Military Heavy

Chapter 501 Conversation

Chapter 501 Conversation
The driver who was driving took a look at Lin Jianwei and the others, and thought in his heart, this is a rich man, and he asked to go to the best hotel in Donghai City as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is indeed rich.

In just a few months, Lin Jianwei led his team, and under the guidance of Yang Fan, made a fortune after another. The original principal was less than one billion, and now it is close to ten billion, equivalent to more than one billion US dollars.

According to Yang Fan's original "speculation" and "analysis", the Southeast Asian financial turmoil has passed the first stage, and Lin Jianwei's team, which has been busy for several months, can finally relax a little bit.

Lin Jianwei took his two assistants to Donghai City by plane, and was going to report to Yang Fan in detail about their work in the past few months.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan is leading the design team in the design of 054A. Now, the progress is good, and a lot of design drawings have been completed, and the most critical time of design has come.

After attending the technical symposium held by the weapon system design room, Yang Fan's cell phone rang just as he returned to the office and sat down, ready to take a look at the design drawings that had just been delivered.

It was Lin Jianwei who called, and he was very respectful, "Boss, we have arrived in Donghai City and are staying at Donghai Hotel."

Donghai Hotel is a five-star hotel and one of the best hotels in Donghai City.

Yang Fan said in surprise: "You really came here!"

Lin Jianwei said: "The plane this morning has just arrived. I want to report to the boss about our situation in the past few months. I also want to hear from the boss about the development trend of the next stage of the Southeast Asian financial turmoil."

These are the two purposes of Lin Jianwei's coming to Donghai City.

One is to report to Yang Fan; the other is to listen to Yang Fan's further analysis and speculation on the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia.

The second point is also the main purpose.

Yang Fan once said that the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia will last until next year, and its development will be divided into three stages, and he analyzed and speculated on the development of the first stage in detail.

All the analysis and conjectures have been accurately fulfilled, basically not bad.

Lin Jianwei and the others seemed to be cheating, each operation was very precise, and they made a lot of money.

Yang Fan thought about it for a while, and then said: "I don't have time today and tomorrow, so how about you stay in a good hotel first, and have a good time in Donghai City for two days. On Saturday afternoon, let's sit down and drink coffee."

Of course, Lin Jianwei had no objection, and quickly said, "Okay, then we'll see you on Saturday."

Yang Fan said: "The place is Donghai Hotel. The environment there is good. When the time comes, my sister will also come over."

The two made an appointment over the phone.

Lin Jianwei was very happy, put down the phone, and said in his heart, with the boss's analysis and speculation on the second stage, we will earn several billion more.

Yang Fan is very busy, especially the design of 054A is his top priority, and he doesn't want to affect his work.

If you are free on Saturday afternoon, you can sit down and drink coffee, chat with Lin Jianwei, and talk about the development of the next stage of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia.

Two days passed in a flash.

Today is Saturday, but Yang Fan is still working overtime in the morning to guide everyone in the design of 054A. Most people rest in the afternoon, and only a few continue to work overtime.

Yang Fan did not plan to come to Donghai Institute in the afternoon, but planned to go to Donghai Hotel.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Fan was driving to go out. Before driving, he called Yang Fang again.

"Sister, I'll go there first, when are you going out?"

The two had contacted each other this morning, and Yang Fang certainly knew where they were going. She said, "I'll be leaving in about half an hour. You go first."

Why did Yang Fan want Yang Fang to go there? The main reason is that there is an important matter. Yang Fan, Yang Fang, and Lin Jianwei are ready to discuss it together.

Yang Fan drove there first.

Lin Jianwei had already greeted him politely in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. He saw Yang Fan as soon as he entered the hotel lobby, and hurriedly greeted him happily.


Yang Fan smiled and said, "Really wait for me here, as I said, just wait for me in the coffee shop."

"It should be, it should be." Lin Jianwei said so, and accompanied Yang Fan into the elevator to the top floor of the building, where there is a transparent sightseeing cafe.

The location has been decided long ago, not the lobby of the coffee shop, but one of the few private rooms.

"Boss, this way please."

Under the leadership of Lin Jianwei, Yang Fan walked into this box.

Nice environment.

A lot of things had already been placed on the table, including all kinds of exquisite desserts. Lin Jianwei made coffee himself without letting the waiter in, and a "Do Not Disturb" sign was hung on the door.

"Boss, how about you try this coffee?"

Yang Fan smiled slightly and took a sip of coffee.

He praised: "It is very difficult to drink such a good coffee in Donghai City. You brought it here from Hong Kong Island."

Lin Jianwei said: "I think this coffee is good, so I brought some here."

The two chatted while drinking coffee.

Lin Jianwei first reported their situation, such as what major operations were carried out, how much money they made, etc., in very detail, much more specific than before on the phone.

The words were full of admiration, Yang Fan's "speculation" and "analysis" were so accurate, it was like a god, no, a prophet.

"Boss, you are so powerful and amazing. It's as if we're cheating, and we've made a lot of money. At present, we have more than two billion dollars in our hands."

Bull batch!
From July to now, in just a few months, it has increased by more than ten times, reaching more than one billion US dollars, not including the money remitted to Hongtai Group before.

Yang Fan was very happy, "You are doing well, you have created a miracle in the investment industry."

Lin Jianwei said: "The boss is too powerful. Without your guidance, how could we be so precise in every operation, and how could we make so much money."

"Boss, you said that the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia will be divided into three stages. The first stage should be considered as the past, so how should the second stage develop?"

How it will develop, others don't know, but Yang Fan knows it clearly.

Combined with the memory of the financial turmoil in his mind, Yang Fan talked about his "speculation" and "analysis" of the second stage.

Lin Jianwei quickly sat up straight, took out his notebook and pen, and recorded carefully while listening.

He had already prepared, his notebook and pen were prepared in advance, as if he was afraid of missing something, he listened carefully and recorded very fast.

No one knows the importance of what Yang Fan said better than Lin Jianwei.

These things are so precious!

With these "analyses" and "speculations", Lin Jianwei is fully sure to earn billions more.

Yang Fan talked for more than half an hour, combining some of his own memories, and talked about how the second phase of this financial turmoil will develop in a more specific way.

It even mentioned the third stage, and briefly talked about how the third stage will develop, which countries will be affected, how the economy will be affected, and which countries' currencies will depreciate significantly.

For more than half an hour, Lin Jianwei recorded seven or eight full pages. After Yang Fan finished speaking, he closed the notebook and carefully put it into his bag.

It seems that this is a priceless treasure.

After putting away the notebook, he said confidently: "Boss, I am confident that I can earn several billion more, just watch our next operation."

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "I'm waiting for your good news."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Yang Fang pushed the door and walked in. Seeing this, Lin Jianwei got up quickly and greeted him actively: "Hello, Chairman."

Yang Fang nodded lightly, and then said apologetically, "Brother, I was delayed by something, so I just come here now."

Yang Fan said: "It doesn't matter, you can come here anytime, it doesn't matter if it's a little later."

Lin Jianwei quickly made a cup of coffee, took the cup of coffee, and Yang Fang sat down, "Brother, you specially asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

She thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on.Under normal circumstances, it was Lin Jianwei who contacted Yang Fan directly, and she seldom took care of those matters, unless Lin Jianwei took the initiative to call her to report.

Faced with the question, Yang Fan smiled, and without saying what it was, he said, "Jianwei, report to my sister how much money we have earned in the past few months."

(End of this chapter)

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