Military Heavy

Chapter 54 Something is wrong

Chapter 54 Something is wrong


Under the leadership of Mario, our group walked into the staff restaurant of the West Coast Shipyard and had a working meal here.

The things are relatively simple, but enough to keep you full.Mainly burgers, hot dogs, coke and coffee.Yang Fan ate a hamburger and drank a cup of coffee.

Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua directly said that the coffee was too bitter, and they were not used to it. They both drank Coke, and they both drank a large cup.

While eating, Mario and Yang Fan were chatting.The content of the conversation includes the visit in the morning and the things to be studied and inspected in the afternoon.

Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Mario, when you were in Donghai City last time, you introduced us to the 'Three Persons Platform'. We would like to learn more about it."

"Of course." Mario readily agreed.

After the meal, after a short rest, everyone walked into the design center of the West Coast Shipyard.Through the visit in the morning, everyone has learned that this company is not only about the construction of ships, but also includes design and development, and has a complete set of systems.

For example, their ship design center is very large, not only has various design rooms, but also has a lot of supporting experimental verification equipment, as well as some professional laboratories.

Since we want to understand the "three-person platform", of course, we first walked into a laboratory, where there is a successfully designed "three-person platform", and technicians from the west coast shipyard are conducting various experiments and verifications.

As one of the best ship designers in the Republic, Yang Fan had of course heard of the "three-person platform" in the 21st century, knowing that it is a new type of command system that rewrites the traditional combat mode.

This is exactly what the 052 ship needs.

Yang Fan also wants to know more about it, and wants Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, and Wu Anhua to understand and learn in depth, so that he can use this as a basis to start the design and development of our 052 ship's combat system.

As soon as he entered this laboratory, Yang Fan's eyes lit up. Even before Mario had time to introduce him, he recognized a piece of equipment placed in the middle of the laboratory at a glance.

It has three working positions, each of which has a computer, and the three computers are distributed in a zigzag shape. Next to it, several technicians are busy and performing some operations.

"Is this your 'three-person platform'?"

Mario said proudly: "Yes, this is the 'three-person platform' we developed. It is a new type of combat command system, and it has already begun to be used on our new destroyers."

"It has three working positions, namely a captain, a deputy chief of operations, and an intelligence officer. The intelligence officer collects information, and tells the captain to display any threatening information, and the operations officer provides operational opinions."

Mario didn't seem to be stingy and introduced it to everyone.Seeing this, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, and Wu Anhua took out notebooks and pens at the same time, and quickly recorded them. Yang Fan translated for the three of them, and translated what Mario said to the three of them.

After Mario's introduction, Shi Wei reminded: "Yang Fan, ask me what the specific working principle of this 'three-person platform' is. It would be the best if we can provide us with paper technical information."

Yang Fan nodded and asked in English: "Mr. Mario, can you introduce its working principle, performance parameters, structural composition and other technical things?"

Unexpectedly, Mario shrugged helplessly, spread his hands and said, "Yang, I don't know about these things. I may have to ask the technicians here."

Yang Fan looked at Mario suspiciously, not believing what he said.According to Yang Fan's guess, Mario should understand these things.

Since the other party was unwilling to say anything, Yang Fan had no choice but to see those technicians operating and seemed to be doing some verification, so he asked one of the technicians.

Still using fluent English, Yang Fan asked: "Hello, can you tell us about the structure, working principle and other things of this equipment?"

What Yang Fan didn't expect was that the other party said sorry, saying that he couldn't disclose these things.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's heart sank slightly, and he had a very bad premonition. He didn't expect that the other party would not even disclose these things.

Although Shi Wei's English is not as good as Yang Fan's, there is still no problem with basic conversations, and he basically understands and sees the problem.

His face also sank slightly, and he looked at Yang Fan with a little worry.

Yang Fan gave Shi Wei a look and nodded slightly.It is definitely impossible to just give up like this. After spending so much effort coming from China, I will never go back empty-handed. I always have to understand something to go back.

With this in mind, Yang Fan did not give up. After hitting a wall with the technician just now, he changed his target and saw another technician operating, so he politely asked, "Hello, what did you do just now?" What is the function of the operation?"

The other party glanced at Yang Fan, smiled at Yang Fan, but did not answer the question Yang Fan asked, and did not tell what function this operation achieves at all.

Next, Yang Fan asked other technicians, and the results were without exception. The other technicians were very polite. When asking them, they didn't give you any embarrassment. Instead, they would smile at you, or shrug their shoulders, with an apologetic expression.

None of them revealed anything of value.What is the working principle of the three-person platform, what are the technical parameters, and what is the structural composition, all of which are not disclosed, and at most only talk about the most superficial things.

Yang Fan was extremely depressed, even a little angry, and said in his heart, what a bull, the combat command system I have been in contact with is countless times more advanced than your crap, believe it or not, I can design a much better system than yours alone. combat command system.

Of course, this is just out of anger. It is impossible for Yang Fan to design and develop the combat command system of the 052 ship by himself. Even with this level of technology, the workload is too large. It takes at least several years for the technical team to complete.

In addition, if you really do this, you can't explain it with geniuses, but with monsters.This is completely inexplicable theoretically, and may be caught as a guinea pig study.

So Yang Fan has always been very clear that even if he has a head full of technical knowledge, he must take it step by step instead of reaching the sky in one step.

Encountering such a situation, neither Yang Fan nor Shi Wei could be happy, and the original good mood was not at all left, and it was always clouded.

Seeing that the faces of the two leaders were not good, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't dare to say anything, they basically just watched with their eyes and basically didn't speak.

Originally planned to stay here for the whole afternoon, after encountering such a situation, I only stayed here for about two hours.

Mario probably proposed to show everyone a tour of their company's design and R&D center in order to ease the atmosphere.After thinking for a while, Yang Fan nodded in agreement.

It has already been seen that the design and development center of the West Coast Shipbuilding Company is indeed very large. Yang Fan wants to see what kind of technical level and level their ship design and development have reached.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

After looking around, Yang Fan can basically see that the level of the R&D and design center of the West Coast Shipbuilding Company should be higher than that of the Donghai Institute, and the hardware facilities are more advanced and complete. There is a long way to go.

After the visit, seeing Yang Fan and the others seemed to be in a slightly bad mood, Mario simply ended today's inspection and drove Yang Fan to the gate of the hotel by himself.

After getting out of the car, watching Mario leave, Shi Wei said worriedly: "Director Yang, this is not going to work, we have to think of a way."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement, "Yes, we must come up with a countermeasure."

Raising his hand to see that the time is still early, Yang Fan said: "Now Zhang Gong and I are going to buy vegetables. I just saw a supermarket in the car, not far away."

Today's dinner must be solved by myself. It is definitely not realistic to go to restaurants outside, so I can only cook by myself.In addition, Yang Fan was going to think about the countermeasures carefully, and after dinner, he might be able to come up with a good way to deal with it in the evening.

 Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, collections and other support.


(End of this chapter)

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