Military Heavy

Chapter 506 Arrival of the Roof Radar

Chapter 506 Arrival of the Roof Radar
Yang Fan had a premonition that the first batch of imported Russian roof radars might be arriving soon.

Sure enough, Luo Jianguo didn't beat around the bush, and said directly, "Comrade Yang Fan, you may have guessed what the good news is. That's right, the first batch of Russian roof radars we imported has arrived in our territory."

This is really good news!
When it comes to our territory, it is a matter of certainty, and it is impossible to run away.

Although a formal cooperation agreement has been signed with Lao Maozi, things will generally not change, but things are always so reassuring when they arrive in our territory.

The stone in Yang Fan's heart fell to the ground completely, and he no longer had to worry.

At least there is no problem with the radar required by the first ship of 054A, so there is no need to worry about anything. Yang Fan said happily: "Commander Luo, this is really good news."

Luo Jianguo agreed: "It's indeed good news. After receiving such a report, I felt a lot more relaxed."

After speaking, he was so happy that he laughed, the laughter was very hearty.

After laughing happily, he also said: "There are two radars in the first batch, one of which will be shipped to our land joint commissioning base for experiments and tests, and the other will be shipped to XX Radar Research Institute for their conduct scientific research."


Yang Fan nodded, knowing that such an arrangement is the most appropriate, especially a radar for XX Radar Research Institute is very necessary.

They must conduct research on the basis of that radar, thoroughly understand the technology in it, and lay the foundation for future localized imitation, and even future improvement and enhancement.

It is not just an imitation of the original copy, we must improve on this basis, and strive to achieve localization in the future so that the blue is better than the blue.

Many weapons and equipment in our country follow this path, first import, then imitate, then digest and absorb, then improve and optimize, and finally have our own weapons and equipment.

The Russian roof radar also follows this path.

The two chatted on the phone for a long time, not only about the Russian roof radar, but also about the Type 054A missile frigate currently under design.

Since the start of the overall design in August 1997, the progress has been good. Many key designs have been completed or will be completed soon. Yang Fan told Luo Jianguo confidently that it will take less than 8 months to fully complete the design of 054A, and it will be completed in about 10 months. fully completed.

This made Luo Jianguo very happy. On the phone, he lavishly praised Yang Fan and the others for their design work, and said that he would report the good news to the higher-ups.

Putting down the phone and sitting on the sofa in the office, Yang Fan opened the drawer and took out the information on the Russian roof radar, looking at it with great interest.

I don’t know how many times I have read these technical materials, and I seem to never tire of reading them. Yang Fan is also very familiar with the Russian roof radar. Historically, it has been widely used on our Type 054 and Type 054A guided missile frigates.

In my mind, I can't help but see its appearance.

Yang Fan can even say that he knows the parameters of the machine fluently, and he knows its performance like the palm of his hand.

Because the radar antenna is two large plates back to back, it is very vividly called "roof" radar.

It is a one-dimensional frequency-sweeping three-coordinate radar, technically similar to the American sps-48 series, with elevation frequency sweep and azimuth sweep.Using intra-pulse frequency sweep, multiple beams can be obtained to increase the data rate.

It is nicknamed "Top Plate", which is quite vivid. It is responsible for the air search and alert mission of the entire ship at ordinary times. In wartime, its main task is to transfer target traces to the target distribution station to which the missile weapon system belongs.

The radar antenna is composed of two one-dimensional frequency-scanned single-sided arrays back-to-back. The normal speed is 6 rpm, and the wartime speed is 12 rpm. The data rate is 1 time/2.5 seconds.

该雷达采用MTI、方位机扫、俯仰频扫体制,工作频段为C波段,天线波束宽度为方位2°、俯仰2。5°-3。5°,天线增益33-35dB,天线总重3。5 吨。

Yang Fan still clearly remembers that after the localization of this radar, the performance has improved a lot. On the basis of the original model, the transmission power has been doubled to 90kW, and the maximum effective distance is still 300 kilometers. The detection distance of fighter planes and missiles has been improved. increased by 20%, reaching 230 kilometers and 50 kilometers respectively.

Yang Fan was very satisfied with this radar. He thought a lot by himself, and then got up after a long time, sat in front of the big reading table, and began to seriously review some design drawings of 054A sent over.

Northeast, a certain customs.

Two imported Russian-made roof radars have arrived here, the relevant customs clearance procedures have been completed, and they can be transported away at any time.

Li Yong is a newcomer to the customs office and has just started working after graduating from university this year.

He found it very strange that several containers that had been declared for import a few days ago had been placed there and were not transported away immediately.

This is not what surprised him the most. What puzzled him was that these containers were not only placed alone, but a cordon was drawn around them, and there were several soldiers standing guard there.

What's inside these containers!The level of alert is actually so high.

He is very curious.

He happened to pass by here today with his master, and took a few more glances at those containers from a distance.

They are still parked on those few trains. There are two containers on each flat car, and Russian is written on each container.

Li Yong couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "Master, you are well-informed and experienced. What's the situation with those containers over there?"

As an old customs officer, Wang Yiming, of course, had already taken a rest to the situation there. Although he was also curious, he knew the discipline.

He specially warned: "Xiao Li, we must remember as customs, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't inquire about what you shouldn't ask."

Li Yong obviously didn't take his master's warning seriously, and said disapprovingly, "Master, I'll check if I want it, and I brought a few containers full of imported daily necessities."

Wang Yiming looked at the cordon over there, looked at the military guards, and reminded: "Daily necessities are impossible, I guess they are very important military supplies."

It is actually important military supplies!

Li Yong stopped in his tracks and looked over there in astonishment.

Seeing his reaction, Wang Yiming cried bitterly, "My little ancestor, hurry up, don't make mistakes."

Wang Yiming pulled Li Yong away quickly, and when he was far away, he warned again and again in a serious tone, don't inquire about those containers.

It is estimated that Li Yong never imagined that those were the first batch of Russian roof radars we imported. They have already entered the customs and may be shipped away at any time.

Luo Jianguo came in person, and Deng Jun, a famous three-coordinate radar expert, also arrived.

Luo Jianguo and Deng Jun walked in front, followed by several people, including people from the military and some people brought by Deng Jun.

The group of people had a very clear goal and walked directly to these containers.

Looking at these containers, both Deng Jun and Luo Jianguo were extremely happy.

Luo Jianguo said with a relaxed expression: "Mr. Deng, a total of two radars have arrived, and one of them has been shipped to your research institute. You must understand its technology as soon as possible."

Deng Jun has been officially appointed as the chief designer of the domestic roof radar, and the authorized production of this radar will be launched in China first, that is, imitation.

Deng Jun said confidently: "Commander Luo, we have the confidence to understand its technology."

There are several reasons for this confidence.

First, we have introduced a complete set of Russian version of the production and manufacturing technical materials for this radar.Second, now there is another official roof radar as a sample for scientific research.Third, Deng Jun is very confident in his own technology and the technical team he leads.

It seemed that he felt Deng Jun's confidence, and Luo Jianguo felt relieved.

He called the person in charge here with a wave of his hand, asked about the situation, and asked to open one of the containers.

Seeing the imported radar in the container, such original goods, both of them were quite excited.

Deng Jun even climbed on the train and looked inside the container again and again. The more he looked, the more he liked it and the more he looked, the happier he was.

"Commander Luo, we finally have the long-awaited Russian roof radar!"

Luo Jianguo smiled happily.

That night, taking advantage of the darkness, a military column was attached to these carriages, and they began to go south.


That's all for today's update, thank you everyone, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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