Military Heavy

Chapter 522 East China Sea Branch

Chapter 522 East China Sea Branch
Li Zhengjun opened the door and came in.

Yang Fan noticed his expression, and was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Li Zhengjun sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "General Master Yang, have you heard any rumors in the institute?"

Yang Fan said: "There are some rumors, let's listen to them."

Although he roughly guessed what it was, Yang Fan still wanted to hear it.

Li Zhengjun said: "The news has spread in the institute, and many people are discussing that the higher-ups will carry out a large-scale integration of ship design resources, and our East China Sea Ship Design Institute will be merged. Now there is a sense of panic."

Sure enough, as Yang Fan expected.

Sure enough, people were talking about these things.

As early as more than half a month ago, some internal news came out that it was indeed necessary to adjust the military ship industry, especially the integration of design resources.

Yang Fan knows more than the average person, but the people below are different. It's ups and downs, and everything changes when they come to them.

Li Zhengjun seemed a little anxious, and asked eagerly: "Master Yang, will we really be merged and become a subordinate organization of a certain ship design institute?"

Yang Fan smiled easily, feeling the need to reveal something properly, so he said: "No, we will not be annexed."

Very sure!
Hearing this, Li Zhengjun felt much less anxious, and he let out a long sigh of relief, "Let me just say, we are so good, not only successfully designed the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, but also successfully designed the Type 054 guided missile frigate, why? Might it be annexed?"

Yang Fan said: "We will not be merged, but the national ship design resources will be integrated, and a ship design and research institute will be established, with several subordinate design institutions under its jurisdiction, and our institute will be one of the subordinate design institutions."

That's it!

Establish the General Institute of Ship Design and Research!

It will not be annexed, and it will become a design institution under the General Institute of Ship Design and Research. This is the most ideal situation, and the stone in Li Zhengjun's heart has completely landed.

Yang Fan comforted: "Don't think too much, work hard."

Li Zhengjun nodded, and then left with a relaxed expression.

There are indeed quite a few people in the East China Sea Ship Design Institute who are discussing this matter, especially some good people who show great interest when they talk about this matter.

"We may be merged, I don't know which design firm will be merged into."

"No way, will we really be merged?"

"I have a friend in the capital. He is very well informed and told me about this matter on the phone."

Suddenly, many people were worried.

Even an ordinary designer does not want to be merged, which is unacceptable in my heart, and it is also a very shameless thing.

Some people are quite rational and questioned: "It is unlikely that we will be merged. We are very powerful. Which design company can merge us."

"That is, we successfully designed the Type 052 guided missile destroyer and the Type 054 guided missile frigate. These are all excellent achievements that can be achieved, and should not be merged."

"Well, it's about the same for us to merge with others."


There are all kinds of discussions. In spare time at work, many employees are talking like this. The whole East China Sea Ship Design Institute really feels like a storm is about to come.

Time passes day by day.

Not long after the National Day holiday, the more official news finally came out within a few days of the National Day holiday.

Even ordinary designers know that the General Institute of Ship Design and Research will be established above, and the East China Sea Ship Design Institute will become a subordinate design institution of the Institute.

"Finally relieved."

"Well, I was shocked when I heard that we were going to be merged."

"We are still an independent ship design organization, and there is a big tree like the General Academy on it. It's so good."


After having this relatively official news, many people felt relieved and gradually became happy. Even ordinary designers know that such a merger is only of great benefit to Donghai Institute. .

Yang Fan is in the office.

All kinds of discussions these days have more or less drifted into his ears, and he smiled easily every time, and didn't take it to heart, as if he was sitting on the Diaoyutai.

The office phone rang.

Yang Fan picked up the phone, and Pan Jinfu's voice came from inside, "Director Yang, can you come to my office?"

Yang Fan said briskly, "Of course, I'll be right over."

Since Yang Fan became the deputy director, Pan Jinfu no longer called Yang Fan "Xiao Yang" but more formal titles like "Director Yang" or "Comrade Yang Fan".

Yang Fan quickly knocked on the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office, and said proactively, "Director Pan, I'm here."

Pan Jinfu was very enthusiastic, "Comrade Yang Fan, please sit down."

Even the hot tea was brewed in advance, each with a cup, and the two sat down on the sofa. At first, Yang Fan thought they were talking about some things about the design of the 052 or 054 ship, but it was not at all.

Pan Jinfu said: "The General Institute of Ship Design and Research will be established soon. It is estimated that it will be officially listed before the end of the year. Our East China Sea Institute will also become a branch of the East China Sea."

Talked about some things about the integration of ship design resources.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute became the East China Sea Branch, a design institution under the General Institute of Ship Design and Research.

Yang Fan listened carefully.

After talking about these things, Pan Jinfu straightened his face, and said with a little bit of reluctance: "I will also leave this place where I have worked for more than [-] years. I really am a little bit reluctant."

Yang Fan was astonished.

This came too suddenly!
All right, why did Director Pan suddenly leave the East China Sea Ship Design Institute?

Yang Fan showed a look of astonishment, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Pan Jinfu said: "This is the meaning of the higher-ups. They have already talked to me and asked for my personal opinions. After the establishment of the General Institute of Ship Design and Research, I will be appointed as the vice president."

That's good wow.

It belongs to Gaosheng!
Yang Fan's reaction was relatively quick, and immediately said with a happy face: "Director Pan, congratulations, this is a step forward."

Pan Jinfu behaved very flatly, "I am downbeat about personal promotion, and I will retire to the second line in two years, and go to the General Institute of Ship Design and Research as a deputy director, which can be regarded as a transition. Will retire in this position."

Yes, Pan Jinfu is approaching his age, and he will indeed take a back seat.

Thinking about the need for a Type 052 guided missile destroyer regardless of perfection and improvement, Pan Jinfu felt a little lost in his heart. He really wanted to be ten years younger and work for another ten years to make our Type 052 guided missile destroyer a world-leading guided missile destroyer.

It's just that time is not forgiving.

No wonder Pan Jinfu took this promotion very lightly. What if he was promoted again? After working for two years, he would have to retire.

Yang Fan obviously felt Pan Jinfu's mood at the moment, and comforted him: "Leader, you are in good health and full of energy. Even if you retire in the future, you can continue to use your residual heat and continue to contribute to our shipbuilding business."

Pan Jinfu said: "Let's talk about it at that time, maybe at that time no one will want an old man like me, and will dislike me for being in the way."

Yang Fan said: "Leader, national treasures like you, how can you be disliked? If you can come to our East China Sea to use your spare heat and continue to contribute to the 052 ship, then we are all wishing for it."

Seeing this, Pan Jinfu finally laughed.

"This is what you said. Don't forget what you said today. After I retire, Donghai Institute must give me a position and let me use my remaining heat."

Yang Fan is also a deputy director, such a promise is still acceptable, so he said: "No problem, you are welcome to return to Donghai Institute at any time to continue to use the remaining heat."

After the two chatted for a few words, Pan Jinfu's face became serious again, and he said slowly: "I'm about to leave the East China Sea Institute, and the director's position will be vacant."

Hearing this, Yang Fan's heart moved slightly.

Yes, the position of director is now vacant, who will take over the position of director?
Yang Fan went through several deputy directors in his mind, and found that each of them had older qualifications than himself, and seemed more suitable to take over as the director and the top leader of Donghai Institute.

Who knows, Pan Jinfu's next words surprised Yang Fan very much.

(End of this chapter)

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