Military Heavy

Chapter 505 Entering Ship No. 2

Chapter 505 Entering Ship No. 2
Some workers stopped their work and stretched their necks. Looking at the mid-bottom section that had fallen on the construction slipway, they couldn't figure it out. It seemed a little different from their years of experience.

Not only has it not been lifted again, but technicians and inspectors are already conducting inspections, and laser theodolites have also been used.

Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo smiled similarly, of course they understood what was going on.

"I didn't expect our luck to be so good, and it will be in place at one time."

Yang Fan said: "This is the advantage of building the berth horizontally. If it is an inclined berth, it is estimated that some adjustments will be required."

The berth is horizontal, and the middle part of the bottom of the ship is also horizontal after being placed on it, horizontally and vertically, whether it is verticality or levelness, it is easy to meet the technological requirements.

Just fine-tuning, about two or three 10 minutes before and after, the person in charge of the construction of the No. 3 ship platform trotted all the way, looking more excited.

"Mr. Sun, a good start. We successfully placed the middle section of the ship's bottom in one go. Now its horizontal and vertical dimensions have fully met the technical requirements. We can lift the second section for butt jointing and welding."

Sun Baoguo looked happy, and ordered: "Continue to build according to the process flow, and start the lifting of the second section."

The person in charge left happily.

Sun Baoguo thanked Yang Fan again: "Master Yang, it seems reasonable for you to suggest that we build a horizontal berth. For ships like the 054, which require high construction precision, the horizontal berth is more suitable for it."


As soon as the construction of the No. 3 ship started, Dongjiang Shipyard tasted the sweetness.

Soon after, the second section also started to be hoisted, and successfully docked with the mid-bottom section as the construction reference on the horizontal construction slipway, and then started welding.

The segments are welded to each other, and some segmental components will be welded on the berth one after another, as well as some outfitting parts and so on.

Ship No. 3 officially started berth construction at Dongjiang Shipyard!
Yang Fan was in a good mood, and stayed here almost all morning, watching with his own eyes the hoisting and placement of the first section of the No. Segments are hoisted onto the berth
It was near noon that Yang Fan left the berth.

Sun Baoguo was very happy and enthusiastic, and insisted on keeping Yang Fan down for dinner, saying that he was grateful to General Master Yang for suggesting that they build such a level construction berth.

The kindness was really difficult to refrain from, and Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute after eating lunch.

New Year's Eve.

The atmosphere of Xiangjiang Shipyard seems to be a little different from usual, the whole factory is full of joy, not because of the coming of New Year's Day, but because there is a big happy event for them.

The No. 054 ship of the Type 2 guided missile frigate will soon enter the Navy.

It has been officially set. On December 12, the No. 29 ship will be officially commissioned, and a grand delivery and commissioning ceremony will be held for the No. 2 ship.

As the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan was invited to participate.

Not only Yang Fan came, but also a lot of people from the East China Sea Institute, and many other related units. In addition, the military has the most people.

On the morning of the 29th.

A round of red sun rose from the east, and the sun penetrated the mist on the sea level, sprinkled on the vast sea, and also sprinkled on the wharf of Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Beside the pier, our No. 2 ship has been completely dressed up, with colorful flags fluttering, it looks very festive, and it is extremely eye-catching in the brilliance of the rising sun.

It lies down quietly, quietly waiting for the start of the enlistment ceremony.

The pier is already very lively, there are already thousands of people.People from Xiangjiang Shipyard, people from design units, people from related supporting units, and a large number of people from the military.

It was lively and very festive!
"It's really exciting. After the first ship, our No. 2 ship will also be listed in just a few months."

"Look, how beautiful our No. 2 ship is today, I really want to take a photo with it."


All kinds of voices floated in the ears, hearing these words. , the small number of people inevitably increased excitement, looking at the No. [-] ship in front, unwilling to leave for a long time.

It seems that the more I look at it, the more I like it, and the more I look at it, the happier I am, especially the comrades in the shipyard, thinking of their hard work day and night to achieve such a huge labor achievement, their hearts are agitated, and their eyes are slightly moist.

Soon after, the whole pier was in commotion.

Many people stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks to look in the direction they were coming from. In everyone's eyes, a convoy was heading this way.

After the convoy stopped, many people got out of the car, except for some people in civilian clothes, most of them were in military uniform.

The military leaders are here.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the commissioning ceremony of the second ship officially began.

It was personally hosted by a major leader of the military.First of all, the main leaders of the Navy delivered speeches, highly praised the No. [-] ship, and also praised the design units and construction units that paid for it, especially mentioning Donghai Institute and Xiangjiang Shipyard.

As the chief designer, Yang Fan spoke on behalf of Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In everyone's eyes, Yang Fan walked along the red carpet to the speaking seat. His face was relatively calm, but careful people could see that Yang Fan was very happy and excited today.

The ten-minute speech was interrupted several times by warm applause.

What makes everyone even more joyful is that Yang Fan clearly told everyone that the current first ship and the second ship are just the starting point of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. .

After the speech, the applause continued for a long time.

After the head of Xiangjiang Shipyard finished his speech, the delivery and enlistment ceremony of the No. [-] ship officially began. Amid the solemn national anthem, the representative of Xiangjiang Shipyard handed over the key symbolizing the delivery to the first captain of the No. [-] ship. on hand.

The navy leader who presided over the delivery ceremony loudly announced that the No. [-] ship was successfully delivered today.

Immediately afterwards, the commissioning ceremony of the No. 526 ship was held. After the commissioning ceremony, the naval leaders announced the official hull number [-] of the No. [-] ship.

After the enlistment ceremony, everyone boarded the 054 ship next to the dock. The naval leaders boarded the ship carefully and watched it, and they spoke highly of the ship.

After the visit, everyone took a group photo on the pier with the 054 ship as the background.

So far, the No. [-] ship has been successfully delivered and commissioned, and it will also begin to officially enter service.

After the ceremony, the military leaders left, but this did not prevent the celebratory banquet in the evening.

Whether it is Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, Yang Fan, the chief designer, or Hu Yong, the chief builder of the No. [-] ship, they are all extremely happy.

At the celebration banquet in the evening, it may be that he was so happy that Hu Yong got drunk.

Yang Fan also got drunk before returning to the hotel where he was staying.


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan has been back for several days, and New Year's Day is over, and now it is 1998, and Yang Fan still remembers the scene when the No. 2 ship was delivered and commissioned a few days ago.

The No. [-] ship was successfully commissioned and officially entered into service; the No. [-] ship has also entered the construction stage of the berth...

Yang Fan was thinking about these things in his heart. Recently, good things happened one after another!

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang, interrupting Yang Fan's train of thought.

It was Luo Jianguo who called, "Comrade Yang Fan, I have good news for you."


Yang Fan immediately became interested, and immediately said: "What good news, Commander Luo personally called."

Luo Jianguo first gave a hearty smile, and then said, "Do you still remember the roof radar we imported?"

of course I remember!

How could it be forgotten!

It is precisely because of the imported Russian roof radar that the 054A has undergone major changes and replaced it with a three-coordinate radar with better cost performance.

For the Type 054 guided missile frigate with a displacement of more than [-] tons, the three-coordinate radar is sufficient.

The roof radar is cheaper than the phased array control radar, the volume and weight are much smaller, and the energy consumption is much less. After the roof radar is replaced, the 054 ship has freed up a lot of cabin capacity. This time, the design of the 054A is here. On the one hand, it has been optimized a lot.

Yang Fan replied: "Of course I remember the imported Russian roof radar. Why, is there any good news about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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