Military Heavy

Chapter 500 Perfection

Chapter 500 Perfection
Luo Jianguo received a call from his superiors, which was completely expected, and the higher-ups must have been paying attention to this matter.

After answering the call, Luo Jianguo was under a lot of pressure, as if a huge rock had been crushed on him.

How to do it?

This matter cannot be delayed any longer, it must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise...

He thought a lot by himself, and as the team leader, he held a group meeting again, first conveying the spirit of the instructions above, and then making it clear.

"Comrades, this matter cannot be dragged on like this. We must hurry up and find out the real cause of the crack on the crankshaft as soon as possible."

Immediately, the atmosphere in the meeting room became a little dignified, and there was an invisible pressure.

An expert from the military said: "I'm afraid this is very difficult. In this situation, what we need most is time."

Someone fully agreed with this point, and he analyzed: "We have done a lot of work, almost everything that should be done has been done, there is no problem with the design of the crankshaft, there is no problem with the material, there is no problem with the manufacturing process, and everything is fine. We’ve basically done everything we’ve done.”

Yes, I did everything I needed to do, but I didn't find out where the problem was.

A crankshaft that is in good condition has only been used for a few hundred hours, so why does it have a problem?
Everyone was puzzled.

So weird!

The conference room became dull, and almost everyone felt at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

The same is true for Gu Zhengxin. He also couldn't figure it out. Under the premise that there are no problems in design, materials, and manufacturing, how could there be cracks in this crankshaft?
Only Yang Fan has no pressure in his heart and has a relaxed look on his face. At this moment, he knows that the time is ripe, and he can properly remind everyone.

Luo Jianguo was under a lot of pressure, and his heart was full of pessimism. His superiors were already asking about this matter, but they were helpless.

Suddenly, he noticed Yang Fan's expression.

Comrade Yang Fan is not under any pressure and looks very relaxed, could it be...

Reminiscent of Yang Fan's miraculous performance before, Luo Jianguo seemed to see hope all of a sudden, and his sixth sense seemed to tell him that Yang Fan might have a solution.


Comrade Yang Fan has a solution! ! !
As soon as this idea popped up in his mind, Luo Jianguo felt a burst of uncontrollable surprise, and couldn't help asking.

"Comrade Yang Fan, what do you think, what do you think is the problem this time?"

Very good!
This inquiry is simply too timely. Just now, Yang Fan was still thinking about how to speak, how to remind everyone that there was an error in the parameter setting of the power system.

Where did he think, Luo Jianguo took the initiative to ask this question.

Yang Fan felt a little joy in his heart.

All the participants in the conference room looked at Yang Fan, waiting for his answer.

Sun Baoguo even said: "Master Yang, you always have a solution every time we encounter difficulties, this time it will be the same."

Yang Fan smiled, and spoke amidst everyone's hopeful eyes, "I have thought a lot about these two days, and after a series of work, we are now sure that there is no problem with the crankshaft itself, including design, materials, manufacturing, etc. No problem at all."

Everyone nodded and agreed with this point.

Yang Fan continued: "There is no problem with the crankshaft itself, but in fact it has cracks again. I think it is caused by overload, that is, it has endured a force exceeding its maximum design."

The meeting room was very quiet, everyone listened carefully, Yang Fan's voice was very loud.

"Why is there an overload? For example, if you drive forward at full speed and then reverse at full speed immediately, the crankshaft may be overloaded. There is another situation, that is, a certain parameter setting of the power system may be wrong, causing the crankshaft to overload..."

Yang Fan's analysis was very detailed, and many people's eyes lit up, as if they had a new way of thinking, and some people did not agree with Yang Fan's inference.

"Mr. Yang, such a low-level mistake should not happen. The power system parameters are set incorrectly. This is a bit of a fantasy."

In the face of different opinions, Yang Fan was not angry, but smiled confidently, "Is there a problem with the power system parameter setting, just check it out and you will know."

Yes, there is nothing to doubt about this, just check it out.

Luo Jianguo supported Yang Fan 100%, and said loudly: "I think Comrade Yang Fan's analysis is very reasonable, the meeting is here, act immediately, check the parameter settings of the power system, Mr. Sun, this matter will be handed over to is you."

Sun Baoguo stood up and replied loudly: "I will send technicians right away."

The parameter setting of the power system is completed in the shipyard. After the construction of the first ship in Dongjiang Shipyard is completed, the parameter setting of the power system is completed before it is officially launched.

Even without the cooperation of the designers of Donghai Institute, Dongjiang Shipyard quickly acted. If it is true that the parameters of the power system were set incorrectly, then Dongjiang Shipyard is responsible for this incident.

They dare not neglect and act quickly.

Luo Jianguo, Yang Fan and others also boarded the 054 ship again, and they did not enter the cockpit, but stood on the deck.

Looking at this beautiful 054 ship, many people thought in their hearts, what a guided missile frigate!
Everyone is waiting on the deck to check the results.

"I guess it will be the same as Chief Master Yang speculated. Most likely it is really a problem with the parameter setting of the power system."

"Well, I've thought about it for a long time, and the more I think about it, the more I think Master Yang's deduction makes sense."

"Why didn't we think about the parameter setting of the power system? We always thought that there was a problem with the crankshaft itself."


Everyone was talking like this, these words reached Luo Jianguo's ears, he felt happy for a while, and said in his heart, I hope so, I hope Comrade Yang Fan's speculation is correct again.

After about half an hour.

The technicians in charge of Dongjiang Shipyard, Design Institute, and Diesel Engine Factory came over, and one of the technicians reported loudly: "Leaders, I have found out that one of the parameters of the power system is set incorrectly..."

He reported the situation in more detail.

Immediately, many people looked happy, and almost couldn't help shouting, the real cause of the problem was found.

More people looked at Yang Fan.


Niubi! ! !
This time it was Master Yang again. He speculated that there might be a parameter setting error in the power system, and indeed there was a parameter setting problem.

The atmosphere at the scene became more relaxed, and everyone was happy, talking and laughing.

Luo Jianguo happily held Yang Fan's hand, and said very happily: "General Master Yang, this time I am thankful to you, otherwise, I would not know how to communicate with the leaders at all."

Yang Fan smiled, and said modestly: "It's just luck, my guess has come true again."

Luo Jianguo said: "This is not because of luck, but because of strength."

The two chatted happily, both very happy and relaxed.

Soon, another analysis meeting was held, and everyone agreed that the root cause of the crankshaft cracks was the wrong parameter setting of the power system.

The parameters are corrected, and the first ship is replaced with a new diesel engine. Soon after, it can leave the Dongjiang Shipyard and re-enter naval service.

As for the diesel engine that has been disassembled into parts, it will be shipped back to Hongqi Factory for reassembly, and after passing the re-testing, it can be used on the 054 ship.

After the meeting, the temporary failure analysis team was disbanded, and several experts from the military began to leave Dongjiang Shipyard.

Luo Jianguo also called the leaders immediately to report the situation in detail, and mentioned Yang Fan's name many times.

Things come to an end.

Luo Jianguo could also leave Donghai City and return to the capital.

This is the longest time Luo Jianguo has left the capital since the establishment of the 054 Project Headquarters. He stayed in Donghai City for several days.

Yang Fan also returned to his unit with ease, and finally he could calm down and lead everyone to carry out the design work of 054A.


Tokaisuo International Airport.

A flight from Hong Kong Island landed, and more than 100 people got off the plane. Among these people were three people including Lin Jianwei and his party.

After walking out of the airport, Lin Jianwei personally hailed a taxi, and said loudly to the driver, "Go to the best hotel in Donghai City."


(End of this chapter)

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