Military Heavy

Chapter 507 Jiang Dan's object

Chapter 507 Jiang Dan's object

In [-], after the Spring Festival.

The design of 054A has entered the final stage, many joint designs have been completed, and the drawings sent to Yang Fan every day have been significantly reduced.

Today, only one blueprint was sent over. Yang Fan spent one to two minutes to read it, but found nothing wrong, so he picked up a pen and signed his name.

Yang Fan obviously felt that after the design entered the final stage, he obviously became more relaxed, and there were obviously not so many things to do.

I even had time to make a cup of coffee and drink it slowly while sitting in the office alone.

After taking two sips of coffee, he simply sat down in front of the computer and turned on the computer, browsing the news and information on the web with great interest.

The interface of the computer is no longer a DOS system, but a WIN95 system, which feels good, and Yang Fan prefers to use this system.

There are also some domestic websites, and some forums and the like. Compared with two or three years ago, the Internet is now much more developed.

Now there is a fashionable name called "surfing the Internet", which is especially liked by some young people.

Sitting in front of the computer, no one disturbs, and there is no need to go to a meeting, Yang Fan browses some web pages and watches some news on the Internet.

After looking at it for a while, I thought to myself that it is still the initial stage of the domestic Internet, and it can only be regarded as just getting started. If it takes another year or two, the situation will be completely different.

When next year, QQ should also come out, then apply for a number to play.

The number I applied for at that time must be a good number, and after more than ten years, it will be the envy of others.

After watching the news for about two or three 10 minutes, Yang Fan turned off the computer and went to the design room below to take a look.

Sometimes I also guide the design studio below to carry out the design. Whenever someone asks a technical question, I will patiently answer it every time.

Especially in the face of those young designers, Yang Fan often has no airs and acts approachable.

Many young designers are also willing to ask Yangfan some technical questions, and often benefit a lot every time.

In this way, after looking around the design rooms below, I returned to the office, and it was almost the afternoon off-duty time.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, today is really relaxing, the most relaxing time in the past few months.

Tomorrow is the weekend, starting from this weekend, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute implements a two-day system.

In the past, normal overtime work was arranged on Saturdays. As the design of 054A enters the final stage, there is no need to arrange for all employees to work overtime in the office. There are some people who have not completed the key design, they need to work overtime to grab the progress.

Yang Fan is not going to come to the institute tomorrow. After working so hard for several months, he also wants to reward himself, relax and take a good rest for two days.

Raising his hand to check the time, it was already time to get off work, so Yang Fan tidied up his big desk a little bit, looked again, felt that there was nothing wrong, and then walked out of his office.

When the off-duty employees see Yang Fan, they will take the initiative to say hello enthusiastically.

"Hello, Master Yang!"

"Director Yang, it's time to get off work!"


In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Yang Fan will often respond with a smile, or wave his hand and nod.

In front of the office building, I got into my big off-road vehicle, drove out of Donghai Office, and drove on the streets of Donghai City.

In the 90s, the development of Donghai City has become faster and faster, and there have been huge changes compared with two or three years ago.

The streets are wider, there are more high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, and each street is more prosperous, and it has initially taken on the appearance of an international metropolis.

In another ten or eight years, Yang Fan, as a reborn person, knows that Donghai City will become an internationally famous metropolis with a population of 2000 million.

Because it is the weekend after get off work, there are more people and cars on the street.

Compared with a few years ago, the number of bicycles has decreased significantly, and the number of private cars has gradually increased.

The speed of the car was relatively slow. Besides driving carefully, Yang Fan occasionally took a look at the bustling street from the corner of his eye.

I accidentally saw a game hall next to the street.There was a lot of business there and it seemed to be packed with people.

Yang Fan smiled lightly, thinking of himself, before rebirth, when he was a child, he often went to the game hall to play games.

I often quietly save the money for meals, and after school, I go to the game hall with three or five classmates and spend all the money I have on me before going home.

Seeing this game hall with a good business, and recalling those memories of my childhood, I can't help but feel warm.

It is not far from the East China Sea to return to the residence. If the traffic is smooth, it will take less than half an hour. Today, there are many cars and people. It took Yang Fan [-] minutes to return to his big villa.

He parked the car at the entrance of the big villa, and after getting off the car, he glanced at another big villa. There was a black Poussin parked at the door, and the other was a red Volkswagen.

Yang Fan knew that Jiang Yan had come back from get off work and should be at his father-in-law's house.

This is often the case every weekend. The family basically eats at Jianghaihai. Everyone enjoys together happily and has a strong sense of family.

Yang Fan went directly to his father-in-law's house, pushed open the door, and when he entered the living room, he found it very lively.

Not only Jiang Dahai and his wife, Jiang Yan, Yang Hao, even Jiang Dan came back, but also a strange young man.

Seeing Jiang Dan getting very close to the young man, Yang Fan immediately understood that this should be Jiang Dan's target.

It turned out that Jiang Dan brought her boyfriend home for the first time, and Yang Fan immediately understood what was going on.

Seeing Yang Fan, Jiang Dan immediately introduced, "Cao Yong, this is my brother-in-law Yang Fan. Your name is Brother Fan."

It turns out that Jiang Dan's partner is Cao Yong.

Jiang Dan has already found a partner, and Yang Fan knows about it. He heard from Jiang Yan that he seems to be in the same unit as Jiang Dan, and he is also a technician.

It's just that I haven't seen it, and I don't know the other person's name.

Cao Yong seemed a little cautious, stood up and took out his cigarette nervously.

Very politely said: "Brother Fan, please smoke."

Yang Fan quickly waved his hands and said with a smile, "I don't smoke, please sit down quickly, please sit down."

It should be a while since Jiang Dan came back with his partner. It can be seen that Yang Dahai and his wife are very satisfied with Cao Yong.

Especially Li Xiuzhen. , with a beaming smile, I haven't been so cheerful and happy for a long time.

Yang Fan saw that everyone was here and it was time for dinner, so he suggested, "Well, we won't eat at home anymore, how about going out for a little something?"

Cao Yong hurriedly said: "It's too expensive to eat outside, so let's eat casually at home."

It's the first time Jiang Dan's partner came to the door, how can he eat a little casually? In order to show politeness, Yang Fan still insisted: "Go outside to eat, I'll treat you."

Yang Dahai also said, "Yang Fan is right, our family will go out for dinner to avoid the trouble of cooking by ourselves."

Jiang Dan looked very happy, and gave Yang Fan a thankful look: "Brother-in-law, thank you then."

The family went out happily and drove two cars, one for Yang Fan and one for Jiang Yan.

Jiang Dan and his partner were sitting in Yang Fan's car, and Jiang Dahai and his wife took Yang Hao to live in Jiang Yan's car.

The two cars went out one after the other.

Yang Fan is still very familiar with any better restaurants nearby, after all, he eats out quite a lot.

After driving for 10 minutes on the second or third day, I arrived at a restaurant with a very good environment and grade.

Asked for a private room, Yang Fan took the menu and ordered a large table, and the family sat down to eat in the private room.

Jiang Dahai specially brought a bottle of wine, which was Moutai that Yang Fan bought for him.

He usually does not drink Moutai, but only drinks Moutai when there are happy events or during the Chinese New Year.

Such a large table.

Cao Yong expressed his thanks to Yang Fan again and again. Maybe he originally wanted him to pay for it himself, but he roughly calculated such a meal in his heart, and estimated that his monthly salary was not enough.

Jiang Dan obviously saw Cao Yong's thoughts, gently pulled his clothes, and said softly, "You don't need to pay, my brother-in-law has plenty of money."

After the family sat down to eat, Cao Yong took the initiative to toast Jiang Dahai and then Li Xiuzhen with a wine glass, which seemed very polite.

After two sips of wine, Jiang Dahai began to inquire about Cao Yong's situation in further detail, such as his work situation, his family's situation and so on.Sometimes, Li Xiuzhen would ask a few questions.

Cao Yong always answered respectfully, such as the number of people in his family, how many brothers and sisters, his current work situation, and even his salary and income.

Yang Fan basically didn't ask about these things. His concept was different from that of Jiang Dahai and his wife. He only chatted with Jiang Yan occasionally, and usually spent time eating and eating.

The meal lasted for more than an hour. After the meal, everyone returned home. After sitting there, Cao Yong felt that the time was almost up. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, so he got up to leave.

Of course, Jiang Dahai and his wife didn't keep him, they just said a few polite words, such as welcome him to come and play next time, and Jiang Dan sent her partner to the gate.

Back at his home, Jiang Yan asked with concern: "Brother Fan, what do you think of my younger sister's partner?"

Yang Fan replied: "I think it's not bad, the two of them seem to be a good match."

Jiang Yan also said: "I think so too, I think it would be nice for the two of them to be together."

Yang Fan agreed, "I hope the two of them can come together and be happy."

The next day.

Because today is Saturday and he doesn't have to go to work, Yang Fan got up late, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and he was still sleeping very soundly.

However, a knock on the door woke Yang Fan up from his dream.

(End of this chapter)

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