Chapter 56
At night, everyone had a good night's sleep, especially Shi Wei. As the director of the 052 ship's combat system design room, he woke up at dawn.

Shortly after everyone got up and had breakfast, Mario drove to the gate of the hotel himself and honked the horn twice.

Yang Fan got up, waved his hand and said: "Let's go, let's visit and inspect their combat system design and development center, remember, observe carefully, carefully, what are the main key components of the 'three-person platform', how to operate, and what functions are realized Write it all down for me, and if necessary, you can draw a sketch in the notebook, and we will study it carefully when we go back."

Everyone nodded to show they understood.

The four got into the seven-seater Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle at the entrance of the hotel. Mario, who was driving, greeted everyone warmly, "Good morning, gentlemen."

Yang Fan responded with a smile, "Mr. Mario, good morning."

Mario was a little surprised, because he found that Yang Fan, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua were undoubtedly exceptions, all of them had smiles on their faces and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"It wasn't like that yesterday afternoon."

He muttered in his heart, clearly remembering that when he came back yesterday afternoon, the atmosphere in the car was quite dull, except for Yang Fan who was a little better, the faces of the other three were not good-looking, and their expressions were not relaxed.

How could there be such a big change in one night?

He opened his mouth to ask, but in the end he held back because he didn't know how to ask, so he simply started the car and set off.

After driving for a certain distance, Mario reminded, "Yang, according to the itinerary, I will stay in our ship design and R&D center all day today, focusing on inspecting our 'three-person platform'. You serve, if you need anything, you can talk to me directly."

Yang Fan said politely: "Mr. Mario, thank you for your hard work."

Mario took a look at Yang Fan, originally thinking that the other party would make some demands, such as asking the technicians to further introduce the 'three-person platform', but there was no.

There was a big question mark in his mind, and Mario drove everyone to the ship design and R&D center of the West Coast Shipyard, and took everyone inside.

It is still the same laboratory as yesterday.

Those foreigner technicians have already started working, performing some operations and verifications.

This is very good for everyone, the opportunity is rare, including Yang Fan, they all entered the working state, took out the notebooks and pens they brought, and carefully watched while carefully recording.

What kind of operations the other party has and what kind of functions are realized are recorded in detail in the notebook.Zhang Xiaodong even drew sketches in his notebook. Obviously, he has a lot of skills, and the sketches he draws are not sloppy, but more regular.


There are both sketches and written records.

Yang Fan also started to write down what he saw and felt necessary. In addition to written records, he also drew a few simple sketches.

Time passed quietly like this.

Laymen watch the excitement, and laymen watch the doorway.After watching it carefully for an hour or two, Yang Fan recorded fewer things, because he has basically understood the working principle of the "three-person platform", even its structure and composition can be roughly guessed.

Just continue to record some valuable and necessary things in the notebook, and Yang Fan spends more time watching, watching carefully, and trying to figure it out.

"Well, it's basically clear."

Maybe Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, and Wu Anhua didn't see it so thoroughly, but Yang Fan already knew what the core device of the ship information system designed and developed by the West Coast Shipyard was all about.

In Yang Fan's view, the "three-person platform" is not very advanced, at least it is far from the core device of the real ship information system in the 21st century, and there is a generation gap.

The "three-person station" can only achieve the level of centralized command and decentralized control, but it is not useless, at least it is relatively advanced in this era. It has realized the transformation of the weapon system on the ship from mechanization to automation and informationization.

This is exactly what the 052 ship needs.

The starting point and technical content are too high, but it is not suitable for the 052 ship, because in Yang Fan's view, in view of our domestic industrial level and technical strength, the first 052 ship cannot reach the sky in one step, and its starting point should not be too high.

This is true in history. Our first 052 ship is not very advanced. On the contrary, there are still many problems. Later, after continuous improvement and perfection, the 052 ship with the reputation of "China Aegis" was finally obtained.

Yang Fan has basically seen through the "three-person platform" in front of him, but Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua, who have never been in contact with this device, feel as if a brand new door has opened in front of them, immersed in it, and try their best to Absorb all the technical knowledge you can absorb.

Seeing the concentration and seriousness of the three of them, Yang Fan smiled reassuringly, knowing that this trip to the west coast shipyard for inspection will definitely return with a rewarding experience.

A morning passed like this.

In everyone's notebooks, at least several pages were recorded, and most of them recorded more than a dozen pages.For example, in Zhang Xiaodong's notebook, there are twelve pages in total. In addition to a large number of written records, he also drew at least seven or eight sketches, and he even drew a sketch of "Three People's Platform".

At noon, I still ate in the staff restaurant on the west coast, and I still ate simple things like hamburgers, hot dogs, and cola coffee.

Because the mood is good and I feel that I have gained a lot, everyone seems to be eating a big meal, with relish.Even Yang Fan was the same. After eating a hamburger, he ate a hot dog and finally drank a cup of coffee.

"Yang, how about I take you to the other laboratories of the Design and R&D Center in the afternoon to have a look?"

Mario has noticed that everyone, including Yang Fan, seems to have recorded a lot of things. He is worried that the really valuable things will be seen through, so he suggested to go to other places for a walk.This walk, it must be a quick look at the flowers.

Of course Yang Fan knew Mario's intentions, although he wanted to go to other laboratories to have a look and learn more about them, but not this afternoon.

"Mr. Mario, we still don't plan to change places this afternoon. We will spend half a day tomorrow morning. You can show us other laboratories."

It’s okay to visit other laboratories, but it must be tomorrow, and time is precious. It doesn’t take half a day, but half a day is enough.

Precious time should be used wisely.

Seeing what Yang Fan said, Mario shook his head lightly. Since Yang Fan said so, he couldn't object, so he had to continue to take everyone to the laboratory in the afternoon.

Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, and Wu Anhua looked excited because they could continue to visit and learn. After entering the state, the excitement on their faces gradually turned into concentration and seriousness.

As the sun went down, the foreigners in the laboratory began to pack their things and prepare to leave work. Everyone was reluctant to leave, and they didn't leave until Mario tactfully urged them twice.

Back at the hotel, Mario drove away, and everyone could no longer bear the joy. Shi Wei even said: "Today is worth it, absolutely worth it, Yang Fan, your method really works, you see I have recorded a lot All of them are extremely valuable.”

Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua were not like this. They had obviously happy expressions on their faces, and a lot of things were recorded in the notebooks on their faces.

Seeing everyone like this, Yang Fan smiled and felt relieved, knowing that after returning this time, everyone will have a certain foundation. On the basis of this 'three-person platform', a combat command system belonging to the 052 ship will definitely be designed.

Yang Fan even thought in his heart, "Tomorrow, I will take a comprehensive tour of the destroyer and frigate combat command information system designed and developed by the West Coast Shipyard. Even if they don't introduce in-depth things, as long as I follow today's method, I will see The harvest will also be huge, and it will definitely be of great help to the design and development of the combat system of the 052 ship after returning."

After returning, take a short rest.

Then everyone made dinner together, because everyone was in a good mood, talking and laughing.

Thank you "★Chengnuo★" for your daily rewards, "Super Invincible Little Star" and "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for their 500 coins each, and "MRHU" for their 200 coins and "Swimming in the Desert" for their 100 coins Reward!

thank you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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