Military Heavy

Chapter 509 Help Me Keep It Secret

Chapter 509 Help Me Keep It Secret
Yang Fan smiled happily.

"It is impossible to lose money by opening an Internet cafe now. It is 100% profitable. Let me tell you, for example, if you have a hundred machines, and each machine is four or five yuan per hour, let's count it as four yuan. One small machine is 400 yuan. Ten An hour is four thousand, 24 hours a day, how much do you think it is?"

Immediately, Jiang Dan's eyes became stars.

Oh my God!

One day is enough to cover my salary for several months. I must open an Internet cafe and never go to work anymore, Jiang Dan thought to himself.

Of course, this requires a lot of capital, so Jiang Dan hugged Yang Fan's arm and shook it coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, you must help me, and you have to support me with the cost of opening an Internet cafe."

Yang Fan said straightforwardly again: "No problem, the cost of opening the Internet cafe is covered by me, and I can give you as much as you want."

Jiang Dan smiled happily: "Brother-in-law, you are the best for me."

Yang Fan couldn't take it anymore, and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay, don't shake it anymore, I'm about to be shaken to pieces."

Jiang Dan made a mischievous face, smiled, and asked: "Brother-in-law, this place is not suitable for opening a large-scale Internet cafe, so where do you suggest my Internet cafe be opened?"

Yang Fan replied without hesitation: "Of course it is near the university, the area around Tunghai University is good."

Yang Fan is of course very familiar with the area of ​​Tunghai University, where he spent four years in university.

It is a veritable university city in Donghai City. In addition to Donghai University, there are several famous universities such as Donghai University of Finance and Economics and Donghai Jiaotong University within a few kilometers.

There are a lot of college students there, so you don't even need to think about opening an Internet cafe in that place, you will definitely make a lot of money, and it will be full every day.

Jiang Dan said: "It's still early, brother-in-law, you can do it to the end, and drive me to Donghai University to have a look. If you can choose a place to open an Internet cafe today, that would be the best."

She is a quick-tempered person. She wants to do something right away.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Okay, then get in the car, let's go over there for a while."

Jiang Dan got into the car happily. As for the facade, he definitely won't rent it anymore. Anyway, he didn't pay the rent. He just talked with the boss and reached an agreement.

Yang Fan drove to the area of ​​Tunghai University on familiar roads, and in less than an hour, he arrived at the gate of Tunghai University.

There is a big street outside the main entrance of Tunghai University, which is very lively. There are several universities along this street.

Yang Fan slowed down the speed of the car, paying attention to the situation on both sides of the street while driving, Jiang Dan did the same, his eyes widened.

She looked outside seriously, as if afraid of missing something.

After driving along this wide and straight street from the gate of Tunghai University for only three to four hundred meters, Yang Fan pulled over and stopped.

Pointing to the side of the street, he said, "Have you seen that, that facade seems to be pretty good."

It was a large front facing the street, the gate was closed tightly, and a notice for rent was pasted on the door.

The two got out of the car happily, looked at the entrance of this facade, and felt that this location was very good.

The entrance is the main street, and there are many people and vehicles, especially there are many college students coming and going.

After looking at it, Yang Fan took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on the notice. After a while, the boss of this store came over.

At Yang Fan's request, the boss opened the front door, and he and Jiang Dan walked in to have a look under the leadership of the boss.

This facade is really good, with two floors, each with a size of two to three hundred square meters.

It may be a bit small for a large supermarket, but if it is used for an Internet cafe, two or three hundred machines can be placed, which is perfect.

Yang Fan was very satisfied, so he decided to make the decision for Jiang Dan and started talking with the store owner.

The rent is a little expensive.

After haggling over the price, Yang Fan cut down a bit, and felt that the possibility of further rent negotiation was relatively small, so he readily discussed the details of the lease with the boss.

After the general matters were basically negotiated, Yang Fan put a deposit of 1000 yuan to the boss and asked the boss to give a receipt for the deposit.

The official lease contract will be signed by Jiang Dan and the shop owner in two days, so Yang Fan doesn't have to worry about it.

After Yang Fan paid a deposit of 1000 yuan, Jiang Dan also got the key to the facade as he wished.

She was as happy as a child, bouncing out of the door.

Raising his hand to see that the time has reached 11:[-] noon, Yang Fan said jokingly: "I helped you find such a good place, do you want to invite me to dinner to show it?"

Jiang Dan readily agreed to him, but declared in advance: "Now I don't have much money, so I can only buy you a box lunch at a cheaper place."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "The box lunch is free, let me treat you to dinner, find a better place, have a good meal, and congratulate you on the opening of the Internet cafe in advance."

"Okay, let's go eat now." Jiang Dan replied happily.

The two got into the car again, drove for about two or three kilometers, found a good restaurant, sat down by the window.

Yang Fan took the menu and ordered a few delicate dishes. The two continued to chat happily while eating.

Jiang Dan knew that her brother-in-law was very powerful, especially with a very unique vision. She seemed very modest and asked Yang Fan some questions about opening an Internet cafe.

Yang Fan has never opened an Internet cafe, but as a reborn person, he has seen too many Internet cafes.

So based on his own memory, he began to tell Jiang Dan about the Internet cafe, especially to give her some advice on operation.

As if he had found a treasure, Jiang Dan immediately wrote down all these suggestions from Yangfan.

She was very happy, and thought to herself more than once, I am so lucky to have such a powerful brother-in-law, and I think all the guidance he gave me are good.

After eating, when he was about to leave, Jiang Dan suddenly warned: "Brother-in-law, don't tell my parents about my opening of the Internet cafe for now, I'm afraid they will object."

Yang Fan thought about it for a while, but still agreed: "No problem, I will keep it secret for you for the time being."

It's really not suitable to mention this matter with his father-in-law and mother-in-law now. After Jiang Dan's Internet cafe opens, by that time, the raw rice will have been cooked. Even if Jiang Dahai and the others want to object, they probably won't be so strong.

After the meal, the two went home happily, and it was already past one o'clock at noon when they got home.

It took so long to come back, Jiang Yan was very curious, so he couldn't help asking: "Brother Fan, what did you do? It took so long."

Without waiting for Yang Fan to answer, Jiang Dan immediately said, "I will keep it secret for the time being, and I won't tell you."

She even kept her own sister a secret and didn't want to tell anyone for now.

Yang Fan smiled, and said softly to Jiang Yan, "I'll talk to you slowly when we get home."

Jiang Dan went out after not staying at home for long, probably because she was busy with some things about opening an Internet cafe.

In the next period of time, she will be busy. Not only will she have to go through some procedures for opening an Internet cafe, but the leased facade will also need to be redecorated, and she will also need to buy two to three hundred computers.

In addition, some talents must be recruited.Such as cashiers, aunts who do hygiene, and network administrators who understand computer networks.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan returned to their home.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Jiang Yan finally asked again: "Brother Fan, what did you guys do this morning? It's so mysterious."

Yang Fan didn't hide anything, and explained the matter in general.

After listening to this, Jiang Yan was very shocked. He never thought that his younger sister was a restless person who was completely unwilling to live a normal nine-to-five life and wanted to start her own business.

Yang Fan comforted: "You don't have to worry about her. I think opening an Internet cafe is a sure thing. She will definitely not lose money."

Jiang Yan nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if it's a loss, the 100 million is just for her to practice."

Yang Fan has promised to lend 100 million to Jiang Dan to open an Internet cafe.

For ordinary people, 100 million is an astronomically huge amount of money, but for Yang Fan, it is basically just a drizzle. Jiang Yan didn't take this money to heart, and was ready to lose it all. Mental preparation.

Yang Fan knows that this money will definitely not be lost, and Jiang Dan may earn the first million or the second million in her life in less than a year.

In the following days, Jiang Dan went out early and returned late every day, busy with her career.

Jiang Dahai and his wife didn't know that Jiang Dan had gone through the formalities of suspension without pay and started her first business in her life.


When the time entered March, the design of 054A has also entered the final stage.

A lot of design drawings began to be sorted and archived, and the orchid drying room of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute was also very busy, and workers began to dry orchids on the design drawings.

Yang Fan roughly predicted that in about a month or so, that is, in April, the design of 054A will be fully completed, and design acceptance and review can be carried out.

Obviously, the above is also paying attention to the design progress of 054A.

As the commander-in-chief of Project 054, Luo Jianguo made a special phone call to inquire.

For the past month, he has taken the initiative to call almost every week, mainly to inquire about the design of 054A.

Luo Jianguo's familiar voice came from the phone, "Comrade Yang Fan, you have all worked hard."

Yang Fan replied: "No, this is the design task we should complete, not to mention hard work or not, it is what we should do."

The two chatted for a while, and Luo Jianguo took the initiative to ask, "054A has officially entered the final stage of design."

Yang Fan said: "Yes, we have officially entered the final stage of design. Most of the design drawings have been drawn, and we have started drying orchids and filing. Only less than [-] design drawings are still being drawn."

Luo Jianguo seemed a little excited, there were only less than two hundred design drawings.

(End of this chapter)

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