Military Heavy

Chapter 497 No crack found

Chapter 497 No crack found
The place was quiet.

Some people in the Hongqi Diesel Engine Factory must think so. How can a person with such a high level of master Yang speak such layman's words.

What kind of part is the crankshaft of the diesel engine? How could it go wrong.

The technician in charge of the Hongqi factory couldn't help explaining, "Mr. Yang, the crankshaft of the diesel engine is a full-life part, and it does not need to be replaced every time it is overhauled. The so-called full-life part is how long the diesel engine can be used. How long will this crankshaft last?"

In the end, it was interrupted by Gu Zhengxin.

Just kidding, doesn't Mr. Yang know what a full-life part is, and I need you to explain it.That smacks of disrespect.

No wonder Gu Zhengxin interrupted immediately.

Gu Zhengxin's attitude was much more sincere, and he patiently explained: "Mr. Yang, I think that the crankshaft of a diesel engine will generally have no problems. It is better to focus on other parts."

Yang Fan smiled, and said confidently: "Not necessarily, I saw that you disassembled this diesel engine and analyzed it for a long time. My conclusion is that there may be a problem with the crankshaft of the diesel engine, maybe it is a crack in the crankshaft."

Crankshaft crack!

The whole scene suddenly exploded, like a stone was thrown on the surface of calm water, and someone even said loudly.

"It's impossible, how could there be cracks in the crankshaft?"

"Yes, I also think it is basically impossible."

Everyone reacted so strongly that some people even publicly and loudly expressed their disapproval of this inference. Yang Fan was not angry, but smiled again, and then said: "Is it the crankshaft crack? It's very simple. Take the crankshaft out and check it out." Just know."

Luo Jianguo didn't say anything, but looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

To be honest, he didn't agree with Yang Fan's inference, but he thought that every time he encountered a problem, Yang Fan always had various outstanding performances and could always solve the problem at the critical moment. Could it be the same this time.

After thinking about it in his heart, he immediately said loudly: "Comrade Yang Fan is right, just disassemble the crankshaft and check it at once."

Gu Zhengxin smiled wryly.

He really doesn't think that the crankshaft will crack. He is the chief engineer of Hongqi Factory. He has worked in technical work for 30 to [-] years, and he rarely encounters cracks in the crankshaft. How could such an extremely small probability event happen here? On a diesel engine?
That is impossible!

Gu Zhengxin was very determined in his heart, but Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo had the same idea, suggesting to remove the crankshaft first, because his arms could not twist his thighs.

In addition, Sun Baoguo also suggested: "Anyway, it has reached the point where the crankshaft can be disassembled, so let's dismantle it and check it first."


Gu Zhengxin seemed very helpless, and ordered the workers of the Hongqi Factory to start dismantling the crankshaft, but even if he was beaten to death, he did not believe that there would be a problem with the crankshaft, and it was still cracked.

The workers of Hongqi Factory were very skilled, and the people of Dongjiang Shipyard cooperated very skillfully. Finally, the big guy was disassembled, hoisted up by a crane, and placed on a pallet in the open space not far away.

Everyone surrounded the past.

I want to take a look at the first time to see if there is really a crankshaft crack.

Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "Don't be in such a hurry, there is so much oil on the crankshaft, which will affect your judgment. Let Dongjiang Shipyard clean the oil on the crankshaft first."

Sun Baoguo immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, Chief Master Yang is right, we have a professional parts cleaning room, let's clean it up first."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to look at the time, and suggested: "It will take a few hours to clean, and the crankshaft should be shipped again tomorrow morning. Now let's go to eat first. Everyone has worked hard. Take a good rest at night and come back tomorrow." Meet here."

Luo Jianguo agreed, "I think it's okay."

Everyone has really worked hard. From the beginning of the morning to the present, they have been non-stop and have no rest at all. Even lunch is a box lunch eaten at the dismantling site.

More than two-thirds of the diesel engine has been disassembled, and the remaining work is not that big. Even big things like the crankshaft have been dismantled, and the rest should be dismantled tomorrow morning.

Commander-in-Chief Luo had spoken, and everyone took a break tonight, and the workers and technicians almost burst into cheers.


Gu Zhengxin, with a stone in his heart, was still racking his brains to figure out what the problem was. As for Yang Fan's claim that there was a crack in the crankshaft, he found it unbelievable.

A group of you, under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, walked out of this factory building, and went to eat first before talking
The next day.

Yang Fan did not go to Donghai Shipyard first, but first called Li Zhengjun, gave instructions and explained something, and then drove directly to Dongjiang Shipyard.

After returning from Dongjiang Shipyard yesterday, Yang Fan stayed in Donghai City for more than two hours at night, asking about everyone's design situation, and also went to the following design offices to check. Everyone's work made Yang Fan very relieved.

So, instead of going inside the office today, Yang Fan went directly to the Dongjiang Shipyard. Yang Fan became more and more sure that there should really be a crack on the crankshaft.

Walking into this large factory building, the time is not yet 08:30 in the morning, but there are already many people there. There.

Luo Jianguo and others still shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically.

"Comrade Yang Fan, Mr. Gu means to continue dismantling this diesel engine and completely dismantling it into parts."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "Yes, this is also what we discussed at the beginning. It will be completely disassembled and turned into parts, and all parts that may have quality problems will be carefully inspected."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the diesel engine that was still being disassembled, and then at the scene, but did not see the crankshaft of the diesel engine.

Just as he was about to ask, Sun Baoguo immediately said: "The cleaning has been finished, and it should be delivered soon."

Within a few minutes, the crankshaft was transported, hoisted from the transport vehicle, and placed on a pallet on the ground.

After washing it, it is as bright as new, not as greasy as it was yesterday, which makes it easier to check.

Everyone gathered around again.

Could there be a problem with the crankshaft?
Under the guidance of the technician in charge of the Hongqi factory, he first measured several main and key dimensions. After the measurement was completed, he reported loudly: "All dimensions are completely qualified and there is no abnormality."

Gu Zhengxin nodded, more sure that the crankshaft was fine.

Yang Fan was not worried about anything, he smiled easily, and said loudly: "Several main and key dimensions have been measured. Next, let's conduct a careful visual inspection to see if there are any cracks."

Inspection tools are ready, magnifying glass, flashlight, including two experienced quality inspectors are on standby.

After Yang Fan said this, the two of them held a magnifying glass in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and began to conduct a serious visual inspection.

The place quieted down.

Even the workers who were continuing to disassemble the diesel engine parts stopped and looked at this side one after another. Two or three people simply came over, probably to see if the crankshaft was really cracked. .

I checked carefully for more than ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, the scene was relatively quiet, and these ten minutes also made many people feel as if more than an hour had passed.

In the eyes of everyone, the two inspectors put down their tools one after another and stopped the inspection. Luo Jianguo asked, "How is it? Are there any cracks?"

The two inspectors replied almost simultaneously: "No, we didn't find any cracks, and the whole crankshaft was as good as new."

As soon as their voices fell, the scene became noisy and chattering.

"No cracks were found."

"The crankshaft of a diesel engine is maintenance-free for life. I don't think it will crack for such a critical part."

"Perhaps, Master Yang really made a mistake in his judgment this time."


Hearing such a voice, Yang Fan thought in his heart, could it be that my deduction is really wrong, this time it is not the crack of the crankshaft.


So many parts were disassembled, and after inspection, nothing was found. The problem should be on the crankshaft.
After thinking about it, Yang Fan suggested: "Check it carefully again."

Luo Jianguo believed in Yang Fan very much. Under such circumstances, he unconditionally supported: "Do as Comrade Yang Fan asked, and check again."

Gu Zhengxin really wanted to say that there was no need for further inspections, and there would definitely be no problems with the crankshaft, let alone cracks.

But he held back and didn't say anything.

Sun Baoguo just hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand and ordered: "You guys check it again, be more careful."

Two inspectors conducted another inspection, and the scene became quiet again. The inspection took another ten minutes, and the second inspection was completed.

They both shook their heads. Obviously, nothing was found, and there was no crack in the crankshaft at all.

That's all for today's update, and it will be delivered in the third shift. I ask you for a few monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support.

(End of this chapter)

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