Military Heavy

Chapter 510 Completing the Comprehensive Design

Chapter 510 Completing the Comprehensive Design
Luo Jianguo was a little excited, and immediately asked enthusiastically: "Comrade Yang Fan, there are less than two hundred design drawings, so it won't take much time for you."

Yang Fan thought about it for a while and replied: "It won't take too long. I estimate that after ten days or so, all the design drawings will be completed."

Luo Jianguo seemed even more excited, and said loudly: "Great, this is the best news I've heard. I'll make a special report to the relevant leaders later."

Then, he began to make specific and in-depth inquiries, and Yang Fan answered them one by one.

For example, it will take another ten days to fully complete the drawing of the design drawings, and another ten days to complete the drying, filing, and sorting of all the design drawings.One month later, we will welcome the design review and acceptance of 054A.

During the phone call, Luo Jianguo chatted with Yang Fan for a few minutes. After learning about the specific situation, he hung up the phone impatiently.

Yang Fan smiled happily, knowing that Luo Jianguo couldn't wait to report to the relevant leaders immediately.

In another month or so, 054A will complete the overall design, and will also usher in design review and acceptance.

Thinking of these things, Yang Fan felt a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart.

In September last year, the overall design of 054A was launched. The time given above was ten months, and Yang Fan's default goal was eight months.

Now it seems that eight months is not necessary, and it may only take a little more than seven months.

It took more than seven months to complete the overall design of 054A.Although the design basis of the 054 ship is there, it is only necessary to make appropriate improvements and improvements, but it is also a remarkable thing to be able to complete the design in such a short time.

At least Yang Fan is very satisfied with this job. If the full score is 100 points, Yang Fan thinks it can be 90 points.

The overall design of 054A was completed in such a short time, how about the design quality?

Yang Fan felt that he could score 90 points, basically meeting his original expectations.

Compared with the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the cost of the Type 054A is lower, the cost performance is higher, and the performance is more balanced, which is slightly improved overall.

Next, the design of 054A entered the final stage. Yang Fan devoted all his energy to this aspect, but almost forgot about Jiang Dan who was starting a business.

Jiang Dan seemed very busy during this period of time.

It is very stressful for a young girl to do so many things. Fortunately, Cao Yong is there to help.

At the beginning, when he heard that Jiang Dan was going to open an Internet cafe instead of a game hall, Cao Yong raised his hands in support of Jiang Dan's decision.

The decoration of the facade had just started, and Cao Yong worried that Jiang Dan might not have enough money when he saw such a large facade.

He took out all his savings, about 4 to [-] yuan.

When Cao Yong took out the money, Jiang Dan felt warm in her heart. She also told Cao Yong that the money was not needed for the time being, and the funds on hand were very abundant.

Cao Yong felt slightly strange, and was about to ask Jiang Dan where he got so much money.

Jiang Dan happily told Cao Yong that all the money was lent to her by Yang Fan, a total of 100 million.

Cao Yong felt even more strange. He knew that Yang Fan was a deputy director of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, but he never expected that the deputy director was so rich that he could easily lend 100 million yuan.

Jiang Dan smiled and told Cao Yong that Yang Fan is the younger brother of Yang Fang, chairman of Hongtai Group.

Suddenly, Cao Yong suddenly realized that it was so!

Basically, no one in Donghai City does not know the famous Hongtai Group.

Hongtai Group is so famous in Donghai City that it is a household name.

In addition to the large scale of this group, the main reason is that they have developed one high-end real estate after another in Donghai City, and also built Hongtai Plaza.

The Hongtai Building, which is currently under construction, is one of the landmark buildings in Donghai City. All these make Hongtai Group a well-known enterprise worthy of the name in Donghai City.

With money in hand, coupled with Cao Yong's help, Jiang Dan's career progressed very quickly.

In less than a month, the facade was fully renovated inside and out, and Yang Fan's suggestions were fully adopted.

As long as you walk into this Internet cafe, you will feel bright.

The decoration style is very grand, and the environment is elegant and comfortable. Jiang Dan is already directing the workers to install computers.

There are two upper and lower floors, and she bought more than 200 computers in one go, filling the two floors to the brim.Such a large-scale Internet cafe should be regarded as the number one in Donghai City.

The computers selected by Jiang Dan are all Pentium 586 computers with relatively high configuration, and the [-] computers that are about to be eliminated are not used.

Everything is almost ready, and Jiangdan is going to open for business early next month, that is, on April 4th.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In the ship electric design room, the last design drawing of 054A has been printed out. Several designers sat together and looked at the drawing carefully.

After a while, Yang Fan walked into the large office accompanied by the director of the Ship Electric Design Office.

Everyone took the initiative to say hello to Yang Fan.

"Hello, Master Yang!"

"Master Yang, you are here."

Even the designers who were reviewing the design drawings stopped and watched Yang Fan walking towards them.

After getting closer, Yang Fan asked loudly: "How is it? If there is no problem with the drawing, you can sign it. This design drawing is completed, and all our 054A drawings are also completed."

A designer in charge replied: "The few of us just took a look, there should be no problem, and we are about to sign."

Yang Fan took two steps forward, picked up the blueprint with great interest, looked at it carefully for a few minutes, and nodded in satisfaction: "I don't think there is any problem."

Immediately, everyone felt relieved.

Master Yang said that there is no problem, so there must be no problem with this design drawing.

These designers signed on the compilation, proofreading and review columns of the drawings respectively.

This is just a general design drawing, not a key and important design drawing. Yang Fan doesn't need to sign it himself, and they can sign it at the third level.

After watching the three of them sign, Yang Fan was the first to applaud.

In the entire big office, twenty or thirty designers applauded vigorously, and everyone's face showed joy.

Gradually, the applause stopped.Yang Fan said loudly: "I officially announce that the design of 054A is fully completed, and the next step is to file and sort out the design drawings, and strive to complete the design, acceptance and review of 054A by mid-April."

Very good!
The design of 054A is fully completed!

Unanimously, all the designers applauded and cheered again, and the whole ship electric design room became a sea of ​​joy.

Such a big movement attracted the attention of several nearby offices.Many people ran over one after another, and after understanding what was going on, they also joined the cheering ranks.

The entire ship electric design room is completely boiling!
Feeling this kind of joy, Yang Fan also smiled happily, feeling relaxed all over his body.

This arduous task has finally been basically completed, and there is basically no technical difficulty in filing and sorting out the design drawings.

Back in the office and sitting on the office chair, Yang Fan was still immersed in the joy just now.

The phone in his pocket rang, Yang Fan picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Dan calling, and immediately patted his head lightly.

I thought in my heart, I almost forgot about this little girl, she should be about to open an Internet cafe, I don’t know when it will open, I must go and have a look when I have time.

As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Danwei's complaining voice came from the inside: "Brother-in-law, you are too rude, have you forgotten me? For a while, you never took the initiative to call me. You were not Like this."

Yang Fan quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently, and I rarely pay attention to your situation, but now I'm fine, and I will be more relaxed in the next period of time."

Jiang Dan didn't really want to blame Yang Fan, she quickly smiled: "Really, if you have time, you can come to my place, I plan to open on April 4th."

Opening soon!
Yang Fan is happy for Jiang Dan.

Yang Fan said briskly, "I'll take a look at it tomorrow."


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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