Military Heavy

Chapter 511 Trial Operation

Chapter 511 Trial Operation

The next day.

Yang Fan drove to the entrance of Jiang Dan's Internet cafe, and Jiang Yan came with him.

Knowing that his sister opened a new internet cafe and it will open in a few days, Jiang Yan of course wants to come and have a look.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw this Internet cafe.

It is very eye-catching, the words "Dynasty Internet Cafe" are very eye-catching, the big signboard is magnificent, and the glass door is fashionable.

Jiang Yan praised: "Brother Fan, the Internet cafe of my little sister is well decorated."

Yang Fan took Jiang Yanhe's hand and said loudly: "Well, it looks good, let's go in and take a look."

The two walked into the Internet cafe happily, holding hands.

Obviously, Jiang Dan heard the movement, and came over immediately, and said with a surprised face: "Sister, brother-in-law, you are really here."

Yang Fan smiled and nodded, looking at the situation in the Internet cafe, while Jiang Yan said jokingly: "You borrowed us 100 million, I don't worry, I want to come and have a look."

Jiang Dan said coquettishly: "Sister, I will return it to you, don't worry."

Jiang Yan chuckled, of course she didn't mean it that way, to be honest, she didn't take the 100 million words to heart, she just thought it was for Jiang Dan to practice, and she wouldn't feel bad if she lost all of it.

Besides, Yang Fan said that opening an Internet cafe at this time is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money, and Jiang Yan firmly believes in this.

Yang Fan looked at the situation of the Internet cafe, and felt that the decoration was very good. Basically, he adopted his original suggestion. The whole Internet cafe felt very high-grade, spacious and bright, and the environment was elegant.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Your sister and I are here, why don't you show us around your Internet cafe first."

Jiang Dan readily agreed, and took Yang Fan and Jiang Yan to have a good tour of the upper and lower floors, and visited each floor for at least ten minutes.

While showing them around, Jiang Dan proudly introduced the situation of her Internet cafe.

"Sister, sister-in-law, the decoration has been completed, the main work for these two days is to install the computer and network debugging..."

While listening to Jiang Dan's introduction, Yang Fan took a look here and there, combined with his rebirth experience, he felt that this Internet cafe was really good.

Jiang Dan felt even more proud, and she proudly told Yang Fan: "Brother-in-law, I have done research and understanding, and our Internet cafe should be regarded as the largest in Donghai City."

The largest Internet cafe in Donghai City!

Jiang Yan was slightly startled. He never thought that if his sister quit, she would become the owner of the largest Internet cafe in Donghai City.

Yang Fan didn't show much surprise, because he knew that in 1998, an Internet cafe of this size should be one of the best in Donghai City.

Internet cafes have already appeared in Donghai City, but basically they are very small in scale, mainly with a dozen or thirty machines, and some only have seven or eight machines.

The Internet cafe in Jiangdan has more than 200 brand new Pentium [-] computers, which is definitely the largest in the entire Donghai City.

Maybe in a year or two, others will invest heavily when they see that Internet cafes are making money. At that time, there may be some large Internet cafes with two to three hundred machines, but at least not now.

After visiting for a while, Yang Fan basically knew what was going on.

Seeing that some computers had already been installed, he happily sat down in front of one of the computers and asked.

"Can I turn it on now?"

Jiang Dan replied: "It's ready to turn on, you can try it."

So, Yang Fan turned on the machine and waited patiently.The computer at this time is incomparable with the one more than ten years later, and it is normal for the startup speed to be a little slow.

After the computer was turned on, Yang Fan found that he had successfully connected to the server of the internet bar, tried to log in to the Internet, and logged in to a few websites, and he felt pretty good, not that slow like a snail.

Then I looked at the games currently available on the computer, mainly chess and card games, and there are also a few online games.

In addition to these things, you can also play stand-alone computer games on the computer, or even play several computers online together.

Yang Fan thought in his heart that it is very good to be able to reach this level, and the business will definitely not be bad.

Another year or two.When those few popular online games appear, there will definitely be queues waiting for the machine in the Internet cafe.

Yang Fan thought about "Legend", "Miracle", and the game "Journey to the West" will appear soon, and it will not exceed two years at most.

Before them, several good online games will appear one after another. The business of Internet cafes will only get better and better, and it will reach its peak in two or three years.

After using the computer for a while, Yang Fan said, "The situation here is basically the same. I feel that the business can start in two or three days, and it won't be April 4th at all."

Jiang Dan replied: "The speed is faster than I expected. If it goes well, we can start business the day after tomorrow, that is, April 4."

Yang Fan thought about it for a while, and then suggested: "The official opening will still be on April 4th. Before that, you can try opening two days in advance."

Soft opening!
Jiang Dan's eyes lit up slightly, as if he had guessed something.

Sure enough, Yang Fan said: "This is a new Internet cafe, and there will definitely be various problems in the first few days of opening, so we might as well try to open two days in advance to expose all these problems.

"It is easy to rectify the problems after they come out, and it will be much smoother when it is officially opened, because many problems have been solved by us."

"Oh, by the way, has the price been set? How much are you going to charge per hour?"

Jiang Dan replied: "I've already thought about the price. I went to conduct a market survey and find out the price some time ago. It's more reasonable for an Internet cafe like ours to set it at five yuan an hour."

Yang Fan didn't show much surprise. In the late 90s, when Internet cafes first appeared, the price was indeed the same. After two or three years, it slowly fell back to about three yuan an hour.

Jiang Yan was in finance and was very sensitive to prices. When he heard that each machine charged five yuan an hour, he immediately showed surprise.

She asked in disbelief, "Is it too expensive to charge five yuan an hour? You have more than 200 machines here, and it costs more than 1000 yuan an hour. It can easily exceed 2 yuan a day."


2 yuan a day!
Jiang Yan was really a little frightened, this is not doing business, it is simply picking up money.At this speed, if you invest 100 million in cost, you will earn it back in less than two months.

Yang Fan is deeply convinced, "Opening an Internet cafe is indeed making money in this way. I don't think there is any problem with a daily income of more than 2 yuan."

Until now, Jiang Dan is still a little restless. She has never been able to accept that she can earn more than 2 yuan a day.

In the past, she didn't even dare to think about it. After a year, she only made so much money, but now it is enough for one day.

According to Yang Fan's suggestion, the trial operation started two days in advance, and the standard charge was two yuan an hour during the trial operation.

After the official opening, it will be charged at five yuan an hour.

Yang Fan also taught Jiang Dan some good advice on how to run an Internet cafe.

If the membership system can be implemented in the future, the membership system may not be considered for the time being.

When competitors appear nearby, Internet cafes implement a membership system, which can attract customers.

Now it is basically an exclusive business. There are very few Internet cafes in the entire Tunghai University area. Regardless of the membership system, they charge five yuan an hour, and the business must be the same.

After staying in this Internet cafe for a long time, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan didn't start to leave until noon.

After one morning, quite a few machines have been installed and debugged. According to this speed, all of them can be installed and debugged within two days.

All the recruited personnel are in place. Jiang Dan himself is the boss, and he has recruited two cashiers, two hygienic aunts, and a network administrator.

There are relatively few network administrators who understand network computer network technology, and only one is recruited for the time being. For an Internet cafe of this size, it is best to have two network administrators.

Yang Fan gave Jiang Dan a suggestion, consider recruiting a professional college student who understands computer network technology in the university, and let him work part-time as a network administrator.


Two days later.

For the college students in the area of ​​Tunghai University, a major event happened.

A large-scale Internet cafe with a first-class environment has started its trial operation, and it is only about 300 meters away from the main entrance of Tunghai University.

Many students were discussing this matter, and some people arrived at the Internet cafe early, took up a seat, and started surfing the Internet or playing games.

The trial operation started at 11:[-] am, and by around [-]:[-] am, more than half of the computers were already occupied.

Jiang Dan looked at all this happily, and thought in his heart: "Maybe in the afternoon, all the computers will be full."

Many people in Tunghai University were chatting about this matter, such as in a male dormitory.

"Liu Wei, you really went to the Dynasty Internet Cafe this morning. I heard that the Internet Cafe is very big and has a good environment. Is it true?"

Liu Wei immediately eloquently introduced the situation of Dynasty Internet Cafe to everyone with joy.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a big Internet cafe near our university. It has two floors, two or three hundred machines, and the decoration environment is also good. It's exactly like a high-end hotel..."

Hearing Liu Wei's description, the other boys in the dormitory couldn't hold back anymore.

Someone suggested: "The trial operation starts today, and it only costs three yuan an hour. Let's go and experience it for an hour or two."

"Okay, that's exactly what I was thinking."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go to the Dynasty Internet Cafe and go online."

These boys went out happily.Walk towards the gate of the school, ready to go to the Dynasty Internet Cafe to experience it.

(End of this chapter)

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