Military Heavy

Chapter 519 Construction of the 054A First Ship Begins

Chapter 519 Construction of the 054A First Ship Begins

Well, this wine is not bad, it's rare to drink it once.Yang Fan thought about it in his heart, and immediately said enthusiastically: "Okay, let's go have a drink."

Sun Baoguo also became happy, chatted and laughed with Yang Fan, and left the construction slipway together.

When Yang Fan saw the bottle of wine, as expected, it was indeed a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite.

This is a good wine, a very rare wine.

Yang Fan took a look at the bottle of wine, and after confirming that it was correct, he said happily: "Mr. Sun, this is Lafite from 82. It's a very good bottle of wine. I didn't expect that I would drink it like this today."

Sun Baoguo said: "I don't know either, a friend brought it to me from abroad."

The two chose a good restaurant, Yang Fan opened the bottle of wine, poured two glasses of wine into two tall glasses.

One cup per person.

Yang Fan held the wine glass and shook it lightly. After properly sobering up, he took a sip lightly, and said with great satisfaction in his heart: "Well, it's still the familiar taste, not bad, really good."

The two continued to chat happily while drinking the 82-year-old Lafite.

A few days later.

The official news finally came down, and the construction of the first ship of 054A was finally decided, and many people in the East China Sea Institute quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm finally relieved, and I'm still worried that something will happen."

"The construction of the first ship is undertaken by Dongjiang Shipyard, and the whole factory should be very happy."


Many people in the East China Sea are happily chatting about the construction of the first ship, and many people are also happy for Dongjiang Shipyard while relaxing.

At this moment, Dongjiang Shipyard is boiling!
This good news spread throughout the Dongjiang Shipyard in an instant. Whoever said that good things don't go out, in Dongjiang Shipyard, good news spread thousands of miles.

"Great, the first ship will be built by our factory!"

"I really look forward to the construction of the first ship starting sooner. I can't wait."

"After get off work today, I must cut two catties of pork, buy a bottle of good wine, and have a good drink."


Many people in the entire Dongjiang Shipyard are happily talking about this matter, including ordinary workers, technicians, and managers.

These low-level personnel are so happy, let alone the entire middle and high-level staff. After sweeping away the previous depression, they seem to be full of energy at once, gearing up, hoping to start the construction of the first 054A ship as soon as possible.

Sun Baoguo walked into the office of Feng Wangdong, the top leader. At this moment, Feng Wangdong's face was obviously happy.

"Old Sun, this is really exciting. The higher-ups finally gave us the task of building the first 054A ship."

Sun Baoguo nodded, full of gratitude, "If there is no recommendation from General Master Yang, this may not be the result."

Feng Wangdong thought exactly so, "Yes, we owe another favor to Comrade Yang Fan."

Almost the entire senior management of Dongjiang Shipyard knows that without Yang Fan's suggestion, the above may still be in dispute, and it is not certain whether the construction of the first ship will be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard in the end.

Well now, the dust has settled!
Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo chatted happily and discussed many things about the construction of the first ship.

In the afternoon of the same day, Dongjiang Shipyard held a start-up and mobilization meeting for the construction of the first 054A ship.

Almost all the high-level executives of Dongjiang Shipyard were present, and Sun Baoguo personally presided over the meeting. The atmosphere of the meeting was very warm.

A series of preparatory work has also begun to be deployed, and the entire Dongjiang Shipyard has taken action around the construction of the first ship of 054A, and a lot of preparatory work is advancing in an orderly manner.

For Dongjiang Shipyard, the top priority in the near future is the start of construction of the first 054A ship.

Computer lofting of drawings, material numbers, etc., so the work starts.

1998 8 Month 1 Day.

This day is the Army Day. On this day, the first steel plate of the first 054A ship was cut at Dongjiang Shipyard.

There were many people at the steel plate cutting site, and it was very lively. There were not only many workers and technicians, but also many managers, including some middle and high-level executives of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Chief Feng Wangdong and Chief Constructor Sun Baoguo were both at the steel plate cutting site.

Among the crowd, there were two people who stood out, they were Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo.

The first steel plate of 054A began to be officially cut, which is of great significance. The chief designer Yang Fan and the chief commander of the 054 project Luo Jianguo came to the scene in person.

In front of everyone is a large imported cutting equipment, and the first steel plate to be cut has been placed on the workbench of this cutting equipment.

Two workers check before cutting, and after a careful inspection, they can start cutting.

The workshop director of this processing workshop walked over quickly, and reported in a loud voice: "Report to the leader, everything is ready to start cutting."

Feng Wangdong nodded, and then invited: "Commander Luo, Commander Yang, please press the start button of the machine tool together."

The cutting of the first steel plate of 054A is of great significance. Pressing the button is also an honor. Feng Wangdong wants to give this honor to Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo.

The two of them were not polite, and happily walked to the large cutting equipment. Suddenly, the whole scene gradually became quiet.

No one spoke, no one made a sound, only the sound of a few devices on site.

Many people looked at this side, their eyes focused on Yang Fan and the two of them.

Yang Fan looked at Luo Jianguo, who nodded slightly, understanding.

With a tacit understanding, the two pressed the button of this large CNC cutting equipment at the same time, and immediately, the equipment started to work.

Start cutting!
The first steel plate of the Type 054A guided missile frigate began to be officially cut at the Dongjiang Shipyard.

This CNC cutting equipment quickly and accurately cuts the large steel plate on the workbench according to the pre-set program.

The leader, Feng Wangdong, took the lead in applauding.Soon, warm applause rang out in the cutting workshop, and it lasted for a long time. Many people even applauded and shouted excitedly.

So happy!

So exciting!

For Dongjiang Shipyard, this is definitely a great happy event. Many people have been looking forward to the construction of 054A for a long time.

It is indeed a large-scale CNC cutting equipment, and its efficiency is more than N times faster than manual cutting.

In everyone's eyes, this steel plate was cut quickly and gradually became the shape required by the process requirements.

The applause gradually subsided, and the scene became much quieter, except for the sound of these equipment working in the workshop.

About two, three and 10 minutes later, the first steel plate of 054A was successfully completed on this large CNC cutting equipment in Dongjiang Shipyard.

The cutting equipment stopped working. After a short inspection, the operators confirmed that it was correct, and used a crane to lift the large steel plate from the workbench and put it on the next station.

How is the cut quality?
Everyone walked over one after another, without even waiting for orders from Feng Wangdong and other leaders, several technicians and quality inspectors began to conduct inspections.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.The people at the scene are basically experts, and everyone's eyes are still on this cut and formed steel plate.

The same goes for Yang Fan, who took a good look at it at close range, and then couldn't help but nodded.

Although the size was not measured, Yang Fan thought that at least from the outside, the cutting quality was good and the incision was relatively smooth.

It didn't take long for the professional inspection to be completed, and the supervisor in charge of the quality inspection reported loudly: "Leaders, the first steel plate of 054A is cut to pass, fully meeting the quality requirements."

As soon as the sound fell, there was another warm applause at the scene.

Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo and others stayed at the production site for most of the day. They not only saw the cutting of the first steel plate, but also saw the first steel plate’s incision grinding and welding breach.

When everyone left the cutting workshop, this large CNC cutting equipment had already completed the cutting of several steel plates.

Also at the cutting workshop site, there are several cutting equipments making preparations before cutting. Perhaps, they will start cutting 054A steel plates one after another in a short time.



Dynasty Internet Cafe.

It is more than [-] o'clock in the morning, not long after the Internet cafe server restarted for maintenance, but Ruoda's Internet cafe is basically full.

Business is still booming as usual, especially on weekends every week, when the Internet cafes are crowded with people.

Jiang Dan took several thick stacks of banknotes from the cashier. Yesterday's turnover was good, exceeding 3 yuan again.

Only a thousand yuan was left at the cash register, and the rest of Qian Jiangdan put them all into his satchel, and planned to deposit them all in the bank later.

I looked at the Internet cafe, turned around, and saw that everything was normal. Jiang Dan left the Internet cafe at about nine o'clock, and her red car was parked at the gate.

It is actually not far from the Internet cafe to the bank where she saves money every day, it takes about ten minutes to walk.

Since getting a car, Jiang Dan is used to driving there to save money, thinking that it is not only faster, but also safer.

This is true, a young girl walks on the street with tens of thousands of dollars in her bag, and she will somewhat lack a sense of security.

The business of Dynasty Internet Cafe is very good, and it makes a lot of money every day, so it will inevitably attract some people's prying eyes. If someone takes Jiang Dan's idea and quietly follows behind, it would be bad if something like bag snatching happens.

It is relatively safer to drive. In just a few minutes, Jiang Dan drove to the door of the bank.

The familiar person once again deposited 3 yuan at the bank counter.

When depositing money, the staff at the counter inevitably looked at Jiang Dan twice.

The staff probably didn't work at the counter for long. She found Jiang Dan coming to deposit money every day for several days, so she couldn't help but pay more attention.

This is not the case for old employees of the bank. It is not surprising that they are completely used to Jiang Dan coming to save money every day.

It would make them feel strange if Jiang Dan didn't come over one day.

After depositing the money, Jiang Dan took a look at the passbook and thought in his heart: "Should I return the 100 million that I lent to my brother-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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