Military Heavy

Chapter 52 Passionate Mario

Chapter 52 Passionate Mario
"Great, we're at the airport!"

The jeep drove to Donghai Airport, and as soon as he got out of the car, before he even had time to take off his luggage, Wu Anhua, who was in his thirties, yelled loudly like a child.

Yang Fan and Shi Wei looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, we have arrived at Donghai Airport and are about to board the plane to country F.Yang Fan also got out of the car, waved and said, "Everyone take your luggage, we are going to check in your luggage and go through the security check now."

After finishing speaking, take out all the passports and air tickets and distribute them to everyone, and tell everyone to keep their passports and air tickets well. After returning to China, the passports need to be handed over to the unit for safekeeping instead of continuing to be kept by individuals.

This time when he went to country F for study and inspection, Yang Fan was no longer the accompanying interpreter, but the leader of the team ordered by General Master Pan himself.He will take everyone to country F and undertake the translation work along the way.

Shi Wei, as the director of the combat design room, also ordered loudly at this time: "You must keep your passport. If you lose it, you will not be able to come back."

Everyone laughed in good faith, Yang Fan and Shi Wei walked in front, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua followed, and everyone went to the airport together.Yang Fan was familiar with the way, and guided everyone to check in luggage and go through the security check. Everything went smoothly, and everyone entered the waiting hall soon after.

At this time, the apron, runway, and planes of Donghai Airport can already be seen through the glass, and planes land or take off from time to time.

Both Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua were interested, and they stood in front of the big glass together, looking outside as if they couldn't get enough of it for a long time, and couldn't get enough of it.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect that we could really go abroad. Everything seemed like a dream."

Zhang Xiaodong nodded, "Yeah, I barely fell asleep last night, I was so excited, it's my first time going abroad just like you."

The two have been working for more than ten years, and have traveled several times for official business. They have been to several places across the country, but it is the first time to go abroad. No wonder they are so happy.

Yang Fan and Shi Wei were sitting in the waiting hall. It was not the first time for both of them to go abroad. Needless to say, Yang Fan and Shi Wei also went abroad once two years ago.

The two were chatting about their trip to country F for study and study, and from time to time they smiled and looked at Wu Anhua and Zhang Xiaodong who were not far away.

Time passed quickly. After about forty minutes, the airport staff began to inform everyone to queue up for boarding. Yang Fan called Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua, and then started to line up with his luggage.

After successfully boarding the flight to Hong Kong Island, the four of them sat next to each other. Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua felt that everything was so novel, talking and laughing from time to time.

Before noon, the plane arrived at Hong Kong Island smoothly, and everyone transited here.

The waiting time in the middle was not very long. It is a pity that everyone could not leave the airport due to time constraints. If you can go to Hong Kong Island to take a look, it would be very good to take a look around.

If there is enough time, Yang Fan of course also wants to see what Hong Kong Island looked like in the 80s, and even has the idea of ​​going to a certain branch of Citibank in Hong Kong Island to see what he owns in this bank. More than one hundred thousand dollars.

Stopped at the airport for a while, but failed to go outside to have a look. The four of them boarded the plane from Hong Kong Island to the capital airport of country F.

It was a flight of more than ten hours. At the beginning, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua were still full of novelty, but after a few hours, the novelty of the two faded away, and they simply fell asleep or closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Yang Fan asked the stewardess for a blanket and had a good night's sleep.Due to the time difference, the plane that took off from Hong Kong Island at noon arrived at the capital airport of country F in the afternoon local time.

The four of them got off the plane, took their luggage, and walked out of the airport led by Yang Fan.Soon, Yang Fan saw Mario who came to greet him.

He was looking around, obviously he hadn't seen Yang Fan and the others yet.

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled and waved: "Follow me, don't get lost. Mr. Mario, who came to welcome us, has arrived and is over there."

Finally, Mario saw Yang Fan and waved his hands happily. After meeting, he stretched out his hand actively and said very warmly: "Yang, welcome to our country F."

Yang Fan happily shook hands with Mario, and said in fluent English: "Mr. Mario, thank you for coming to welcome us."

After a few polite words, Yang Fan introduced Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua to Mr. Mario, and the three of them shook hands with Mario one by one.

After getting to know each other, Mario said, "Let's go, let's get in the car and head to Saint-Nancy City now. It's estimated that we won't get there until dark."

West Coast Shipbuilding is based in Saint-Nassey.Before being reborn, Yang Fan had been to that shipbuilding company with a history of hundreds of years, but it was the 21st century, and he really didn’t know what the current West Coast Shipbuilding Company looked like, so he really wanted to take a look.

"Go, everyone follow."

Yang Fan was carrying his suitcase and talking and laughing with Mario. They seemed to have a good conversation, but the two communicated in English, and the speed of speech was relatively fast. Shi Wei and the others couldn't understand what they were saying, but from the two It can be guessed from the facial expressions and hearty laughter from time to time that Yang Fan and Mario seem to hit it off very well.

After walking for a few minutes, Mario led everyone to the front of a seven-seater Mercedes-Benz business car, opened the door himself, and invited, "Everyone get in the car and put your luggage in the trunk."

Yang Fan translated Mario's words to everyone, and was the first to put the suitcase in the trunk of the car, and sat down in a seat in the second row.

Everyone got into the car one after another. After they all got into the car, Mario closed the door, sat in the co-pilot's seat, fastened his seat belt, and signaled the driver to drive.

The driver was a young Caucasian guy. When Yang Fan got into the car, he greeted him in English, and the other party responded with a smile.

The car started and headed for Saint-Nancy.

Except for the slight congestion in the urban area, the road is very smooth, and the road conditions are relatively good, and the car runs very smoothly and quickly.

Mario was talking with Yang Fan.

"Yang, I have already booked the hotel for you to stay in, and you can check in tonight."

"Mario first, thank you very much for your hard work."

Because this time is a study tour, to put it bluntly, I came to the West Coast Shipyard to observe and learn the combat system they developed, not as a customer to purchase the products of the West Coast Shipyard, and I had to bear the cost of food and accommodation.

Before coming here, considering the unfamiliar place, Yang Fan asked Mario to help him book a hotel with a total of four rooms and try to be as economical as possible because our country is not rich and the cost of business trips is very limited.

Of course Mario was willing to help, and booked a cheap and hygienic local hotel, which was a family hotel. He briefly introduced the situation of that hotel to Yang Fan.

Although he hasn't taken a look at this hotel yet, from Mario's introduction, Yang Fan is very satisfied, at least the price is very cheap.

After chatting for a while, Mario also talked about his schedule for the past few days.Because it is inconvenient to make international long-distance calls and the phone bill is expensive, Yang Fan and Mario have not communicated about the details of the itinerary yet. They just informed Mario of his arrival schedule and will stay in San Naci for a few days and other information.

"Yang, you will stay in Saint-Nancy for a total of six days and five nights. My itinerary is as follows. On the first day, that is, tomorrow we will mainly visit the west coast shipyard. On the second day, we will start to visit our combat system design Laboratory, on the third day, there is a half-day opportunity to board our new destroyer and frigate for a visit.”

After listening to the itinerary introduction, Yang Fan thought for a while and said: "Generally, I have no objections, but on the first day we will only visit the West Coast Shipyard in the morning, and start to visit your combat system design laboratory in the afternoon. The 'three-person platform' you mentioned last time, in addition, on the fourth day, we will conduct a technical exchange to consult some technical issues in the design of the combat system."

This time when I came to Country F, the focus is of course to understand their combat system design. Yang Fan didn’t want to waste a whole day on the first day visiting the shipyards on the west coast. Instead, he only visited for half a day and started to visit and learn about them in the afternoon Combat Systems Design Laboratory.

The fourth and fifth days were originally time for relaxation. Mario would take everyone for a walk around Saint-Nancy, a famous port city in Country F, to have a look. However, Yang Fan thought that time was precious, so he proposed a technical Exchange, relax on the fifth day, and take a car to the capital airport of country F on the sixth day, and return to Donghai City.

After thinking about it for a while, Mario agreed, "OK, that's the arrangement."

The two reached an agreement, and then talked about some topics related to this study tour.

As time passed, the outside of the car gradually became dark, and when the car arrived in Saint-Nancy, it was already lit up by thousands of lights.

I am very grateful to "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for accumulating 2600 starting coins, "Ziji Zhenren" for 2000 starting coins, "★Chengnuo★" for 200 starting coins, "Leadership to see" and "Book Friends 130713204102097" for playing 100 starting coins each reward.

thank you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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