Military Heavy

Chapter 502 US Branch

Chapter 502 US Branch

Lin Jianwei nodded, and began to report on their situation in the past few months, especially how much money they made, how much they made, and so on.

so much money!

Yang Fang looked surprised. She knew that Lin Jianwei and the others had made a lot of money, but she didn't expect to make so much money, a total of 12 billion US dollars.

so much money!

The Hongtai Group is considered rich, and its profitability is also very strong. Whether it is in the real estate market or in the retail market, it has made a lot of money.

But it can't come up with more than 12 billion US dollars!
Yang Fang couldn't believe it a little bit, thinking that she heard it wrong, and asked specially: "It's really 12 billion US dollars, not Hong Kong dollars."

Lin Jianwei replied: "It is indeed 12 billion US dollars, not Hong Kong dollars."

This is true!
For a boss as big as Yang Fang, when he first heard that Lin Jianwei and the others had made more than one billion dollars in just a few months, he didn't come to his senses for a long time.

Gradually, Yang Fang was pleasantly surprised, with a happy expression on her face, "I never expected that we made so much money, Mr. Lin, you really gave me a big surprise."

Lin Jianwei looked humble and took no credit for it, let alone proud, "Chairman, everything is due to the boss. Without his accurate prediction, we would never have made so much money."

Yang Fan didn't delve into this matter, but said with a serious face: "Sister, Jianwei and the others have relatively strong funds, and they specially called you here this time because they have something to discuss with you."

Speaking of business.

Yang Fang also gradually became serious, "Well, if there is anything, you can just talk about it directly, we brothers and sisters don't need to beat around the bush."

Yang Fan cut to the chase, "Sister, that's what I think. Hong Tai Capital has a certain strength, and it should have a broader stage in the future. It's not enough to just stay on Hong Kong Island. I suggest setting up a branch in the United States."

"Yes, I have no objection." Yang Fang agreed without hesitation.

She has always followed Yang Fan's lead, and she will do what Yang Fan says.

The establishment of a US branch seems to be good, and it is completely possible.

Lin Jianwei was pleasantly surprised, "Boss, are you going to enter the US stock market and have a good time?"

Yang Fan said: "Be prepared first, opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared."

Lin Jianwei deeply agreed and nodded.

The three sat together, drinking coffee, and talking about the establishment of the US branch.

Yang Fan means to set up a branch of Hongtai Capital in the United States first, and focus on long-term investment at the beginning. At that time, Yang Fan will definitely "point out" Lin Jianwei to buy a few stocks with huge appreciation potential, and then hold them for a long time.

When there is a big movement in the US stock market and futures market, Yang Fan will definitely not let it go, and will definitely seize the opportunity to let this US branch operate well and earn American money.

Yang Fan is not a professional in financial investment, and he doesn't often speculate in stocks, but the memory of his rebirth is there, and he still remembers the major events in the US stock market and futures market in the future.

The three talked for a long time, of course, mainly based on Yang Fan's opinion.

Lin Jianwei left Donghai City the next day, and the notebook in his bag was full of seven or eight pages, all of which were Yang Fan's "speculation" and "analysis" of the second phase of the Southeast Asian financial turmoil.

Lin Jianwei is full of confidence. After returning to Hong Kong Island, he is ready to do a big job and earn several billion more.

In addition to making a few more big bucks, he also has a new task to prepare for the establishment of a US branch in the next few months.


Dongjiang Shipyard.

The first ship of the 054 ship has been docked there these days, and some workers and technicians on the ship have been busy.

There was a problem with the power system last time. After the cause was found, the military hoped that the ship would be put into service as soon as possible, so a new diesel engine was being installed.

As for the previous problematic diesel engine, it has been shipped back to the Hongqi factory and will be reassembled and tested.

As the deputy director of the power system design room, Han Jiang took two designers to Dongjiang Shipyard again and boarded the 054 ship again.

After boarding the ship, Han Jiang went directly to the power cabin and saw the situation inside. There were a total of four diesel engines neatly arranged. A supervisor technician and two workers from Dongjiang Shipyard were busy.

Han Jiang was very familiar with the technician in charge, and he greeted loudly as soon as he entered the power cabin: "Gong Su, what's the matter, the new diesel engine will be installed soon."

Su Gong replied: "The last few screws are missing, and they will be installed soon."

Han Jiang nodded and took a special look, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it.

After everything was installed, Su Gong and the others carefully checked it, but they were still a little worried and said: "Director Han, please help us take a look."

Han Jiang smiled and said jokingly: "Why, I'm worried that there will be another problem. Don't worry, there will be no such low-level mistakes as wrong parameter settings."

Su Gong blushed.

Han Jiang laughed happily, "Don't mind, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."

Then, Han Jiang and two designers checked again. They were engaged in the design of the power system, and they could still see if there was any problem with the assembly.

After some inspections, Han Jiang said with certainty: "There should be no problem, and the power system parameters need to be reset next."

A new diesel engine was replaced and reinstalled, and some parameters of the power system needed to be reset. Sugong and the others were very stressed about this.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Last time, because of carelessness, someone set a certain parameter of the power system wrongly, which resulted in such a big problem.

Seeing his pressure, Han Jiang said with a relaxed face: "Don't worry, we are watching."

Su Gong was still a little worried and said: "Director Han, you have to check for us, and nothing will go wrong this time."

"Don't worry." Han Jiang replied confidently.

They stayed at the Dongjiang Shipyard until the afternoon before leaving. The power system of the Type 052 guided missile frigate was no longer problematic. A new diesel engine was replaced, and the parameters of the power system were reset, which had been checked and confirmed by Han Jiang.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Han Jiang and the other three left.

There was a white off-road vehicle parked by the pier. It was Han Jiang's new car. He bought it less than a month ago. When he came to Dongjiang Shipyard this time, it was convenient for him to drive his own car.

The two designers who followed Han Jiang were slightly excited, and they thought in unison in their hearts, it's great to be able to ride in Director Han's car again.

The three got into the car, and Han Jiang drove away.

The designer sitting in the co-pilot's seat looked envious, and looked at the decoration inside the car, "Director Han, I didn't expect you to buy a car too, you are one of the few people in our institute who bought a car by yourself .”

Han Jiang smiled, "You work hard, and in a few years, try to buy yourself a car."

The designer smiled and shook his head, thinking, I can't afford it, and I won't be able to afford it in a few years.

Two or three months ago, Yang Fan brought Han Jiang a windfall.

With this money, Han Jiang not only bought a big house with four bedrooms and two halls, but also bought a prosperous shop, and bought this white off-road vehicle with the rest of the money.

The housing prices in Donghai City are not too high now. After buying a house and a prosperous shop for 100 million, there are still 10,000+ left.

In more than ten years, it is unimaginable. The same is 100 million, and it is estimated that even the down payment of a house is not enough.

The next day.

Yang Fan is going to Dongjiang Shipyard. Our first ship has been replaced with a new diesel engine. Everything has been checked and will leave the dock of Dongjiang Shipyard this morning.

Han Jiang arrived at Yang Fan's office early, and he was going to Dongjiang Shipyard today, and said proactively, "Brother Fan, take my car there."

Yang Fan knew that Han Jiang had bought a new car, but he had never sat in it, so he agreed immediately: "Yes, there is no problem, so I don't need to drive myself."

How nice it is to have a car!

Yang Fan felt relieved, looked at the time, got up and said, "Let's go, we can set off."

The two went out one after the other, and a row of parking spaces was drawn on the open space in front of the office building, where Yang Fan's car usually parked.

Next to Yang Fan's car was a brand new white off-road vehicle, which was Han Jiang's new car.

(End of this chapter)

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