Military Heavy

Chapter 498 Fluoroscopy

Chapter 498 Fluoroscopy

Still haven't found any cracks!
Almost everyone looked at Yang Fan, and no cracks were found in the two inspections. Does it mean that the crankshaft has no cracks at all.

Luo Jianguo sighed softly, and he and Sun Baoguo exchanged glances quietly, and they thought almost at the same time, it seems that Comrade Yang Fan's judgment was really wrong this time, and the crankshaft had no cracks at all.

Gu Zhengxin shook his head, and reminded softly: "Master Yang, let me just say it, our crankshaft will not have any problems."

He always believed that there would be no problem with the crankshaft, let alone that there would be cracks in the crankshaft as Yang Fan said.

In the whole scene, buzzing discussions sounded, and there was a lot of noise.

"I just said, how could there be cracks in the crankshaft."

"Oh, I didn't expect that Chief Master Yang also made a mistake in judgment."


Most of them were shaking their heads and sighing, but a few seemed to be Yang Fan's hardcore supporters. They held different opinions, especially those who were familiar with Yang Fan in Dongjiang Shipyard.

"I don't think Master Yang's judgment is wrong. Over the years, when has he made a mistake?"

"Wait a little longer, don't worry, let's see what Chief Master Yang will do next."

Hearing the voices of these supporters, Yang Fan's heart warmed up. It's too early to make a conclusion if he made a mistake in his judgment.

No cracks were found on the crankshaft during the two inspections. Yang Fan didn't seem to be affected, and he said loudly, still full of confidence.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet."

As a result, the scene gradually quieted down, and everyone looked at Yang Fan, ready to listen to what he would say next.

Yang Fan's voice was very loud, "The visual inspection did not reveal any cracks in the crankshaft, but it does not mean that there are no cracks in it. I believe my inference that there are indeed cracks in the crankshaft."

Before the words were finished, a technician from the Hongqi Factory boldly interrupted: "Master Yang, I checked twice with a magnifying glass just now, and there should be no cracks in the crankshaft."

Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "We all know that there are many non-destructive inspection methods for parts. In addition to visual inspection, there are also ultrasonic inspection, fluorescent inspection and so on."

The so-called "nondestructive inspection" is to check whether the parts have surface cracks, whether there are internal organizational defects, or internal cracks, etc.

Many people are thoughtful.

A technician from Dongjiang Shipyard even slapped his thigh fiercely, with an excited expression on his face, "Yes, you can use fluoroscopy!"

Yes, fluoroscopy!
It is the best inspection solution for inspecting micro-cracks on the surface of parts, especially cracks that are difficult to see with the naked eye, and Dongjiang Shipyard happens to have a professional fluorescent inspection room.

Yang Fan glanced at the technician at Dongjiang Shipyard appreciatively, and said loudly: "Yes, what I want to say is to perform a fluorescent inspection on the crankshaft. I know that Dongjiang Factory has a fluorescent inspection room. Mr. Sun, the fluorescent inspection of the crankshaft is done by How about you arrange it."

Sun Baoguo immediately agreed, "Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

Gu Zhengxin smiled wryly. He knew that Yang Fan was involved with this crankshaft, and he would not give up easily without a fluoroscopic examination.

To be honest, he felt that there was no need to go through such troubles at all. The crankshaft had undergone various inspections including fluorescent inspection and ultrasonic inspection during the manufacturing process in their factory, and there was no possibility of cracks.

The arm can't twist the thigh.

Yang Fan insisted on doing this. He had no right to stop him, so he could only follow everyone to the fluoroscopy room, but he was sure that this fluoroscopy would be futile.

Under Sun Baoguo's arrangement, the crankshaft was transported to the fluoroscopic examination room, and relevant fluoroscopic examination personnel were quickly in place.

This is a professional fluoroscopy room. The fluoroscopy room is divided into two rooms, inside and outside. The house on the outside is no different from an ordinary house, but the room on the inside is different. Off, only dim fluorescent light.

Two fluoroscopy personnel and a fluoroscopy technician immediately got busy, preparing for the fluoroscopy.

Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo, Sun Baoguo, Gu Zhengxin and others did not enter the professional examination room inside for the time being, but waited outside for a while, because some preparations before the fluoroscopy required a certain amount of time.

It could be seen that Luo Jianguo was still quite worried, and asked again: "Comrade Yang Fan, how sure are you?"

Yang Fan replied confidently: "At least there is a [-]% to [-]% certainty. If my guess is correct, the cracks on the surface of this crankshaft will be clearly visible under fluorescent inspection."

Hearing this, Luo Jianguo felt relieved.

He knew Yang Fan well and trusted him. Feeling Yang Fan's self-confidence, he finally felt relieved and decided that there was a crack in the crankshaft.

Gu Zhengxin didn't say anything. Feeling Yang Fan's confidence, he suddenly became a little suspicious, thinking in his heart, is there really a crack in the crankshaft.
Thinking of this, he was startled, and quickly said in his heart, no, no, the design strength of the crankshaft is sufficient, even if it works continuously for a long time under the maximum power, it will not produce cracks.

He is engaged in diesel engines, so he has a very good understanding of the strength of the crankshaft, and he is very confident in its service life.

Gu Zhengxin was thinking about this when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

The technician in charge of the fluoroscopy came out of the dark room and reported loudly: "Leaders, everything is ready, you can come in and have a look."

Luo Jianguo was the first to wave his hand and said, "Come on, let's all go and have a look."

Although he had chosen to trust Yang Fan and basically believed that there was a crack in the crankshaft, he still wanted to see the results of the fluoroscopic examination with his own eyes.

The others were not slow either. They all wanted to know whether Yang Fan's deduction was correct, and whether there was really a crack in the crankshaft. A group of more than ten people walked into the dark room of the fluoroscopy.

The area inside is not small, about [-] to [-] square meters in size, and it doesn't look crowded when more than a dozen people come in. The ordinary lights for lighting are on, which is very bright.

The situation inside is very clear. Everyone can see the crankshaft placed on the central inspection workbench at a glance, and all preparations have been made.

Sun Baoguo ordered: "Everyone is waiting to see the result, let's start now."

"Okay, let's start now."

The technician in charge of the fluoroscopy answered, and turned off the general lighting by himself. Suddenly, the examination room was dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.


With a soft sound, the technician turned on the fluorescent light in the dark room. It was so dark that many people looked at the crankshaft on the workbench.

Some people couldn't help but took a few steps forward, took a closer look at the crankshaft, then shook their heads and said, "There are no cracks, not any cracks at all."

Still no cracks?
If there are no cracks in the fluoroscopic inspection, it can be completely determined that there are no surface cracks in the crankshaft itself. Yang Fan's deduction is completely wrong, which means that everyone has been tossing for so long in vain.

Just when many people were about to sigh, thinking that Yang Fan's deduction was wrong, the technician in charge of the fluoroscopic examination laughed.

He said loudly: "I can't see any cracks now, I haven't applied fluorescent agent yet."

That's it!

Many people quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Without the application of fluorescent agent, of course, the cracks on the surface of the crankshaft cannot be seen under the fluorescent light. The principle of fluorescent inspection is that the fluorescent agent penetrates into the cracks indicated by the workpiece. Under the fluorescent light, the cracks will be clearly revealed and clear.

Under the command of the technician, the two fluorescent inspectors began to apply fluorescent agent to the crankshaft, and then the situation gradually changed.

"Look, there's a crack here!"

"Really, this crack is at least fifty or more long."

"There's one here too!"

There are three cracks in this crankshaft, one long and two short. The longest crack is more than [-]mm. Under the illumination of the fluorescent lamp, it is clearly displayed in front of everyone.

At this moment, Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Others looked at Yang Fan one after another, their gazes were different, there was no question anymore, only admiration.

Master Yang! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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