Military Heavy

Chapter 517 Who will build the first ship

Chapter 517 Who will build the first ship
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Since 054A completed the design acceptance and review, Yang Fan has been much more relaxed. He only has some routine work, and his daily workload has been reduced by more than half compared to before.

However, in my spare time at work, I can't help but think about it. It has been more than two months since the design acceptance and review, why the above has not issued the task of building the first 054A guided missile frigate.

Logically speaking, the performance of 054A has been slightly improved, and it has been perfected and improved on the basis of 054. In particular, the cost has been greatly reduced, reflecting a very high cost performance. The construction of the first 054A will start soon.

But there has been no news.

Yang Fan inevitably made some guesses, but he didn't feel too much pressure or worry, because he was very confident in the design of 054A.

Such an excellent missile frigate is cost-effective and relatively inexpensive. Sooner or later, it will be built in large quantities. The military must have been looking forward to this frigate for a long time.

There is not much pressure in the heart, and the whole person seems relatively relaxed.

Yang Fan is not under pressure, which does not mean that others are not. Some people in Donghai Research Institute alone are worried, and they will inevitably discuss why 054A has not yet started construction.

"I'm really in a hurry. There won't be any accidents above."

"I'm also worried. We have worked so hard for so long and finally completed the design work. Don't put our design on hold."

"Probably not. The delay in starting the construction of the first ship may be due to certain considerations."


There are always some people in the East China Sea Research Institute who will inevitably discuss a few words with worry, and some words will more or less fall into the ears of Li Zhengjun, the director of the model office.

At the beginning, he was not worried about 054A at all, thinking that it has excellent design, high comprehensive performance and high cost performance, and the military will definitely build a large number of it.

But after hearing these discussions, Li Zhengjun's heart couldn't help but hang up when there was no news of the start of the construction task after the days passed.

There were several documents to be sent to Yang Fan today, so he took the opportunity of delivering the documents and asked a few questions.

No, after putting these documents on Yang Fan's desk, Li Zhengjun did not leave immediately, but asked worriedly: "Master Yang, the construction task of the first ship has not been issued for a long time, will it be possible?" There are some unfavorable considerations for our 054A."

Yang Fan saw Li Zhengjun's worry, smiled easily, and comforted him: "No, the construction task of the first ship has not been issued to the shipyard, maybe there are some disputes above."

There should be some controversy above.

This is Yang Fan's conjecture. I talked with Luo Jianguo on the phone for a while, which confirmed this conjecture and roughly understood the content of the dispute.

There is controversy, not because of the 054A itself. The above is very affirmative and satisfied with the design of the 054A. The controversy lies in which shipyard is more appropriate to hand over the task of the first ship. Is it for Dongjiang Shipyard or for Xiangjiang Shipyard, or simply give it to another powerful shipyard.

With a general understanding of this in his heart, Yang Fan said, "Don't worry, let's wait patiently and have confidence in our 054A. Maybe it won't take long for accurate news to come."


Feeling the ease in Yang Fan's body, Li Zhengjun nodded, and the worries in his heart were relieved a lot, and then he left Yang Fan's office meeting.

After watching Li Zhengjun leave, Yang Fan got up and made a cup of coffee. While drinking the coffee, he turned on the computer and surfed the Internet for a while.

Compared with a year ago, the content on the Internet is more abundant, and there are more websites and forums that can be accessed, which shows that Internet information is developing rapidly.

This is a good thing, Yang Fan is happy to see this.

I also know that in a few years, the development of network technology will get better and faster, and the country will initially enter the information society, and with the emergence of smart phones, a real society of confidence will begin.

Thinking about this, I can't help thinking in my mind, should I guide the development direction of Huaqiang Technology Company, in addition to the design and development of processor chips, flash memory and memory chips for mobile phones, whether to develop graphics processing chips, whether to develop Own chip design software
While thinking about these things, there was a knock on the office door.

Sun Baoguo pushed the door open and came in, "Master Yang, excuse me."

Yang Fan immediately got up enthusiastically, "Mr. Sun is here, please sit down quickly and have a taste of my coffee from the United States."

While talking, he made a cup of hot coffee for Sun Baoguo, and then sat down on the sofa with Sun Baoguo, chatting easily and happily.

After chatting for a few words, Yang Fan felt that the other party didn't seem relaxed, slightly surprised, and asked with concern: "Mr. Sun, what's wrong with you, you look very stressed."

Sun Baoguo sighed lightly, without hiding anything, and said truthfully: "Oh, I am worried about the construction of 054A. It has been more than two months since the design acceptance and review, and the construction of the first ship has not been started. It’s not like considering other shipyards.”

Very likely.

For example, Xiangjiang Shipyard is a strong contender for the construction task of the first ship. Their strength is comparable to that of Dongjiang Shipyard. They performed well in the construction process of the No. 054 ship of the Type 2 guided missile frigate, and they also have relatively rich experience in building the Type 054 ship. experience.

Yang Fan quickly understood Sun Baoguo's mood at the moment, and seemed to understand the pressure in his heart.

The design of 054A is excellent, and the navy values ​​it very much.

Such a second-generation guided missile frigate, no matter which shipyard undertakes the construction task of the first ship, this is a supreme honor.

As a well-known domestic military shipbuilding company, Dongjiang Shipyard certainly wants to get this task.

Yang Fan understands this very well.

"Mr. Sun, if the task of building the first 054A ship is entrusted to you, you believe that the entire Dongjiang Shipyard will work together to complete this construction task brilliantly."

Sun Baoguo said affirmatively: "We will go all out to complete the construction of 054A as soon as possible, ensuring quality and quantity."

He has such confidence.

There is also sufficient strength.

Dongjiang Shipyard has carried out technical transformation in recent years, introducing a lot of imported large equipment, including large CNC cutting equipment, large welding equipment, and also built a new construction berth, equipped with large gantry cranes.

Not just the 4000A with a displacement of more than 054 tons, but even ships with a larger tonnage are no problem.

Yang Fan nodded.

Reporter Sun thought for a while, and then said: "Master Yang, there are disputes on the board. Maybe they are considering which shipyard to undertake the construction task of the first ship of 054A. I guess, the board may ask for your opinion. You must Please recommend our factory, please."

After speaking, he stood up and bowed very formally.

This bow does not represent Sun Baoguo himself, but Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan fully felt the urgency of Dongjiang Shipyard for the construction task of the 054A first ship. After pondering for a while, he said seriously: "Mr. Sun, if the higher-ups ask for advice, I will definitely recommend Dongjiang Shipyard."


All of a sudden, Sun Baoguo's face showed joy!

So happy.

He held Yang Fan's hand tightly with a little excitement, "Master Yang, I thank you on behalf of more than 8000 employees of Dongjiang Shipyard."

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Sun, please be polite."

To be honest, even if Sun Baoguo did not bow down on behalf of Dongjiang Shipyard, Yang Fan was going to recommend Dongjiang Shipyard.

There are two reasons.

First, Dongjiang Shipyard has undertaken the task of building the first Type 054 guided missile frigate. They have relevant construction experience, and their technology and production capacity are good.

Second, Dongjiang Shipyard is close to the East China Sea, so it is convenient to contact. During the construction process of the first 054A ship, there will definitely be a series of large and small problems that need to be communicated. The communication between the design and construction units will be frequent, and the distance is convenient.

Yang Fan immediately agreed to recommend Dongjiang Shipyard, and Sun Baoguo felt much more relaxed and in a better mood.

While drinking coffee, he chatted with Yang Fan.

The two chatted for a long time.

The content includes the future construction of 054A, as well as the No. 054 ship of 3, which is currently under construction on the berth, and even talked about several large pieces of equipment recently imported by Dongjiang Shipyard.

After chatting for a while, Sun Baoguo looked at the time and said very politely: "Master Yang, it's time to get off work, let's have a drink or two, how about it?"

Yang Fan immediately agreed, "Okay, let me talk to you about some issues that need attention during the construction of 054A, and talk about the relevant preparations."

"Okay, even if you don't mention these things, I would like to ask you for advice." Sun Baoguo said.

The two walked out of the office chatting and laughing, and Sun Baoguo chose a good restaurant as the host. While eating, they chatted about some things related to 054A.

Thousands of miles away, the capital.

In a meeting room of the military, a relatively high-level meeting was going on. This was a special meeting related to 054A. As the commander-in-chief of Project 054, Luo Jianguo was sitting in this meeting room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was rather dull.

Falling into the same kind of controversy as before.

This is the third time that such a meeting has been held. It has been held twice before, but due to relatively large disputes, a meeting resolution could not be reached in the end.

This time it was the same again, a naval leader said: "I still hold the same view, because the design of 054A is very good, and the cost is relatively high. We will definitely build a large number of them in the future. Only two shipyards are not enough, and the first shipyard must be cultivated. Three shipyards."

"In my opinion, the first ship of 054A does not need to continue to be placed in Dongjiang Shipyard or Xiangjiang Shipyard. We can choose another capable shipyard to undertake the construction of the first ship of 054A."

The naval leader once again expressed his opinion, which was basically the same as the previous two times, and he did not change his view.

He is obviously not the only person in this conference room who has such a view, and some people hold similar views.

(End of this chapter)

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