Problem.

Luo Jianguo didn't know what was going on in Gu Zhengxin's mind. Seeing the bitterness on his face, Luo Jianguo comforted him: "Mr. Gu, calm down and take your time. We will definitely find out the cause of the failure."

Gu Zhengxin nodded, his expression relaxed a little, and he didn't want to be comforted by Commander Luo again and again.

Dismantling work has been going on.

Luo Jianguo, Gu Zhengxin, and Sun Baoguo were all present at the scene until eleven o'clock in the evening. Luo Jianguo raised his hand to check the time and suggested, "Let's stop here for now. Comrades have worked hard. Tomorrow Continue in the morning."

This kind of dismantling does not happen overnight. It takes at least two or three days to disassemble such a large diesel engine into parts.

This is a long-term battle, and the workers cannot be exhausted. Go back to rest first, recharge your batteries, and continue the dismantling work tomorrow.

Sun Baoguo waved his hands and said loudly: "Let's stop here today, everyone has worked hard."

The workers began to pack their things and prepare to leave. Luo Jianguo, Gu Zhengxin, Sun Baoguo and others also walked out of the factory together.

the next day.

After breakfast, Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard first, and planned to go to Dongjiang Shipyard later.

Although he didn't stay at the dismantling site of Dongjiang Shipyard last night, Yang Fan is quite clear about the dismantling behind this diesel engine.

Han Jiang stayed there until after eleven o'clock in the evening, and did not go home because it was too late. They stayed in the guest house of Dongjiang Shipyard that night.

He made a phone call with Yang Fan and reported the dismantling of the diesel engine.

When the two were talking on the phone, Yang Fan specifically asked whether the crankshaft was removed, and whether the crankshaft of the diesel engine was removed.

Han Jiang was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Yang Fan focused on asking about the crankshaft. He told Yang Fan that the dismantling work was not going fast, and the crankshaft hadn't been removed yet.

Yang Fan basically knew that according to the normal dismantling progress, the crankshaft must not have been removed so quickly. He just thought that the power system failure in history was caused by the crankshaft, and he was worried that the quality problem this time might be unprecedented in history. It was the same thing that time, Gu Te specifically asked about the crankshaft.

The crankshaft was not removed so quickly.

Until eleven o'clock last night, a lot of parts were removed, but no problems were found for the time being. After listening to Han Jiang's report on the phone, Yang Fan was a little sure that the problem probably really came from the crankshaft. It's history repeating itself.

Yang Fan first arrived at the Donghai Institute, and after sitting down in the office, he called Li Zhengjun over and arranged the work for the two days, such as how to proceed in the design, what designs to complete, and so on.

"Director Li, my focus for the past two days is on the Dongjiang Shipyard, so you should worry more about the things inside."

Li Zhengjun hurriedly said: "Master Yang, this is my job, and I will urge everyone to do a good job in the design work."

After giving instructions, I originally planned to go to the design rooms below to take a look, but I was still concerned about the dismantling of the diesel engine, and planned to go to Dongjiang Shipyard first.

Regarding the design work of 054A, to be honest, Yang Fan is quite at ease.

On the one hand, the planning has already been done, and the design offices are relatively clear about how the design should be developed and promoted.On the other hand, after so many years of understanding, Yang Fan is very relieved of this design team.

Han Jiang and the others did not come back last night, and they should have appeared at the dismantling site of the diesel engine by now, so Yang Fan drove out of Donghai Institute by himself without taking anyone with him, and entered Dongjiang at around 09:30 in the morning Factory area of ​​the shipyard.

I drove directly to the entrance of this new factory building. After getting off the car, I walked straight in. In the empty factory building, I saw a large group of people in the middle. In the middle of the crowd was the diesel engine being disassembled.

Yang Fan walked over.

Everyone greeted Yang Fan one after another.

"Master Yang, you are here."

"Hello, Mr. Yang."


Facing everyone, Yang Fan smiled, nodded, or waved his hand. It can be seen that Yang Fan is still very popular among these workers and technicians.

Luo Jianguo and others shook hands with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan asked: "How is it? Have you found the cause of the failure?"

Both Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo shook their heads.

Gu Zhengxin even said: "Not yet, I am also at a loss now, and I don't know what the problem is at all."

Yang Fan didn't say anything else. He first looked at the parts that had been disassembled and placed neatly, and then simply stood by and watched the workers disassemble the diesel engine.

Parts were removed one by one.

Most of them are in the state of parts, and a few are in the state of components, because after some parts are combined and assembled, it is still difficult for you to disassemble them into individual parts, and there is no need for this for the time being.

After watching for a while, Yang Fan simply chatted with Gu Zhengxin and others. Through such seemingly unintentional small talk, Yang Fan grasped and understood a lot of confidence.

I further affirmed in my heart that this failure should be the same as the one in history, and it is probably history repeating itself.

Yang Fan clearly remembered that shortly after the first Type 054 missile frigate entered the navy, a power system failure occurred. After inspection, it was found that there was a problem with the crankshaft of a diesel engine.

This time, it is likely that the crankshaft of the diesel engine has a problem again, and it is likely that the crankshaft is also cracked.

Let's take a look again and learn more about it.

If no other problems have been found, the possibility of cracks in the crankshaft of the diesel engine oil will be greatly increased, Yang Fan thought in his heart.

Throughout the morning, a lot of parts were disassembled, and they were still neatly placed beside them. Under the leadership of Gu Zhengxin, some parts were even inspected in a targeted manner, but still nothing was found.

The disassembled parts are very normal, and there is no problem with any part.

This is rather strange.

Gu Zhengxin frowned again.

Looking at the diesel engine that was almost half disassembled, I thought to myself, according to this progress, the entire diesel engine will be in a complete state of spare parts by tomorrow morning. If the problem cannot be found, it will be troublesome.

Gradually, there was pressure in his heart again.

At noon, everyone ate boxed lunches on site. Yang Fan and others were no exception. They ate boxed meals with the workers. After eating lunch hastily, they basically didn't take much rest and continued to disassemble the diesel engine.

Another afternoon passed.

Two-thirds of the dismantling of the entire diesel engine has been completed, and its parts, large and small, are placed in the factory building and displayed in front of everyone.

Gu Zhengxin looked bitter.

Until now, nothing has been found, and the disassembled parts are all normal. Gu Zhengxin deduced several times which parts may be the problem, and asked the workers to remove which parts first. After the inspection, it proved that Gu Zhengxin's inference was not true, these parts were very normal and there was no problem.

What's going on?
God, what is the problem?
After working in technical work all his life, it was the first time that Gu Zhengxin was so confused and puzzled. He never thought of such a situation.

Luo Jianguo was also a little dignified. Two-thirds of a diesel engine had been disassembled, and it was really terrible that he couldn't find the problem.

Yang Fan was different, he didn't feel any pressure in his heart, and he was basically sure that the problem should be on the crankshaft of the diesel engine.

So many parts have been removed, there is no problem, but the crankshaft has not been removed for inspection, then the possibility of it going wrong is greatly increased.

The technician in charge of the Hongqi factory came over and asked for instructions: "Mr. Gu, the next step is to disassemble the crankshaft. Do you want to remove the crankshaft?"

Gu Zhengxin said: "There must be no problem with the crankshaft. Let's not dismantle it for the time being. Let's remove other parts first, and finally the crankshaft."

The technician in charge was about to turn around and instruct the workers not to disassemble the crankshaft for now, but to dismantle other parts first, when Yang Fan called out to him.

"Slow down, let's remove the crankshaft first, maybe there is something wrong with the crankshaft."

All the people in Hongqi Factory looked at Yang Fan with various meanings in their eyes, some were surprised, some were puzzled, and some simply didn't believe it.

Just kidding, how could there be a problem with the crankshaft.

Still continuing to code
(End of this chapter)

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