Military Heavy

Chapter 516 This is better than going to work

Chapter 516 This is better than going to work
Li Xiuzhen said first: "The master, look..."

Of course Jiang Dahai knew what she meant, but he still seemed rather hesitant.

Yang Fan also persuaded: "Dad, Jiang Dan bought all the cars back, let's take a look."


Jiang Dan took Jiang Dahai's arm and began to act like a baby.

After a little hesitation, Jiang Dahai finally said: "Okay, let's go and see the new car first, and then eat."

Immediately, Jiang Dan smiled.

Yang Fan also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Jiang Dan's test has passed, and his father-in-law will not be angry anymore.

Jiang Dan walked in front, the family went out, and a red car was parked in the open space in front of the villa, which was very conspicuous.

Red car!
Brand new car!

Li Xiuzhen was the first to walk over, and said very happily: "Old man, this car is not bad, much better than yours."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan looked at each other and smiled.

Jiang Dahai also walked over, looked at it and said, "Well, it is indeed much better than my car, not bad, not bad."

He nodded approvingly.

Jiang Dan became happy, "Dad, you can get in the car and try it, you can drive it in the yard."

Such a brand new car was indeed much better than his car that had been driven for several years. Jiang Dahai took the car keys, opened the door and got in the car.

The yard is large and spacious.

In addition to the two villas and some plants and trees planted, there is a place to drive.

Jiang Dahai drove around the yard twice, got out of the car and said, "Well, this car is not bad, it is more comfortable to drive than mine."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan looked at each other and smiled again. They knew that Jiang Dan had passed the test thoroughly, and Jiang Dahai would not object to her resigning and going into business.

Jiang Hai said, already in a good mood: "Come on, let's go inside to eat, the food is getting cold."

The family happily sat together to eat, Yang Fan suggested: "Dad, would you like me to have a drink with you?"

Jiang Dahai said: "Jiang Dan bought a new car, of course he wants to drink two glasses, hurry up and get the wine."

Yang Fan brought over a bottle of Moutai from the wine cabinet. This is Jiang Dahai's treasure, and he usually doesn't want to drink it. He only drinks such good wine during Chinese New Year or on happy occasions.

Bringing the wine over and opening it, Yang Fan poured a glass alone, Jiang Dahai surprisingly didn't say anything, maybe he thought that Jiang Dan bought a car and should drink some good wine to celebrate.

Jiang Dahai raised his glass, except for Yang Fan who drank, the others drank.

He said loudly, "Come on, let's toast to Jiang Dan for buying a new car."

Jiang Dan was overjoyed and was the first to raise his cup.

Everyone's glasses touched lightly, and the family happily ate dinner. After Jiang Dahai had a couple of sips of wine, Jiang Dan asked while he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Dad, you don't object to my opening an Internet cafe now, do you?"

Jiang Dahai didn't say anything, just smiled heartily and took another sip from his cup.

Then he said, "Girl, don't be too tired, pay more attention to yourself."

"Well, I know, thank you Dad." Jiang Dan replied.

A few days later.

Jiang Dahai was still planning to go and see the situation of the Internet cafe. After he knew the approximate location, he drove there by himself.

Driving on the street in front of Donghai University, Jiang Dahai thought to himself, in such a lively place, it should be difficult to find Jiang Dan's Internet cafe.

With such mental preparation, he drove slowly, paying attention while driving, especially after passing the main gate of Tunghai University.

After driving for two to 300 meters, Jiang Dahai's eyes lit up slightly, and he saw the prominent characters of "Dynasty Internet Cafe".

It should be there, Jiang Dahai thought so, drove over, and parked the car beside the Internet cafe.

Soon he saw Jiang Dan's red car, so he was even more sure that it was right here.

After getting out of the car, I was slightly surprised before entering the Internet cafe, there are so many people!
After walking in, the situation became clearer. Every machine inside was filled with people, and many people were waiting for their seats.

Almost all the people who surf the Internet here are young people, and Jiang Dahai, who is in his sixties, is very conspicuous.

Some young people looked at Jiang Dahai curiously, feeling a little strange in their hearts, this old man also opened the Internet, right?

Of course, he didn't come to surf the Internet, he just came to have a look, so that he could know what he knew.

Jiang Dan happened to be away from the Internet cafe, and no one knew Jiang Dahai, so no one came to disturb him, so he looked up and down both floors.

He even chatted with the cashier a few times to learn about the charges for Internet access. When he heard that it was five yuan per hour, Jiang Dahai's first reaction was that it was really expensive.

But soon I smiled happily. There are more than 200 machines here, and it costs more than 1000 yuan an hour.

After looking at it, when he left, Jiang Dahai said with satisfaction, this is much better than going to work.

It's not bad that the girl resigned and went to sea to open such a big Internet cafe.He thought so.


It has been more than two months since the 054A completed the design acceptance and review. Many people thought that the construction of the first 054A would start immediately, but it has never been.

Yang Fan could still hold his breath, but some people were a little bit impatient, such as Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard.

He was a little restless.

These days, I usually go to the horizontal construction berth prepared for 054A every now and then, and I also go to the manufacturing workshops to ask about the relevant preparations in person.

Today, he went to the material preparation workshop again, saw the production preparations here, and personally asked about many things, such as the process equipment, sheet materials, and other auxiliary materials prepared for 054A.

The workshop director replied: "Mr. Sun, the preparations are almost ready. We have the experience and foundation to successfully manufacture two 054 ships. These things are not difficult."

This is true, not too difficult.

The hulls of 054A and 054 are not much different, and the amount of changes is not large. Many design drawings are directly inherited from 054, and the related preparations of Dongjiang Shipyard also save a lot of trouble.

After listening to the report, Sun Baoguo nodded in satisfaction and was about to leave when the workshop director said, "Mr. Sun, we are ready to start cutting steel plates at any time. When will the first 054A ship start? Comrades can’t wait a bit.”

Sun Baoguo was startled, and did not speak for a long time.

You ask me, who shall I ask?

Sun Baoguo doesn't know when the construction of the first 054A will start. Logically speaking, the design acceptance and review of 054A have been completed for more than two months, so there should be news.

Back in his office, Sun Baoguo was still thinking about this matter. The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he became. Let's hand over the construction tasks to other shipyards, such as Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Previously, the two shipyards each undertook the construction of a Type 054 missile frigate. Although Dongjiang Shipyard built the first ship and Xiangjiang Shipyard built the second ship, their performance was not inferior to Dongjiang Shipyard.

It's very possible!
If that's the case, then there's something a little ominous about the situation.
Sun Baoguo was suddenly worried, and after hesitating for a long time, he finally picked up the phone and called Luo Jianguo. After a few polite words, Sun Baoguo finally asked, "Commander Luo, has the construction of the first 054A been decided?"

Of course Luo Jianguo knew the meaning of Sun Baoguo's call, and said with a smile: "There is a lot of controversy above, everyone, please wait patiently."

Controversial? ? ?

Sun Baoguo's heart sank slightly, and he had a bad feeling, so he hurriedly asked: "Commander Luo, what kind of controversy exists above, can you disclose it?"

Luo Jianguo's tone was positive, "Mr. Sun, the matters above cannot be disclosed casually, and I dare not violate the confidentiality regulations."

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo could only sigh lightly, and after chatting for a few words, he reluctantly put down the phone.

Sitting alone in the office, he took out a cigarette and lit it, frowning and thinking about it while smoking.

He had a strong premonition, and estimated that, just as he had guessed, there might be a lot of controversy over which shipyard the construction task of the first 054A would be handed over to.

After thinking about it for a long time, I checked the time and decided to go to Donghai Institute and sit with Yang Fan.

That's all for today's update, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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