Military Heavy

Chapter 520 Jiang Dan is very entangled

Chapter 520 Jiang Dan is very entangled

It has been more than four months since the Dynasty Internet Cafe opened, and the daily income ranges from more than 2 yuan to more than 3 yuan.

Except for some expenses, all the rest of Qian Jiangdan has been deposited in the passbook. So far, there are more than 10 yuan in this passbook.

A monthly income of hundreds of thousands was something that Jiang Dan would never have dreamed of in the past, but now it is indeed the case.

Looking at the amount on the passbook again, Jiang Dan seemed a little hesitant.

She currently has two options.The first choice is to repay all the money borrowed by Yang Fan at once.The second option is to use the money to open a larger Internet cafe.

In fact, Jiang Dan himself is more inclined to the second option.

Since opening the Dynasty Internet Cafe, because of the good business, it has made a lot of money every day, which has attracted some people's attention.At the entrance of Tunghai University, two or three Internet cafes have been opened one after another within four months.

Among them, the largest Internet cafe actually has fifty or sixty machines, which can be considered relatively large.

If this situation continues, the pressure of competition will gradually appear.

After working in the Internet cafe industry for four or five months, Jiang Dan knew very clearly that he must take advantage of the current opportunity to quickly expand the scale and open one after another large Internet cafes.

But this requires a lot of money, and she felt a little embarrassed to ask Yang Fan to borrow money again.

The 100 million borrowed before has not been repaid, so how can I ask to borrow money again.

Now that I really have more than 100 million in hand, should I pay back the money first, or open a large Internet cafe?
If the money is paid first, it will be difficult to open a large Internet cafe with two to three hundred machines with the remaining hundreds of thousands.

To open an Internet cafe of this scale, we have to wait another two or three months, until we have more money in hand.

Continue to wait another two or three months, Jiang Dan doesn't want this, so she is very entangled now.

If it were someone else, earning so much money every day, they would definitely be very happy, but Jiang Dan was a little bit undecided and entangled.

Not long after driving back to the Internet cafe, her boyfriend Cao Yong also came over.

It may be that he loves his girlfriend too much. Cao Yong will come to help whenever he is free. Naturally, he hopes to relieve the pressure on Jiang Dan and make his girlfriend easier.

Soon, Cao Yong noticed something was wrong with Jiang Dan, and felt that his girlfriend seemed to have something on his mind.

So, Cao Yong asked with concern: "Dan, what's wrong with you? You seem to be preoccupied now."

Facing his boyfriend's concerns and inquiries, Jiang Dan didn't hide anything, just sighed lightly, and then said in a low voice.

"Now there is one thing that confuses me. Before opening this Internet cafe, I borrowed 100 million yuan from my brother-in-law. Now I have more than 100 million yuan in my passbook to pay back the money."

"But I want to open another large Internet cafe. If I return the 100 million, I will have to wait at least two or three months before I can afford to open such an Internet cafe."

After understanding what was going on, Cao Yong smiled relaxedly. It is true that the authorities are fascinated, but the bystanders are clear.

Cao Yong suggested: "This is easy to handle. You can discuss it with Brother Yang and talk about your ideas."

"I don't think Brother Yang should be short of the 100 million. It's okay for you to pay him back a few months later. The premise is that you need to discuss with him and obtain his consent."

Gradually, Jiang Dan's eyes lit up, and he was very pleasantly surprised: "Why didn't I think of this, yes, you can discuss it with your brother-in-law first, and ask her opinion."

All of a sudden Jiang Dan relaxed, even picked up his mobile phone and dialed Yang Fan's number.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan was thinking about something in his office, just now Yang Fan went to Pan Jinfu's office.

Pan Jinfu revealed an internal message to Yang Fan. With the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry, especially the development of the military shipbuilding industry, the higher authorities intend to integrate domestic military ship resources.

Not only these domestic military shipyards, but more importantly, the design units of warships need to be integrated.

Although no official document has been released yet, internal information has already begun to flow out. Before that, Yang Fan had heard some of it.

When hearing such news, others may not believe it and think it is a rumor, but Yang Fan firmly believes it.

According to his understanding of history, he knew that at the end of the 90s and before entering the 21st century, domestic ship design units did go through a major integration process and carried out a series of resource optimization.

If there is no accident, the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute will be established, and there will be several design divisions under it.

The Design and Research Institute is located in the capital, while the following branches are located in several places in the country.

For example, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute will become the East China Sea Ship Design Center in the future, which belongs to a branch of the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

After leaving Pan Jinfu's office, he returned to his own office and sat down. Yang Fan was thinking about this matter.

After thinking about it for a while, he smiled easily. The unified management of domestic ship design resources is a great thing for future development.

While thinking about this, the phone in his pocket rang.

This is Jiang Dan calling.

"Brother-in-law, are you busy recently?"

Yang Fan laughed and replied: "It's not bad. Compared with a few months ago, I feel much more relaxed."

After chatting for a few words, Jiang Dan said: "Brother-in-law, we haven't eaten out together for a long time, call my sister tonight, let's have dinner together, I'll treat you, how about it?"

Yang Fan was a little bit surprised, why did he suddenly want to treat a guest to dinner? Could there be something wrong, but he agreed immediately.

"Okay, it's true that we haven't eaten together for a while and have eaten outside. You can also call Cao Yong."

"Brother-in-law, that's it. I'll send you a text message after I confirm the place."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan thought in his heart that there must be something wrong, maybe it was something in the Internet cafe, and he wanted me to give her some references and suggestions.

I didn't think about it carefully, and put more energy on the 054 ship, and even unknowingly remembered the integration of various ship designs.


The night in Donghai City is very beautiful, the lights are feasting, and there are beautiful neon lights everywhere.

On the street, there was a lot of traffic, not much less than the people in broad daylight, and it was still very lively.

Entering the late 90s and entering the 21st century, the development of Donghai City has been good, and it has the shadow of an international metropolis.

Yang Fan drove to the place Jiang Dan mentioned. After the couple got out of the car, Jiang Yan said, "This place is good. It's a real high-end restaurant in Donghai City."

Yang Fan also nodded, agreed, and said happily: "Jiang Dan has made some money, and the level of consumption is different."

Holding hands, the two walked into the building where the restaurant was, talking and laughing.

This is a building with more than [-] floors. The restaurant is located on the top floor. The two walked into the lobby of the building and took the elevator to the restaurant.

Jiang Dan and Cao Yong had already arrived, and when they got up, Jiang Dan waved happily.

She deliberately chose a position with a good view. As soon as Yang Fan and Jiang Yan sat down, their eyes lit up, especially Yang Fan.

Through the glass, not only can you have a panoramic view of the large night scene, but you can also see the Hongtai Building not far away, which is under construction.

It has been built to a height of more than seventy floors. Such a height really stands out from the crowd.

Due to the progress of the construction, the JM Building not far away seems to have only sixty floors, which is obviously shorter.

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "This position is good, Jiang Dan, you put your heart into it."

Jiang Dan said: "Cao Yong helped choose the place."

Cao Yong said hastily: "I've heard of this restaurant, and it happens to be able to see the Hongtai Building, so I chose this restaurant."

Yang Fan said: "The place is nice, I really want to take a look at Hongtai Building."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan looked at the Hongtai Building in the distance again, and the more he looked, the more satisfied and happy he became.

Under the condition of sufficient funds, the construction of Hongtai Building has been progressing well, and now it is close to the 86th floor, and it is not far from the [-]th floor.

After looking at the Hongtai Building in the distance, Yang Fan finally said: "Jiang Dan, there must be something wrong to invite us to such a nice place for dinner this time."

(End of this chapter)

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