Military Heavy

Chapter 513 Design Review and Acceptance

Chapter 513 Design Review and Acceptance

Yang Fan called Luo Jianguo.

As soon as the phone call was made, before Yang Fan could speak, Luo Jianguo's voice came first, "Comrade Yang Fan, have all the design drawings of our 054A been sorted out, archived, and blueprinted?"

He is relatively familiar with the design progress of 054A in the recent period.

Yang Fan basically called him every now and then, and he would often take the initiative to call to inquire about 054A's situation.

Yang Fan said happily: "Yes, all these tasks have been completed, and our 054A can undergo design review and acceptance."

Very good!
Waiting for this day!
Luo Jianguo also became happy all of a sudden, and said loudly: "This is really good news. The leaders above are also waiting for this news. I will immediately make a special report to the relevant leaders. The design review and acceptance will be handled by I'll organize it, you just wait for my news."

Yang Fan said: "Okay, then I will wait for your news at the East China Sea."

The two only chatted on the phone for another two or three minutes. Luo Jianguo hung up the phone on his own initiative, and he wanted to report the matter to the relevant leaders immediately.

Seeing Yang Fan put down the phone, Li Zhengjun tentatively asked, "Mr. Yang, I called Commander Luo just now. Our 054A will be ready for acceptance and review soon."

Yang Fan said with a relaxed face: "Yes, in the past few days, we can just wait for the news from Commander Luo, but we must do some work before the acceptance review."

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said: "Notify the directors and deputy directors of each design office and the design team leaders to hold a meeting in Conference Room 1 an hour later. I will arrange matters related to design acceptance and review with everyone."

Li Zhengjun looked happy, and immediately replied: "Okay, I will inform everyone now."

This is a happy event!
From September last year to now, it has been more than seven months. Under the leadership of Yang Fan, everyone has worked so hard for so long, and finally completed all the time. The design acceptance and review will soon be ushered in.

Not only Yang Fan and Li Zhengjun were happy, but even the ordinary designers below were also happy, and they were all very happy.

An hour later, Yang Fan presided over the meeting in person, made arrangements in advance for the design acceptance review, and made some preparations in advance.

For such acceptance and evaluation, Yang Fan is familiar with the way and has rich experience.

Don't think about it, this time it must be mainly military personnel, with a taste of user review, and at most some experts in domestic ships will be invited to participate.

If the military is satisfied, the design acceptance and review will pass smoothly. If the military feels dissatisfied and puts forward some requirements, it may improve and rectify the design.

Yang Fan organized everyone to have a meeting, and the design rooms below were very lively.

The design task of 054A has been fully completed, and there is no major design task for the 052 ship. Every designer can breathe a sigh of relief and relax for a while.

"It's very exciting, and the design review and acceptance will be coming soon."

"Master Yang is convening a meeting of directors and team leaders to prepare for the review and acceptance arrangements."

"I think the design of 054A is good, and there is no problem in passing the military's acceptance and review at one time."


The designers talked with great relish, and basically the designers in every design room chatted, and the topics closely revolved around 054A and the upcoming design acceptance and review.

Especially some young designers, with loud voices and exaggerated movements, fully showed their excited and happy mood at the moment.

Those senior designers were more introverted, they talked less and listened more. Only a few participated in this kind of excitement, and most of them were smiling and watching such heated discussions in a good mood.

The next day.

As soon as Yang Fan went to work, he had just brewed a cup of hot tea and sat down, ready to sort out the preparations for the design review and acceptance, when the phone on the desk rang.

Luo Jianguo's voice came quickly, "Comrade Yang Fan, I have made a special report to the relevant leaders. The leaders have highly praised your work and hope to complete the design acceptance and review as soon as possible. Next Monday will be good. We will be there How is the day?"

He asked for Yang Fan's opinion.

Yang Fan thought about it for a while, and there are still four days before next Monday, April 4th, which is completely in time, and there is plenty of time.

"Okay, I don't have any comments."

Luo Jianguo said: "That's it. I'll fax it to you when the list of people participating in this review and acceptance is finalized."

The design acceptance review for 054A was officially scheduled for April 4th, which happened to be Monday.

In the afternoon, Luo Jianguo sent a fax, which was the list of people who participated in the design review and acceptance.

After receiving this fax, Yang Fan looked at it seriously. There were 13 people in total, of which the military personnel accounted for the vast majority, reaching as many as nine people. The other four people were non-military personnel and experts in the field of domestic ships. .

There are a total of nine members in the military, five of whom are technical experts, and the other four are experienced naval officers and fighters.

How well the 054A is designed and whether it meets the requirements of the navy, these naval commanders have a great say.

Yang Fan once again organized everyone to hold a meeting, sorted out and arranged related work, and also arranged for the reception work.

A few days passed in a flash.

The afternoon before the design acceptance and review, experts began to arrive in Donghai City one after another, and Yang Fan arranged them in a star hotel not a few kilometers away from Donghai City.

In the evening, all the personnel arrived in Donghai City, and the military personnel came together, including Luo Jianguo.

In the evening, Yang Fan politely and warmly arranged a dinner to welcome everyone.

Monday, August 1998, 4.

The design acceptance and review of 054A was carried out at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute for a period of two days. The first was an introduction meeting, where Yang Fan introduced to the experts participating in the review.

Today's Yang Fan specially wore a suit and tie, looking very formal and well prepared.

The large conference room was well prepared, and Yang Fan himself had prepared the speech and prepared the slides.

First of all, Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of the 054 project, announced that the design of 054A has been fully completed, and announced that the design acceptance and review will start today.

After Luo Jianguo's speech, a representative of the military gave a speech, and then, Yang Fan personally introduced the design of 054A to everyone.



The entire conference room was quiet, only the voice of Yang Fan was speaking. Everyone listened to Yang Fan's introduction, and at the same time carefully looked at the slides introducing the 054A design displayed in front of them.

Yang Fan introduced: "Everyone, the Type 054 guided missile frigate is a new generation of multi-purpose frigate in my country, and it will also be one of the main types of naval equipment."

"The 054A is based on the original 054 ship. It has been improved, perfected and improved. Compared with the basic type 054, it has been replaced with new radar and electronic equipment, and the weapon system has also been partially improved. In general, it pursues three aspects: air defense, anti-submarine, and anti-ship. It fully meets the technical requirements of a multi-purpose frigate, and has most of the functions of a destroyer, especially with relatively high anti-submarine performance, which makes up for the weakest link of our navy's surface ships."

Yang Fan's introduction was very detailed and professional, because he prepared a large number of slides, and everyone could understand it very well with both pictures and texts.

After the first meeting, the experts were divided into several groups to gain an in-depth understanding and review the design of 054A.

Two days passed in a flash.

On the afternoon of April 4st, the 21A design acceptance and review meeting was still held in this meeting room of Donghai Institute.

It was a little different from the first meeting, the number of participants was much more, not only the directors and deputy directors of the design offices of Donghai Institute, but also many middle-level managers, almost all senior executives of Donghai Institute also participated in this meeting, including the top leader Pan Jinfu inside.

The design acceptance and review of 054A is not only a major event for the military, but also a major event for the East China Sea Institute. Almost all the leaders of the institute attended the design acceptance and review summary meeting.

Pan Jinfu even spoke on behalf of Donghai and won rounds of applause.

One hour after the meeting, the most important part began. The leader of the expert group will make a concluding speech, and will also announce the conclusions of the expert group for design acceptance and review.

(End of this chapter)

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