Military Heavy

Chapter 514 It Was Eliminated

Chapter 514 It Was Eliminated

The meeting room is quiet!
No one spoke, let alone made a sound. All eyes were on Zhu Songrong, the leader of the expert group.

Some people in Donghai even started to feel a little nervous. They thought in their hearts, what will this team leader say, and what conclusions will he draw on the design of 054A.

054A has completed the overall design, and Donghai Institute is equivalent to handing over an answer sheet, and the answer will be announced soon as to how many points can be scored on this answer sheet.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhu Songrong stood up, walked to the speaking seat and sat down, facing the microphone, his voice was very loud.

"Everyone, I am very happy to sit here. After two days of review, our expert group unanimously agreed that the design of 054A is very good, whether it is air defense, anti-submarine or anti-ship, especially its cost performance is very high, and the cost is very cheap... ..."

Hearing this full of affirmation, all the people in Donghai Institute breathed a sigh of relief, and their suspended hearts fell to the ground. Gradually, joy appeared on the faces of many people.

Because the team leader's conclusion is very clear, he also highly praised the design of 054A, and the evaluation is very high.

After Zhu Songrong finished his speech, thunderous applause resounded in the conference room, and the applause lasted for a long time, especially the people from Donghai Institute applauded vigorously.

So happy!

So happy!

Amidst the warm applause, a surprising scene appeared. Zhu Songrong walked up to Yang Fan on his own initiative and shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Mr. Yang, thank you for designing such an excellent Type 054A guided missile frigate for us. It is really excellent. This is exactly the type of ship we have been waiting for for a long time."

Yang Fan smiled happily!
054A successfully passed the design review and acceptance. Luo Jianguo also made a speech on behalf of the 054 Project Headquarters, and also gave 054A a high evaluation.

So far, the design of 054A can draw a successful conclusion.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute has accomplished this great design task brilliantly.

As the chief designer of 054A, at this moment, Yang Fan felt extremely relaxed all over.

In the evening, Donghai Institute held a banquet to entertain these experts, and it also had a taste of celebration. Warmly congratulate 054A on successfully passing the design review and acceptance.

The next day, some people started to leave Donghai City, but some people stayed and went to Dongjiang Shipyard under the leadership of Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo.

There, a Type 054 missile frigate is under construction on the berth.

It has been nearly five months since the construction of the berth officially started in early December last year, and the closing of the general section has been successfully completed.

This 054A guided missile frigate was displayed in front of everyone without reservation.

Many workers were working on the ship.Seeing such a lively scene, everyone including Luo Jianguo enthusiastically boarded the missile frigate under construction and took a good look around.

Sun Baoguo told everyone that in a few months, the ship will enter full outfitting, and the launch in the first half of next year will not be a big problem.

The construction speed of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has been further improved. For example, it only takes more than one year and less than two years for this ship to be officially launched.That is, only twenty months.

Not only Luo Jianguo, but also all the people in the military are happy. Of course, they hope that the construction speed of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will be as fast as possible, and they also hope that the more Type 054 ships will enter service, the better.


After 054A successfully completed the design acceptance and review, and sent away Luo Jianguo and the military personnel, Yang Fan really relaxed.

Today is the weekend. After breakfast, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan went shopping together for a while and bought some things. Seeing that it was still early, they simply drove to the gate of Dynasty Internet Cafe.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, look, the business of the Internet cafe is also very good."

Yang Fan also saw it. Through the glass door, he could clearly see that there were many people inside.

Today is Saturday, and it is almost noon. It is the time when the business is very good. The Dynasty Internet Cafe is overcrowded, and many people are waiting for their seats.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

The two walked into this Internet cafe, and when they got inside, they could feel the excitement here more closely. Seeing and feeling this, even Yang Fan was slightly surprised.

Before being reborn, I heard about it and saw it on the Internet. In the late 90s, including the beginning of the 21st century, it was the golden age of Internet cafes. There were many people surfing the Internet. Seeing the situation in front of him, Yang Fan really felt that there was no exaggeration .

Soon, Jiang Dan saw Yang Fan and Jiang Yan, she came over happily, and said loudly: "Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Yang Fan smiled: "Your business here is good, a typical full-blown state."

Jiang Dan said: "It's like this every day, there is no way, even at night there are many people waiting for the machine."

There was a little fear in his expression.

This is the truth.

There are too few people opening Internet cafes now, there are typically too many monks and few gruel, and there are tens of thousands of students in Tunghai University, and there are very few Internet cafes in the surrounding area. The total number of machines in all Internet cafes is only three to five hundred, which is not enough.

Jiang Yan scolded with a smile: "You're just stinky, let's see how happy you are. If Dad and his old man know that you've resigned, it's up to you to explain it."

Jiang Dan was most worried about this matter, and he immediately begged: "Sister, brother-in-law, you must help me keep this matter a secret, and you must not let my father know, otherwise he will definitely break my leg."

Seeing that Jiang Dan was so afraid of his father-in-law, Yang Fan smiled happily and agreed, "Don't worry, we will keep it a secret for you."

After receiving the promise of secrecy again, Jiang Dan showed a smile, and then said flatteringly: "Do you two want to visit my Internet cafe? I can be your guide."

A very proud look.

It's no wonder that the Internet cafe's business is so good, and it earns [-] to [-] a day, so it's no wonder that they are not proud.

Having not been here for a long time, Yang Fan really wanted to take a look at the Internet cafe, so he said, "Since you have such a request, then take us to take a good look."

Under Jiang Dan's leadership, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan visited the Internet cafe.

Jiang Yan mainly looks at the business situation of the Internet cafe, while Yang Fan mainly pays attention to the things on the computer, watching what games everyone is playing, what websites they are logging on, and so on.

After looking at it like this, it was noon, and Jiang Dan said with great wealth: "Since you two have come to my Internet cafe, I will treat you to dinner, and I will take you to a good place."

Turn left when you go out, and you don't need to drive. After walking for about ten minutes, you arrive at a restaurant with a very good environment and grade.

The three found a seat by the window on the second floor. Jiang Dan took the menu and ordered several signature dishes, which were very rich.

If Jiang Yan hadn't stopped her, she might have ordered a few more, looking like a nouveau riche.

No way, she has made money recently, and her pockets are bulging.

Jiang Yan said: "The money can't be spent like this, the three of us simply can't eat so many dishes, it's too wasteful."

Only then did Jiang Dan stop ordering, and after a while, these dishes were brought up, almost filling the small table, and the three of them also began to eat.

while eating and talking
The main reason is that Jiang Dan happily introduced the situation of her Internet cafe to the two of them.

Not long after, the phone rang, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan were slightly taken aback, it was not the ringtone of their mobile phone.

Under the surprised eyes of the two, Jiang Yan took out a small and exquisite mobile phone from the bag, and answered the call in front of the two of them.

After answering the phone, seeing Jiang Yan and Yang Fan looking at her in surprise, Jiang Dan said: "This is my new mobile phone, it costs [-] yuan, you guys think it's okay.

Yang Fan took a look at the phone, and said, "Where's the phone I bought for you earlier?"

Last year, Yang Fan did buy Jiang Dan a mobile phone.

How could I know, Jiang Dan said: "That phone has been used for more than a year, I think it can be eliminated, so I bought this new one."

Both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan were speechless for a while. Such an expensive mobile phone was obsolete after more than a year of use, which is too rich.

However, since Jiang Dan earned the money himself, the two of them would not interfere with how it was spent.

After eating, Jiang Dan went back to her own Internet cafe, while Yang Fan and Jiang Yan got in the car, ready to go home.


That's all for today's update.

(End of this chapter)

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