Military Heavy

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

The whole family eats dinner together, the two families are close to each other and often eat together, today is no exception, Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen, Yang Fan, Jiang Yan and Yang Hao.

Only without Jiang Dan.

After she opened the Internet cafe, she usually stayed there, and rarely came back for dinner on time, and she often didn't get home until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Dahai complained: "Jiang Dan didn't come back for dinner, and he often didn't get home until ten o'clock or even eleven o'clock in the evening. Is their work really so busy?"

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan glanced at each other quietly, remained silent for a while, and buried their heads in eating.

Li Xiuzhen, who has always been relatively quiet, said: "Master, I find that Jiang Dan is acting strange recently, you have to ask."

Jiang Hai said: "Old lady, do you also find Jiang Dan acting weird recently? I thought I was the only one who felt this way."

Li Xiuzhen said: "She is indeed a little strange. She goes out early and returns late every day, and she looks very busy. In addition, she spends a lot of money recently. I saw that she got a new mobile phone."

The mobile phone I bought last year was replaced with a new one after only one year of use. Jiang Dahai didn't know about it yet. Hearing what Li Xiuzhen said, he immediately showed shock.

He asked in disbelief: "Did Jiang Dan really change to a new phone? Why didn't I find out?"

Li Xiuzhen said: "I just discovered it by accident yesterday. A brand new, small red cell phone probably costs several thousand dollars."

Jiang Dahai stopped talking, and took a sip of wine from his glass, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long time, he asked: "Jiang Yan, Yang Fan, do you know what's going on with Jiang Dan recently?"

It can be seen that he is still very concerned about this little daughter, and after discovering all kinds of abnormalities, his heart hangs.

Seeing his father-in-law's appearance, Yang Fan really wanted to tell him the real situation, but thought of agreeing to Jiang Dan to keep it a secret for her, he swallowed the words again.

Seeing that Yang Fan and Jiang Yan didn't talk about Jiang Dan's situation, Jiang Dahai didn't continue to ask, but he was more thoughtful.

I guess I'm already guessing in my mind what Jiang Dan is doing recently. Not only is he very busy every day, he leaves early and returns late, but he also seems to have money in his hands.

Jiang Dahai remembered that a few days ago, Jiang Dan bought him a pair of leather shoes, which he said were foreign brands, and cost more than 1000 yuan.

This is absolutely not like Jiang Dan's usual style. With her monthly salary of about 2000 yuan, how can she be willing to buy such expensive shoes.

Both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan temporarily kept the secret for Jiang Dan.

I am afraid that Jiang Dahai will lose his temper after knowing this situation, because both of them know that the older generation has more traditional ideas. They think that the iron rice bowl is the most reliable, and it is really unreliable to do self-employed business.

After this time, Jiang Dahai didn't continue to ask any more questions, probably because he had already made up his mind.

A few days later.

The family was preparing to eat again, but Jiang Dan still didn't come back, and Jiang Dahai didn't intend to wait for him. According to past experience, he might not show up until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Just as I was setting up the dishes and preparing to eat, there was the sound of a car outside.

Jiang Dahai felt rather strange, and quickly said: "Who will be here this evening, Yang Fan, is it your friend?"

In the late 90s, few people owned cars. Except for Yang Fan's colleagues and friends, Jiang Dahai asked himself that very few people he was familiar with bought cars.

Yang Fan shook his head lightly.Then said: "It should not be my friend, I go out to see who it is?"

After going out, I happened to see Jiang Dan getting out of the car. She came back in a brand new red car. The car didn't even have a license plate, so it was obvious that she had just bought it.

Maybe just bought it today.

No need to ask, this car must have been bought by Jiang Dan herself. She wanted a small car for a long time, and she once acted like a baby in front of Yang Fan, but Jiang Dahai stopped him, and Yang Fan didn't buy it for her.

Seeing this brand new red car, Yang Fan asked in surprise, "Is this the car you just bought?"

Jiang Dan smiled triumphantly, and said happily, "Brother-in-law, how about my car, isn't it beautiful?"

Yang Fan glanced at it and nodded slightly. This car is indeed very beautiful, especially suitable for young ladies.

But he also reminded: "You bought all the cars back, I guess you may not be able to hide the fact that you opened an Internet cafe."

Although Jiang Dan was mentally prepared to know that this matter might not be hidden, but hearing Yang Fan's words, he was still a little nervous.

"Brother-in-law, wait a minute. If my dad loses his temper, you must say something nice for me."

Of course, Yang Fan didn't want Jiang Dahai to lose his temper because of this incident, so he agreed straight away: "No problem, but you have to have a correct attitude and don't talk back."

Jiang Dan said: "I won't talk back, wait a minute and I will lower my posture and try my best to make my father happy."

After speaking, she opened the trunk, and she took out a lot of things from it.

It seems that they have been prepared for a long time, and they are all clothes, shoes and the like bought for Jiang Dahai or Li Xiuzhen.

Jiang Yan also came out at this time, and when she saw Jiang Dan taking something from the trunk, she immediately said loudly, "Little sister, you just bought this car."

Jiang Dan nodded and said: "I just bought it and brought it here this afternoon. What do you think? It's very beautiful."

The car is very beautiful, Jiang Yan is a little worried, wait a minute, what if his father gets angry, what should he do?
Paper can never contain fire, and Jiang Dahai will know about this matter sooner or later.

Now it seems that he can't hide it anymore, so he can only have a complete showdown and tell him everything about the actual situation.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's go in. Let's have dinner together."

Apart from Yang Fan, the two sisters Jiang Dan and Jiang Yan walked into the villa a little nervously.

Seeing his parents, Jiang Dan put the things in his hands on the sofa, and said, "Dad, Mom, I bought clothes and shoes for you, come and have a look and see if you like it."

Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen looked at each other quietly, exchanged glances, and still walked over.

After looking at the clothes and shoes, Jiang Dahai asked, "Jiang Dan, tell me the truth, what have you been doing lately? Why are you so rich all of a sudden?"

There is definitely no way to continue to hide things.

Jiang Dan glanced at Yang Fan first, then lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong, and said softly: "Dad, I recently went to sea to do business, and these are all the money I earned from doing business."

You do not work in the unit!

Actually went to sea to do business!
This matter was kept from us, Jiang Dahai's first reaction was to be furious, and his face changed suddenly.

Jiang Dan flinched in fright. In her mind, this father is very majestic.

Yang Fan immediately persuaded: "Dad, don't be angry, she just took a leave of absence without pay, if she wants to go back to work, it's still fine."

Seeing that he could still go back to work, the anger in Jiang Dahai's heart subsided a little.

Yang Fan continued: "Dad, my little sister told me that she doesn't like this kind of boring life of [-] to [-]. She wants to go to sea to do business, and I agreed. I also lent her the start-up capital."

"Now she has opened an Internet cafe, and the business is very good. There are 3 to [-] yuan in the account every day, which is much better than working in her original unit..."

Yang Fan explained the actual situation in more detail and tried to persuade him.

It seems that Yang Fan's son-in-law still has a lot of status in Jiang Dahai's heart, and what he said is more effective. Gradually, the anger in Jiang Dahai's heart subsided.

Li Xiuzhen was a bit unconvinced, and asked again: "Yang Fan, is it really so profitable to open an Internet cafe now? Jiang Dan earns 3 to [-] yuan a day."

Yang Fan nodded and said, "It is indeed very profitable to open an Internet cafe now. The next few years will be a golden period for the development of Internet cafes, and the money will only increase."

"You may not know that Jiang Dan has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past month or so. She even bought a car. It was the sound of her driving back just now."

Jiang Dan actually bought a new car!

Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen showed expressions of disbelief, but the anger in their hearts was basically gone.

Jiang Dan looked at his words and saw that his parents were not angry, so he said coquettishly: "Dad, Mom, don't be angry with me, let's go, go and see my new car now, how about it? "

(End of this chapter)

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