Military Heavy

Chapter 503 The Progressive No. 3 Ship

Chapter 503 The Progressive No. 3 Ship
Han Jiang enthusiastically opened the co-pilot's door and invited, "Brother Fan, get in the car first."

After Yang Fan got into the car, he got into the driving seat again, started the car, and headed for Dongjiang Shipyard.While driving, he chatted with Yang Fan from time to time.

"I spent almost a day at Dongjiang Shipyard yesterday, and I didn't come back until after four o'clock in the afternoon. I specially checked the power system, including the parameter settings, and there should be no problem."

He reported to Yang Fan what happened at the Dongjiang factory yesterday.

After Yang Fan listened carefully, he said with great reassurance: "I also think there should be no more problems. Dongjiang Shipyard made such a low-level mistake, and it is impossible for them to make it again."

The two chatted a few words from time to time, and the four or five 10 minutes felt like it was coming soon. The gate of Dongjiang Shipyard was in front of it. Han Jiang was going to park at the gate, and then went to the guard to register.

Who knew that the car had just stopped at the door and hadn't gotten off the car yet. The doorman standing guard was very enthusiastic. Faced with a warm smile, he repeatedly signaled that he could just go in without registering.

Immediately, Han Jiang understood what was going on.

The guard must have seen Yang Fan sitting in the co-pilot and immediately let him go.

Han Jiang admired Yang Fan. He glanced at Yang Fan and said in his heart, Brother Fan's face is not ordinary. He is so easy to use in Dongjiang Shipyard, and the guard directly let him go.

The car was unimpeded, and went directly to the edge of the pier, where the 054 ship was docked, everything was ready, and it was about to set sail.

The pier was also quite lively, not only the workers, technicians, and management personnel of Dongjiang Shipyard, but also several representatives of the garrison army.

Of course, Sun Baoguo was also there. Seeing Yang Fan get off the car and approaching, he quickly walked up to Yang Fan and shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Master Yang, all the people in the navy are already in place. After a while, our warship will leave the dock."

Yang Fan said: "It seems that we came in a relatively timely manner."

After the two chatted for a few words, they walked forward for a certain distance. Just beside the pier, there was this ready-made Type 054 guided missile frigate in front of them.

It is ready to go, and will leave Dongjiang Shipyard again!
It's going into Navy service again!
It will gallop on the blue ocean again!
Yang Fan looked at the 054 ship with satisfaction, and even thought about the differences between the future 054A ship and it, and made improvements and improvements in those aspects.

Sun Baoguo also looked at the 054 ship and assured him: "Master Yang, we have checked the entire power system many times, and there will be no more problems."

Yang Fan fully believed in this, and there would definitely be no more problems.

After a while.

A loud siren sounded, and in everyone's eyes, the warship began to move slowly, slowly leaving the pier.

"Look, it's moving!"

"Finally I can leave again, and I can sail on the sea again."


Many pairs of eyes looked at it, and some people even had a little wet eyes, because they were happy to see our first ship back to normal and go to sea again.

It gradually went away, leaving a long string of white waves on the sea.

The people on the pier gradually dispersed until they were completely invisible.Sun Baoguo also invited: "Master Yang, go to our manufacturing workshop to see how the No. 3 ship is going. Starting next month, our No. 3 line will start the construction of the berth."

Regarding the construction progress of No. 3 ship, Yang Fan has paid less attention recently.

On the one hand, I feel at ease with Dongjiang Shipyard, knowing that they have the experience of successfully building the first ship, and there must be no problem with the construction of the No. 3 ship.On the other hand, Yang Fan was relatively busy and focused on the design of 054A.

Today I specially took the time to come to Dongjiang Shipyard. In addition to seeing off the first ship, I really want to see the manufacturing situation of the No. 3 ship.

Faced with such an invitation, Yang Fan readily agreed, waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's take a look together."

Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan walked in front, followed by several people, such as Han Jiang, some middle and high-level officials from Dongjiang Shipyard, and so on.

While walking, Yang Fan said: "It has been several months since the No. 3 ship started to be manufactured in sections, and some sections are almost completed."

Sun Baoguo smiled proudly, "Several sections have been manufactured, and the construction of the No. 3 ship's berth can begin soon."

Yang Fan's eyes lit up slightly, and he said in surprise: "Your speed is very fast, a little bit beyond my expectation, then I really want to go to the sub-manufacturing workshop to take a good look."

Soon after, Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and other seven or eight people walked into the subsection manufacturing workshop. As soon as they entered, Yang Fan saw several large subsections that had been completed.

And it can be seen at a glance that one of them is the middle section of the bottom of the ship, which is the first section that needs to be used in the construction of the 054 ship berth, and it is also the reference section.

It has been manufactured, and such a large segment is very conspicuous on the manufacturing site. Besides it, the second and third segments needed for the construction of the slipway have also been manufactured.

Some subsequent sections are under construction, some are nearly completed, and some are nearly halfway in progress. Seeing this, Yang Fan's pace has speeded up imperceptibly.

First of all, he walked to the section in the middle of the bottom of the ship, looked and looked, and praised with a look of satisfaction on his face: "Mr. Sun, you really gave a big enough surprise. Such a big section is gratifying to look at." .”

After reading several other sections, Yang Fan counted the days, and it will enter December in a dozen days, so he suggested: "Mr. Sun, why don't you start the construction of the berth of the No. 12 ship on December 12st? Is it difficult?"

Sun Baoguo thought for a while, "It's difficult, but it's not too difficult. Our workers work overtime a few times, and the progress of the first one is not a big problem."

Yang Fan said: "In this case, the construction of the berth will officially start on December 12, how about it?"

Sun Baoguo agreed straight away: "Yes, no problem, then it's settled, and the construction of the No. 12 ship's berth will start on December 1."

Of course, Dongjiang Shipyard hopes to start the construction of the berth as soon as possible and complete the construction of the No. 3 ship as soon as possible. It was originally planned to start the construction of the berth around December 12. It seems that the construction of the No. 5 can be started a few days in advance.

So it's settled.

Yang Fan said heartily: "If Commander Luo knows that the construction of the slipway will start on December 12, I think he will be happier than me."

Sun Baoguo said: "I'll report to Commander Luo in person later, so that he can be happy too."

The two stayed in the manufacturing workshop for at least three or four ten minutes, not only confirming the date of the construction of No. 10 ship berth, but also looking at the sections that were completed or under construction.

Around 11 am, Yang Fan was about to leave Dongjiang Shipyard and wanted to go back to Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Sun Baoguo enthusiastically persuaded him to stay, "General Master Yang, it's almost noon, how about leaving after eating?"

Yang Fan looked embarrassed, "No way, the design of 054A has entered a critical moment. I still have a lot of things to do in the afternoon, so I have to go back this morning."

That's it.

Sun Baoguo expressed his understanding, and knew that Yang Fan had a heavy burden at present. The design of 054A could not be delayed. Dongjiang Shipyard was also waiting. He hoped that Donghai Institute could complete the design as soon as possible so that they could start the construction of the first 054A.

Unable to leave Yang Fan for lunch, Sun Baoguo enthusiastically sent Yang Fan to the car, and he didn't look away until the car was gone.

I thought in my heart that the design time of 054A is 10 months, and the overall design will be completed in a few months. Maybe, the construction of the first 054A will start in June or July next year.

Sun Baoguo knew that some preparatory work could be carried out in advance, so as not to be in a hurry, so after sending Yang Fan away, he went to the remodeled slipway.

The construction of the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has been completed there. This inclined berth has been transformed into a horizontal berth, and it is planned to build the first ship of the 054A there in the future.

Han Jiang drove away from Dongjiang Shipyard.

After leaving the factory area, he suggested: "Brother Fan, should we rush back to the unit's cafeteria for lunch? How about this, I treat guests, let's find a place to have lunch before returning to the unit."

This is a good idea.

It's just that it's too early to go to eat now, Yang Fan thought for a while and said, "Then let's take a look at Hongtai Building first, and then find a place to eat nearby, after dinner we'll go back to Donghai Institute."

It was convenient to have a car. At noon, Han Jiang drove to the Hongtai Building which was under construction, and he could already see the building under construction from a long distance away.

Han Jiangdao: "It's really spectacular. The JM Building is not far next to it. The two buildings stand out like a flock of chickens. It looks really enjoyable."

Through the car window, Yang Fan can already see these two buildings. The height of each building exceeds [-] floors, which is higher than the surrounding buildings. It really stands out from the crowd.

If it is fully completed and reaches a height of more than eighty floors, wouldn't it stand here like a giant, and it would be even more spectacular.

The car arrived in front of Hongtai Building, and after finding a place to park, the two got out of the car and walked over together, looking at it for a long time.Yang Fan did not reveal his identity to enter the construction site, but watched with satisfaction from a distance.

I thought in my heart, in the first half of next year, Hongtai Building should be capped.

After feeling that it was almost done, Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's find a place to eat, and then go back to work."

The two got back into the car.

This is the core factory area of ​​Donghai City. It is very lively and prosperous. As long as you have money, you can eat everything and buy any good things.

Yang Fan saw that there was a western restaurant in front of him that seemed to be good, and it looked very high-end. It would be nice to have a change of taste occasionally and eat western food.

"Is there any western restaurant in front of you, let's go there to eat."

Of course Han Jiang saw it, "Brother Fan, it must be very expensive there. I don't know if we can afford such a meal with the combined monthly salary of the two of us."

A pitiful look.

Han Jiang probably felt very sorry for his pocket.

Yang Fan smiled, "Don't pretend to be pitiful, I treat you, and you don't need to pay a penny."

Immediately, Han Jiang was revived with full blood, and he looked very happy, "Great, it seems that I have taken oral medicine at noon today, it is better to come out with Brother Fan."

Yang Fan laughed and scolded: "Stop flattering, concentrate on driving."

(End of this chapter)

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