Military Heavy

Chapter 521 Opening Another Big Internet Cafe

Chapter 521 Open Another Big Internet Cafe
Jiang Dan giggled, didn't say anything, but took the menu and ordered first.

It's not petty at all, several of them are the restaurant's signature dishes, if Jiang Yan didn't stop her, she might order a few more.

Jiang Yan said again and again: "Enough, enough, too much to eat, waste."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It seems that opening an Internet cafe has really made money."

After Jiang Dan finished ordering, Cao Yong said, "Brother Yang, would you like some wine?"

Yang Fan generally doesn't drink alcohol, except for socializing at work or having a few drinks with Jiang Dahai.

"It's okay to drink, we drink beverages, and freshly squeezed juice is also fine."

After the exquisite dishes were served, the four of them drank juice, ate vegetables and chatted.

Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, the food in this restaurant is really good, we can come here more in the future."

Yang Fan said: "Yes, I can just take a look at the Hongtai Building under construction."

After chatting casually for a few words, Yang Fan said: "Jiang Dan, you can talk about it now, what's the matter?"

Jiang Dan said: "Brother-in-law, can't I invite you to dinner if I have nothing to do?"

Yang Fan said: "Of course there is no problem, but I think there must be something wrong this time."

Having said that, Jiang Dan stopped beating around the bush and said directly: "Brother-in-law, your guess is correct. I do have one thing that I need to discuss with you."

Yang Fan said: "Tell me, what is it?"

Jiang Dan said: "It's like this. I have indeed made money in the past few months. There are already one million or hundreds of thousands in my passbook. I can pay back the money I borrowed from you, but I want to open another one." It’s a big Internet cafe, it’s really profitable to open an Internet cafe now.”

One Internet cafe is still here, but what if there are two Internet cafes.

No need to think about it, the money earned will definitely double.

Jiang Dan even thought about it. After opening the second Internet cafe, he will open the third one, and then the fourth one. He will open more than ten or twenty large Internet cafes in Donghai City, make money every day, and completely reach the pinnacle of life.

Yang Fan smiled happily.

I suddenly understood what Jiang Dan meant, and it turned out that I was entangled in whether to pay back my 100 million first.

After a happy smile, Yang Fan said: "Jiang Dan, don't worry about the 100 million. It doesn't matter if I pay it back later. It doesn't matter next year or the year after."


Very good!
Jiang Dan was incomparably pleasantly surprised!
This joy came so suddenly, she always thought that Yang Fan would worry about when the money would be repaid, but it seemed that he didn't take it to heart at all.

Jiang Yan even said: "I thought it was something, but it turned out to be such a thing. Sister, I will help you make the decision. It doesn't matter if the money is still paid."

With strong financial resources, Yang Fan is not short of this 100 million.

100 million is a huge amount of money, an astronomical figure, to ordinary people, but to Yang Fan, it is almost the same as 100 yuan, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

Since the outbreak of the financial turmoil last year, Hongtai Investment alone has earned more than 100 billion yuan. One million yuan is nothing.

Really nothing.

Yang Fan also said: "Your sister is right, it doesn't matter if you are a family, you can open your second Internet cafe with peace of mind."

Jiang Dan was overjoyed.

Completely relieved.

But he still said: "Brother-in-law, I will return this money to you, and I will definitely return it to you next year. In the future, I will invest all the money I earn to open new Internet cafes one after another."

Yang Fan expressed his support.

While eating, the four chatted happily.

The meal was unbelievably easy.

After the meal, the four left talking and laughing.

a few days later.

Not far from the entrance of Donghai University of Finance and Economics, some careful people found that a facade facing the street was being renovated, and at least a dozen decoration workers were busy there.

"This facade is so big, it has two floors."

"Such a big movement, I don't know what it will be used for in the future."

"It looks like a supermarket is going to be opened here."

"I don't think it's a supermarket, but an Internet cafe."

"How can there be such a large Internet cafe, such a large area, two floors above and below, and three hundred computers can be placed there."

"That's right, that's right, the biggest Internet cafe in our area is the Dynasty Internet cafe in front of Donghai University. It's not that big, it seems to have more than 200 computers."


Many students of Donghai University of Finance and Economics have noticed the decoration here, because it is near the gate of their school, and once they leave the school gate, they can see it with a little attention.

Some people will discuss a few words, especially when they pass by the door that is being renovated, they will look inside.

It was a few days later.

People passing by here finally realized that this is a large-scale Internet cafe, and the signboard at the door has been hung up, and the words "Dynasty Internet Cafe" are very conspicuous.

If you look carefully, you will find that in the lower right corner of this big signboard there are several small characters of "University of Finance and Economics Store".

This is the second store of Dynasty Internet Cafe. The first store is of course the Donghai University store, and this is the Finance and Economics University store, and the owner is of course Jiang Dan.

Jiang Dan was very happy that he didn't have to pay back Yang Fan's 100 million yuan for the time being. He immediately chose a location to open a second Internet cafe. He chose the facade in front of the University of Finance and Economics, rented it out, and started renovation immediately.

"My God, it's actually the Dynasty Internet Cafe."

"Tsk, tsk, with such a big facade, there will be at least 300 computers in the future. An Internet cafe with such a large scale is really unexpected."


The news quickly spread throughout Donghai University of Finance and Economics, and even students from several nearby colleges and universities knew about it, and some even came over to take a look.

The decoration was very fast, it only took about 20 days from the beginning to the completion of the decoration. After 20 days, the decoration was completely completed, and a large number of computers had already been installed.

Before it opened, this Internet cafe became popular first.

8 month 28 day.

The Wangchao Internet Café University of Finance and Economics store officially opened, and the first day was a trial opening, with a [-]% discount, that is, only [-] yuan per hour.

It opened for business at eight o'clock in the morning, and before nine o'clock, a total of more than 300 machines were fully occupied, and some people came in one after another.

Gradually, many people were waiting for the machine.

A male dormitory of Donghai University of Finance and Economics.

Because there was no class in the morning, several boys were sleeping soundly, and only one or two were more diligent in going to the classroom for self-study or reading in the library.

Suddenly, the newly installed phone in the dormitory rang.

The rapid ringing of the phone woke them up from their sleep, and the boy who was near the phone picked up the phone in a daze, "Hello, dormitory 305, who are you looking for?"

The phone said eagerly: "Meng Zi, you are still sleeping, come here quickly, the Dynasty Internet cafe at the gate of our school opens today, with a [-]% discount, only [-] yuan per hour."

The boy nicknamed "Mengzi" woke up from sleep all of a sudden, put down the phone, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, don't sleep anymore, get up quickly, the Dynasty Internet cafe at the gate of our school opens today, and we have a [-]% discount. Go right away."

Soon, there was a flutter of chaos in the dormitory.

Several boys put on their clothes indiscriminately, washed their faces hastily, and then hurriedly walked outside.
Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan sat on the office chair to answer the call from Jiang Dan.

She could hear the deep joy in her tone, "Brother-in-law, my second Internet cafe opened for trial operation today. It opened at eight o'clock in the morning, and it was full before nine o'clock. Now the Internet cafe is almost full of water, full of waiting A person with a computer on the Internet."

Feeling Jiang Dan's joy, Yang Fan also became happy, "Jiang Dan, congratulations on the opening of your second store, and wish you a prosperous business."

We talked on the phone for almost ten minutes.

The main reason is that Jiang Dan was so happy, she seemed to have endless things to say, she said a lot, and she was very happy to share this joy with Yang Fan.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan smiled and thought to himself, this is Jiang Dan's second store, and maybe the third store will open in two or three months. By next year, there will be five or six large Internet cafes, or even seven. , Eight are normal.

After thinking about these things, Yang Fan was about to make a cup of coffee and read the news online, when there was a knock on the office door.

I saw Li Zhengjun, the director of the model office, walking in, with a look of anxiety on his face.

That's all for today's update, and it will be delivered in the third shift, asking for a few tickets for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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