Military Heavy

Chapter 512 So Easy To Make Money

Chapter 512 So Easy To Make Money

Their speed was relatively fast, and they happily arrived at the door of Dynasty Internet Cafe.

With a distance of tens of meters, each of them was already very excited. They didn't expect that this Internet cafe really looked as good as they had heard.

"Haha, what a big Internet cafe!"

"We don't have class in the afternoon anyway, so we'll go back after playing for two more hours."

"I totally agree, it only costs three yuan an hour, and it will cost five yuan an hour after they officially open."

Several boys walked into Dynasty Internet Cafe full of hope, but were soon dumbfounded.

The upper and lower floors of the entire Internet cafe are already overcrowded, and there is no place at all.

There is no way, they can only start to wait patiently like everyone else, while waiting, they also watch others surf the Internet and play games.

They gradually discovered some differences. Not only are they all Pentium [-] computers, but also there are more games on the computers, especially at a faster speed.

"Brother, the speed is so fast."

The boy who was sitting there surfing the Internet didn't look back, and replied with great satisfaction: "This speed is much faster than other Internet cafes, which makes people a little unbelievable."

In Yang Fan's opinion, the speed of surfing the Internet is indeed not very good, but these college students don't think so.

Compared with those other Internet cafes, the speed here was a little bit beyond their expectations, which brought them enough surprises.

Of course, as Jiang Dan expected, at about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, every computer was full of people, and there were no more seats, and those who came later had to wait in line.

At night, things get even hotter. , In the absence of any advertisement, almost all the students of Tunghai University know that there is a Wangchao Internet Cafe here.

Perhaps within two or three days, college students from several nearby universities will know about this situation.

The second day of trial operation.

From [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, it belongs to the server maintenance stage. The aunt who is in charge of hygiene will also take the time to clean up the entire Internet cafe and clean it up.

As soon as it was turned on at eight o'clock, within half an hour, the entire Internet cafe was full again, and this situation lasted until late at night.

Even after midnight, the occupancy rate in the Internet cafe is more than [-] to [-]%, and only a small number of computers are vacant.

There is no document prohibiting staying online at night, and it seems that the relevant departments issued a document prohibiting Internet cafes from operating overnight after several years.

In the two days of trial operation, the income on the first day exceeded 1 yuan, and on the second day it increased by several thousand yuan, reaching 1 to several thousand.

Jiang Dan felt that it was like a dream. It turns out that making money is so simple.

Tomorrow will be the official opening, and she is also a little bit worried. If the price is increased from three yuan to five yuan, will the occupancy rate drop?A lot of computers will be free?

After the official opening, the hot situation completely made Jiang Dan not worried at all.

As soon as eight o'clock in the morning, the entire Internet cafe was full, and at nine or ten o'clock people began to wait for a seat.

Throughout noon, afternoon, and evening, there were quite a few people waiting for a seat, and it was very crowded even all night, with [-]% to [-]% of the computers sitting in front of people.

On the morning of the second day after the official opening, [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] is still the server maintenance time. During this time period, no one in the Internet cafe is online.

Jiang Dan and the cashier were reconciling the accounts, and the income on the first day of official business was actually 2 to several thousand yuan, and it was almost 3 yuan.

Looking at the thick stacks of banknotes, Jiang Dan once again said with emotion, as long as you look in the right direction, it turns out that making money is really very simple.

Thinking about how I used to work from nine to five every day, and worked hard every day, I only made about 2000 yuan a month.

Now he feels very happy, and is very grateful to Yang Fan for suggesting to open this Internet cafe, and borrowed 100 million yuan as the principal for her.

Jiang Dan made a rough calculation by himself. According to this income, it may not take long to return all the 100 million to Yang Fan.

After counting the income of the day yesterday, Jiang Dan put all those hundred-yuan and fifty-yuan banknotes, as well as several bundles of ten-yuan banknotes, into his bag. There were more than 2 yuan in total, and only one or two thousand yuan was left. Here at the counter.

Starting today, she has to do one thing every day, which is to go to the bank to deposit money every day, and the amount of money saved every day is quite a lot, at least [-] yuan.

Perhaps within a few days, the bank staff will know Jiang Dan.

Know this young girl who comes here every day to save a large sum of money.

Maybe some bank staff will guess in their minds, what does this girl do, and how can she save so much money every day?

Yang Fan has never been to Jiangdan's Internet cafe for trial operation or official operation, and is mainly busy with some work on 054A's design.

A large number of drawings need to be sorted out and archived, including things like drying orchids. Although Yang Fan does not need to do it himself, he has to supervise every day, pay attention to the progress, and correct any problems.

Just came back from the orchid drying room, sat down in the office and drank two sips of hot tea, Yang Fan thought in his heart, should he call Jiang Dan?

While thinking about this matter, Yang Fan's cell phone rang, and the call was from Jiang Dan.

She said happily: "Brother-in-law, guess what, yesterday was our first day of business, how much did we earn in total?"

Feeling her deep joy, Yang Fan smiled happily: "Well, let me guess, I think yesterday's income should have exceeded [-] yuan, maybe around [-] or [-] yuan, right?"

Jiang Dan immediately said in admiration: "Brother-in-law, you are amazing, and your guess is too accurate. I made a total of more than 6000 yuan yesterday, and it was almost [-] yuan. I went to the bank to deposit [-] yuan just now." .”

Yang Fan smiled.

Of course, he guessed more accurately, and he knew how many machines there were in total. Each machine charged five yuan, and it was estimated that the seats were basically full. .

Jiang Dan said: "Brother-in-law, at this rate of earning money, I guess I have to go to the bank to save money every day. This feeling is simply too good."

Save more than 2 every day, a big winner in life!

In 1998, more than 2 yuan was quite valuable.

"Brother-in-law, you and my sister should have time this weekend. I'll treat you to dinner and go to the best restaurant in Donghai City."

Of course Yang Fan readily agreed.

In mid-April, Jiang Dan's Dynasty Internet Cafe was still full every day, not only students from Donghai University, but also people from several nearby universities came here after hearing the news.

Every day is full, no matter what time it is, there are always many people waiting for the machine.

The sorting and filing of the 054A design drawings were also completed, and Li Zhengjun, director of the model office, knocked on the door and walked into Yang Fan's office.

He happily reported: "Mr. Yang, so far, all our 054A drawings have been archived, and all the drawings have been dried..."

He reported in detail, and Yang Fan listened carefully.

054A has completed more than 2000 design drawings, more than 5000 pieces, if stacked together, it will be taller than a person.

There are still thousands of design drawings that continue to use the design drawings of the Type 054 guided missile frigate without much change.

A large number of design drawings continue to be used, and are improved, improved and perfected on the basis of the 054 ship.

Listening to Li Zhengjun's report, gradually, Yang Fan's thoughts flew far away, and he was a little distracted.

Many things emerged in Yang Fan's mind. The design of 054A started in September last year. It has taken more than seven months to further improve the stealth design, especially the radar stealth, and optimize the combat system. The biggest change is Using the top plate three-coordinate radar...

Finally finished the design work, the task was completed, Yang Fan was filled with emotion.

Li Zhengjun interrupted Yang Fan's thoughts, "Master Yang, all the design drawings are filed and posted, and the next step is the design acceptance review."

Yang Fan withdrew his thoughts, nodded and said, "Yes, all the design drawings are filed, and our 054A will receive design acceptance review."

The East China Sea Institute handed over an answer sheet, which will be graded by military personnel, especially military experts.

Yang Fan thought for a while, picked up the phone on his desk, and dialed a number.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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