Military Heavy

Chapter 523 I Recommend You

Chapter 523 I Recommend You

Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

Of course, Yang Fan is also the leader of Donghai Institute. Although the difference between the deputy director and the director is only half a level, there is a big difference, especially in the three-acre land of Donghai Institute.

However, after reviewing those deputy directors in his mind, Yang Fan found that their qualifications were much older than his own, basically it was not his turn, and the successor should be among these deputy directors produce.

Yang Fan said in his heart, alas, I have no hope, and I should not have such extravagant hopes. The right way is to do my job well, work hard, do things honestly, and strive to design a better Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Who knew that the surprise came so suddenly!
Yang Fan really didn't expect it!

Never thought of it!

I saw Pan Jinfu's face straightened, and said more seriously: "I have been thinking about the successor after I left. After some consideration, when the higher-ups talked to me, I recommended you as my successor. It's up to you Serve as the top leader of the East China Sea Institute."

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed!
I thought in my heart, Director Pan recommended me, actually recommended me!

At this moment, Yang Fan's heart was filled with ecstasy, but his inner quality was strong enough, and he didn't show much on his face.

In addition to being happy, Yang Fan also said a little worried: "Leader, it may not be suitable for me to be the number one in the office."

Pan Jinfu said: "Why is it inappropriate, tell me the reason."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Among the several deputy directors, I am the youngest and have the lowest qualifications. I"

Before Yang Fan could finish speaking, Pan Jinfu interrupted with a wave of his hand, "I hate seniority ranking the most. I think that as long as you have the ability, you can get in. Among the several deputy directors, who is better than you in terms of ability?" , I think it is most suitable for you to be the top leader of the East China Sea Institute."

He really hates seniority.

Yang Fan was promoted to be the deputy director of the Model Office, and Yang Fan was recommended to be the chief designer of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. These are good proofs.

In terms of seniority, it is indeed not Yang Fan's turn.

But Pan Jinfu does not engage in seniority ranking. Whoever has the ability wins, and Yang Fan has the position and achievements he has today. If it is really seniority ranking, it is estimated that Yang Fan's full talents will not be able to be brought into play.

Pan Jinfu said: "I have already recommended you to the higher-ups, and it is very likely that you will be the top leader of the Donghai Institute. However, before you are officially appointed, you should not talk about this matter to the outside world."

Yang Fan nodded quickly, "I still have some sense of propriety."

The two chatted for a while, and Yang Fan got up to say goodbye.

After returning to his office, his face was finally completely filled with joy, so happy, so happy!
Although this matter is not a certainty, it is at least [-]% to [-]% possible.

Pan Jinfu's recommendation before leaving office is still very important. In addition, he is a promotion, and he will be promoted to the vice president of the General Institute of Ship Design and Research. , deputy director are appointed by the General Academy.

To be honest, Yang Fan of course wants to be the top leader of Donghai Institute.

Sometimes it is not enough just to have ability and talent, you must have a corresponding position, so that you can better display these talents and make better contributions to the shipbuilding industry.

a few days later.

Yang Fan assured that the content of the conversation between General Master Pan and him last time was not disclosed to the people around him, but some news still spread like wildfire. There really is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Almost everyone in the East China Sea Institute knows that Director Pan will be promoted to the vice president of the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute and will leave the East China Sea Institute.

"I didn't expect Director Pan to leave."

"Yeah, I really miss him a little bit."

"The above may be considering his age. It is better to retire as the vice president for two years than to retire as the director of the East China Sea Institute."


Many people expressed their reluctance for Pan Jinfu to leave Donghai Institute. In the past two days, Pan Jinfu's office has been very lively. The middle and high-level staff in the office will find opportunities to sit and chat, expressing their dissatisfaction with Pan Jinfu. Abandon.

The same goes for several deputy directors.

In addition to chatting with Director Pan and expressing their reluctance, they would also more or less push back and ask cryptically who will take over as the top leader in the future.

Almost all of the deputy directors want to be the top leaders, which is understandable. They have all reached the position of deputy directors, and it is reasonable to want to go further.

Except Tang Jianming.

Among the several deputy directors, Tang Jianming should be the oldest, and also serves as the deputy chief designer of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer. Because of his work, he and Pan Jinfu are also very close.

Tang Jianming also came to Pan Jinfu's office, showing deep reluctance, "Old Pan, I never thought you would leave your old buddy and go to the capital. I really feel bad."

Pan Jinfu smiled and said: "Okay, don't be sentimental, the traffic is getting more and more developed, if you really miss me, you can come to the capital for a sit-down, let's have a chat."

Tang Jianming said: "It can only be like this. I will come to the capital to find you in the future. I must not be stingy and bring out your good tea."

Pan Jinfu said: "No problem, I will keep some good tea for you."

After the two chatted for a while, Pan Jinfu apologized slightly, "Old Tang, don't you want to ask who I recommended to be the future leader of the firm?"

Tang Jianming said: "I can guess without asking, it should be Comrade Yang Fan."

Pan Jinfu said: "Old Tang, I didn't recommend you to the higher-ups, I"

Tang Jianming interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Don't feel guilty, I don't blame you at all. If it were me, I would also recommend Comrade Yang Fan."

After thinking about it, Tang Jianming said: "I am convinced that Comrade Yang Fan will be the top leader in the institute. His technical level is indeed higher than mine. In addition, I am getting older, and I will retire in two or three years." I don’t want to occupy the position of director and affect the development of young people.”

He is very generous.

Pan Jinfu was slightly touched, "Old Tang, thank you for your understanding. After I leave the Donghai Institute, you must cooperate well with Comrade Yang Fan's work and strive for greater achievements."

Tang Jianming said: "Don't worry about this, I will fully cooperate with Comrade Yang Fan's work."

Tang Jianming can think about it, but he doesn't have that ambition. The other deputy directors may be different. They ask Pan Jinfu more or less, and some even recommend themselves. I hope that Pan Jinfu will recommend him as his successor.

Facing this kind of inquiry, or this kind of self-recommendation, Pan Jinfu just smiled, very tactfully.

There is also a deputy director who under the guise of going to the capital for research, presumably went to the capital for activities, and he hopes to be Pan Jinfu's successor.

It was a few days later.

The Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute was established in the capital, and the following design institutions also began to integrate, including Donghai.

The official documents have also come down. Pan Jinfu was appointed as the vice president of the General Institute of Ship Design and Research.

Many people do not understand such an appointment.

"Director Pan has finally been promoted."

"Have you read the appointment documents? Dean Pan is also the head of the Donghai Institute. I really don't understand."

"Yeah, very strange, completely confusing."


The middle-level members of the East China Sea Institute occasionally chat about this matter quietly. They can't figure out why Pan Jinfu is also the top leader of the East China Sea Institute.

What is even more strange is that shortly after, a personnel appointment and dismissal document was issued to Donghai Institute, and Shen Changhai, the deputy director of a ship design institute in the north, was transferred to be the deputy director of Donghai Institute.

Many people thought to themselves, here comes the peach picker.

"It can't be as simple as the deputy director's flat transfer. Could it be that he will be the leader of our institute and become the successor of Director Pan?"

"It's very possible. I heard that Director Shen is only in his forties, and he is in the prime of life."


Shen Changhai's transfer was like throwing a stone into the water that was not calm, causing a big wave in the East China Sea.

Especially those deputy directors who want to go further, full of sense of crisis and pressure, one deputy director even quit the competition directly and raised his hands in surrender. He thinks it is not unreasonable for the higher-ups to transfer Shen Changhai , [-]% is to take over the position of Director Pan.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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