Military Heavy

Chapter 53 Staying in the "Sea View Room"

Chapter 53 Staying in the "Sea View Room"

Mario was great in helping to book this hotel.

This is a three-story building with a European architectural style. The car enters a small alley about [-] meters away and arrives at the hotel entrance.

"Yang, it's here." Mario said.

Everyone got out of the car and entered the hotel with their luggage.Mario talked to the hotel owner, and the middle-aged owner showed a warm smile and said loudly in English: "Welcome, welcome everyone."

Yang Fan responded a few words in English, greeted the boss warmly, and took out everyone's passports to check in. There are four rooms in total, all located on the third floor of the hotel. The rooms are connected together, quiet and comfortable.

"Well, the room is nice."

"Very comfortable room."

Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua all expressed their satisfaction.Representative Yang Fan thanked, "Mr. Mario, thank you for booking such a good hotel for us."

"Yang, this is what I should do, you are my guests." Mario replied.

Everyone put their luggage into their respective rooms, and Yang Fan did the same. After putting away his luggage, he thought in his heart that it was already dark, and he wondered if the nearby supermarket was closed, and he needed to buy some ingredients.

The funds for studying in country F this time are still very limited, because our country is not yet rich, and the foreign exchange reserves are even less.

These days in Country F, you need to pay for accommodation and food out of your own pocket. In order to save money, Yang Fan has already made some preparations. Wu Anhua and Zhang Xiaodong even brought some seasonings from China in their suitcases, such as Cooking wine, monosodium glutamate and soy sauce, etc., even a small amount of onion, ginger and garlic.

It is the most economical to cook by yourself. If you go to a restaurant outside every meal, you will definitely not be able to afford it. Considering that these seasonings may be difficult to buy in country F, you simply bring some.

When he came up just now, Yang Fan had already noticed that the hotel had a kitchen, which was prepared for the convenience of the guests.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, "I hope the supermarket outside is not closed, so I can go buy some ingredients and come back. Otherwise, I can only go out to eat out of my own pocket tonight. Even if the four of us save money, it is estimated that we will definitely need [-] or [-] dollars."

After putting away the luggage in the room, Yang Fan was thinking about calling someone to go out and buy ingredients together, when Mario opened the door and came in, enthusiastically said: "Yang, everyone's luggage should be brought up, let's go, I will Take you to dinner, count me as a treat."

Mario treats.

There is such a good thing.

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, and soon realized that Mario should have invited everyone to dinner in the name of the West Coast Shipyard, and he did not personally pay for it.

Since their company paid the money, why not be polite, and readily agreed: "Okay, we happen to be hungry too, Mario, thank you."

"Yang, you are too polite." Mario said, "The last time I went to Donghai City, you treated me like a VIP. It is right to treat you to a meal."

Yang Fan laughed happily.

Calling Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua, Mario took the lead and walked in front, followed by the driver at the end, a group of six people.

Mario seemed to be very familiar with it, and led everyone directly into a western restaurant. It turned out that he had already ordered a meal.

The environment of the restaurant is good, and the Western food is also very authentic. First, each person has an appetizer soup, and then each person has a salad. They are all eight or nine times cooked.

After eating the steak, there were desserts and coffee. After eating a meal for more than an hour, Mario sent everyone to the gate of the hotel before he got in the car and left.

After waving goodbye to Mario and watching him leave in the car, Yang Fan thought in his heart that he is nice, warm and hospitable.

After returning to the hotel, considering that everyone was exhausted from the journey and would start the study tour tomorrow, Yang Fan asked everyone to rest early and go back to their rooms instead of going out for a stroll.

Yang Fan himself is the same, after returning to his room, he washes up first, then lays down on the comfortable and soft bed, thinking about tomorrow's affairs in his mind.

According to the arrangement, I will visit the West Coast Shipyard tomorrow morning, have a working meal in the shipyard at noon, and start visiting their combat system design room and laboratory in the afternoon.

Originally, the whole day tomorrow will be spent visiting the shipyard on the west coast, but Yang Fan feels that there is no need to spend one day. The inspection of the opponent's combat system is above.

Lying on the bed, Yang Fan seemed to hear the sound of the waves, but the sound was very soft. At first, he thought he heard it wrong. After listening carefully, he simply got up, went to the window and pulled the curtains, and then opened the window.

Really the sound of the waves.

It was already dark when he entered the port city of Saint-Nancy, and Yang Fan didn't realize that the hotel he was staying in was located by the sea.

Looking into the distance from the window, you can vaguely see some lights on the sea, and there seems to be a lighthouse in the distance, Yang Fan thought in his heart, so we stayed in a sea view room.

Standing in front of the window and watching, Yang Fan closed the window and drew the curtains until he felt a little chill from the cold wind.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

Maybe it was because he was really tired all the way, but Yang Fan actually slept very soundly, and he was not affected by jet lag and the new environment.

After getting up, brushing his teeth and washing his face, he heard the faint sound of ocean waves, Yang Fan opened the window again, and looked over from a distance.

It was night yesterday, and now it is morning, so I can see it very clearly. There is indeed the sea not far away. Because I am on the third floor, the view is not bad. Not only can I see a large expanse of sea, but I can also see a large beach .

I thought with a smile in my heart, this is a veritable sea view room, the kind where you can see the sea when you open the window, it really took a lot of thought for Mario to book such a room for us.

Breakfast is provided and included in the price of the stay.

The breakfast was not bad, with sausage, bread, eggs, milk, etc. The four of them ate breakfast together. Wu Anhua even put an egg in his pocket, saying that he would eat it at noon, which made everyone laugh out loud.

Yang Fan reminded that this kind of thing should be done less, this time only, we are representing the country, and we must not embarrass the country.

After breakfast, after only a few minutes of waiting, the horn sounded outside the hotel door, and Mario drove the car himself, which was the seven-seater Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle from yesterday.

"Yang, you're still used to it. Have you all rested yet?"

As soon as they met, Mario began to ask questions with such concern.Yang Fan smiled and replied, "We are all rested and full of energy."

The main reason is that the environment of the hotel is good, quiet and comfortable, and I can fall asleep listening to the faint sound of waves.

Mario looked at everyone, saw that everyone was in good spirits, felt relieved, then waved and said, "Come on, I'll take you to the west coast shipyard. Our task this morning is to visit."

Everyone got into the car one after another.

The car started and slowly left the hotel where everyone was staying. It was not far away, and after driving for about [-] minutes, we arrived at the West Coast Shipyard.

This is an old factory with a history of hundreds of years. It was once very brilliant, from the construction of sail gunships to the construction of aircraft carriers and modern frigates.

Mario is the tour guide for this visit. While taking everyone on a tour, he explained to everyone. He not only visited several large docks in the shipyard, but also saw a destroyer under construction, and also saw it docked at the dock of the shipyard. Among the several battleships that have been decommissioned, one of them has participated in World War II and has a history of several decades.

They were all built by West Coast shipyards.

The visit in the morning was very easy and smooth, but there was something different in the afternoon, which even Yang Fan never expected.

Totally unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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