Military Heavy

Chapter 55 There are more ways than difficulties

Chapter 55 There are more ways than difficulties

Go shopping first.

It's still early at this point, I just saw that the supermarket should not be closed yet, Yang Fan waved: "Brother Zhang, the two of us are going to buy vegetables, Director Shi, you are waiting for us at the hotel."

"Yes, be safe." Shi Wei agreed.

Not far away, Yang Fan and Zhang Xiaodong went out together, walked for about ten minutes to the entrance of the supermarket, walked in and began to choose ingredients.

Zhang Xiaodong probably visited such a supermarket for the first time. He said in surprise, "This place is really big and has so many things. It is bigger and has more things than any department store in our Donghai City."

Yang Fan smiled, that's for sure.

After ten years of movement, the gap between us and Western countries has become relatively large, and we need to catch up.

"In a few days, we will come here to buy some things to take back when we have time." Zhang Xiaodong said while watching.

After finally being able to go abroad once, I will definitely not go back empty-handed. Even if the things are expensive, I will properly choose some cheap things that are not available in China, and give them to relatives and friends, so that they can also enjoy the benefits.

Yang Fan nodded, and said loudly: "No problem, when we have time after our study tour is over, we will come here to pick things out."

All he has to do now is to choose the ingredients. Yang Fan bought a 10-pound bag of rice, and then bought a few pounds of beef. Of course, he chose the most economical beef. The high-quality beef was ignored because it was too expensive.

There is basically no need to buy seasoning, only salt and oil, and a few other affordable ingredients, such as large pieces of chicken, some pork, and so on.

After shopping for about half an hour, I felt that it was almost done, and I didn't want Shi Wei and Wu Anhua to wait in the hotel for a long time. Yang Fan paid the bill, and the two went back to the hotel together.

"Bought so many things!"

Seeing that there are meat and vegetables, as well as beef and chicken, Shi Wei was surprised, and Wu Anhua next to him was even more worried: "It will cost a lot of money."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's not expensive, it didn't cost much, and it didn't exceed the standard."

Hearing this, Shi Wei and Wu Anhua felt relieved.Then, everyone worked together, washing the rice, washing the vegetables, and chopping the vegetables.

The things in the kitchen are relatively complete, and these foreign cooking utensils are relatively easy for everyone to use. In less than an hour, a very sumptuous meal is ready.

Five dishes and one soup.

When he sat down to eat, Shi Wei said with satisfaction: "It's rich enough, much better than what we ate when we were working in the unit."

"Well, not bad." Zhang Xiaodong put a piece of beef into his mouth, and said while eating, "It's still enjoyable to eat Chinese food. Today, eating hamburgers at noon doesn't feel like the same thing."

Everyone laughed.

It seems that I have temporarily forgotten what happened this afternoon, and my mood is much better.After eating, agree to take turns washing the dishes.

This time it was Wu Anhua, and it was Zhang Xiaodong's turn to go down.Yang Fan put down the bowls and chopsticks, glanced at the food that was not much left, and said to everyone, "Have a half-hour break, and then go to my room for a meeting to summarize today's study and investigation, and then come up with some countermeasures."

The people at the West Coast Shipyard are tight-lipped about the working principle, structural composition, and technical parameters of the "three-person platform".

Shi Wei also knew that this matter was very important, and nodded in agreement, "Yang Fan is very correct. We will have a meeting in half an hour."

Things are settled for now.

Yang Fan, Shi Wei and Zhang Xiaodong went back to their rooms and took a rest.After Wu Anhua finished washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen, he would go back to his room to take a rest.

In his own room, after closing the door, everything was quiet, Yang Fan sat on the chair, thinking about countermeasures in his head.

In fact, since I encountered such a situation in the afternoon, I have been thinking about what to do. After thinking for so long, I have roughly some countermeasures. After thinking about it so seriously and quietly, the countermeasures become clear, and I gradually have an idea in my heart.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it."

After making up his mind, Yang Fan felt a lot more relaxed. Yang Fan made a cup of tea by himself, held the hot tea and stood in front of the window. There is no previous dignified.

Not long after, raising his hand to check the time, Yang Fan knew that everyone was coming soon.I made three cups of hot tea in glass cups, and arranged the stools and tables in the room for everyone to have a meeting later.

Two or three minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Shi Wei was the first to enter, followed by Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua.

Yang Fan said: "Everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

First, I summarized the experience of today's inspection, and then talked about the "three-person platform" I saw at the West Coast Ship Design and R&D Center in the afternoon.

Yang Fan said: "Their 'three-person platform' is undoubtedly the core device of the information system on the new destroyer and frigate, and it is also the focus of our study and inspection this time."

Shi Wei nodded in agreement, and said very worriedly, "But the problem is that the other party keeps it strictly confidential, and they don't say a word about what we want to know."

This is a very tricky question.

Yang Fan asked, "Facing this problem, do you have any good solutions and suggestions?"

Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Xiaohua glanced at each other quietly, exchanged glances, and shook their heads together, obviously neither of them had any effective solution.

The same is true for Shi Wei, who said helplessly: "I have been thinking about this problem, but unfortunately I haven't thought of any solution until now."

That's it.

Yang Fan's eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he said seriously: "I understand that they do that. With this kind of system, it is impossible for foreign countries to enshrine the information to you with both hands. We should actually think about it before. That's it."


Shi Wei sighed softly, with a frown on his face, he knew that this investigation might really come back empty-handed.

At this time, Yang Fan's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"I thought of countermeasures. They don't want to say more, so we don't need to be cheeky to ask. We will do this from tomorrow morning. During the inspection, we will see how some key components operate and solve some problems. , After understanding some basic issues, record them in detail in our notebooks, and think about them later when we go back.”

"I believe that with our ingenuity and professional skills, after repeated trials and verifications, we will definitely be able to develop this core device for the destroyer's information system!"


After hearing Yang Fan's words, the eyes of Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua all lit up, as if they saw hope all of a sudden.

If people don't say it, we can watch it.

Record everything you see in detail, how to operate which parts, and what functions are realized. After you go back, you will definitely be able to develop a "three-person platform" like them.

With this core device, the combat command system of our 052 ship has the most critical equipment, and the design of the combat system has taken a key step.

Shi Wei swept away the disappointment just now, stood up, and said very happily: "Director Yang is right, starting tomorrow, we will observe carefully, record everything we see in detail, and we will think about it together when we go back."

There are always more ways than difficulties.

After finding such a way, the stone that weighed on everyone's hearts finally disappeared, and they were full of confidence in tomorrow's inspection.

 I asked for a recommendation ticket at midnight today, and rushed to the list. Now the new book is ranked No. 11, and it will enter the top ten soon.


(End of this chapter)

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