Military Heavy

Chapter 57 Huge Harvest

Chapter 57 Huge Harvest ([-]rd)
After the meal, everyone just took a rest.

Time is so precious, you must seize all the time you can use it.Just like last night, everyone gathered for a meeting to summarize today's study and inspection experience.

It's just that the location is no longer in Yang Fan's room, but in Shi Wei's room. Everyone is holding notebooks and pens, or sitting on chairs, or simply sitting on the bed. It's not so particular. , talking freely, the atmosphere is very active.

"Director Yang, your method really works. I recorded a lot of things, many of which I think are very useful, but there are also some things that I don't understand for the time being. After I go back, I have to calm down and think carefully." Wu Anhua said so.

Shi Wei said: "It's not enough to just think about it alone. Three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang. After we go back, we will discuss collectively."

Yang Fan reminded: "Discussion is not enough, we need to verify, which operations realize what functions, and what the principles are, all need to be verified through experiments."

Taking a sip of hot tea, Yang Fan continued: "In this way, we have a general framework for how to build our laboratory, which is based on these verifications."

Yang Fan said a lot in one breath.

Everyone spoke, and more than once, Zhang Xiaodong said, "The more I record, the more I feel that I need to learn and research. There are some things that I don't understand yet, but I am confident that when I go back, as long as I spend time and energy, I will figure it out.”

Yang Fan nodded and said, "If we have this kind of research spirit and understand all the things recorded today, I think we can also independently design and develop the combat system of the 052 ship. I have full confidence in this."

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours, and when the meeting ended, everyone felt that they were still unfinished. If it wasn't for the time, they needed to rest earlier to meet tomorrow's study and inspection, and they might continue.

Back in his room, Yang Fan felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

I thought happily, I can see from everyone's speeches just now, everyone has gained a lot, that's right, this time is finally not in vain.

Yang Fan, who was still full of ideas, sat down, took out his notebook and looked through the things recorded today, and then read it carefully again, to understand the core device of the destroyer and frigate information system developed by the West Coast Shipyard "Three Person Platform" Go deeper.

Not only have I basically understood its working principle and structural composition, but also know its shortcomings and what needs to be improved and improved in the future.

I closed the notebook, raised my wrist to check the time, it was indeed getting late, I should wash up a little and go to bed.

On the second day, under the leadership of Mario, everyone began to visit the design and R&D center of the West Coast Shipbuilding. They visited several places. It is indeed the technical core department of the West Coast Shipyard. In fact, there are still many things to see.

Yang Fan simply changed his plan a little bit. He originally planned to visit for half a day, but under the leadership of Mario, he visited and inspected for half a day. What is the level of the ship design and development center?

There must be a gap between us and them, but Yang Fan has not suffered any blows, but is full of confidence. In another ten years, our technical level will definitely not be weaker than them.

At noon, everyone still ate at the staff restaurant of the West Coast Shipyard. In the afternoon, it was the highlight, visiting the new destroyers and frigates that were basically completed in the West Coast Shipyard.

In country F, there is no clear distinction between destroyers and frigates, and they are collectively referred to as destroyers and frigates. This is the second of country F's new modern destroyers and frigates.

The ship not only has a very complete weapon system, including artillery, torpedoes, and anti-control missiles, but also has a combat command system, which uses relatively advanced computer technology.

After eating Chinese food, under the leadership of Mario, everyone came to a dock in the western shipyard and saw this almost completed new destroyer and frigate.

Mario introduced: "This is our second ship. It is planned to be officially launched next Wednesday, and the construction has been basically completed."

Listening to Mario's introduction, everyone's eyes were all on this frigate, even Yang Fan, who looked at it with great interest.

After looking at it for a while, Yang Fan made a request, "Mr. Mario, please show us aboard the ship."

This was negotiated in advance by the two parties. There is a process of boarding and visiting, but the time is relatively short. The time proposed by our side is one hour, while the western shipyard only allows half an hour.

Just half an hour, it's better than just looking at it below.

Facing Yang Fan's request, Mario smiled, looked at the time and said, "Then start counting now, the time is half an hour, and we will start boarding the ship."

Under the leadership of Mario, everyone boarded the latest modern warship of country F for the first time. First, they looked at the bow splint and listened to Mario's basic introduction. It took a few minutes. Then, everyone Walked into the command room of the ship.

This is the focus of everyone's visit.

The layout of the command room, what equipment, etc., are recorded in detail in the notebook while everyone is visiting.

Yang Fan's painting skills are good, so he is not allowed to take pictures, so I will draw the entire command room, but just picked up the pen, and only made a few strokes, and Mario next to him politely stopped him, "Yang, I'm sorry, this involves Our core secrets, you can only take a look at it, you cannot draw it on the notebook."

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt a little regretful. The other party was worried about technology leaks and prohibited taking pictures or drawing the appearance of the entire command room, which is understandable.

Yang Fan looked at it carefully, even if he didn't draw, he basically knew what was going on.

Before rebirth, Yang Fan had boarded new destroyers and frigates in many countries for a visit, and had seen many types of new warships. Now, just looking at them like this, he already knows in his heart that it doesn't matter if he doesn't draw a picture.

After watching the battle command room of this ship for about ten minutes, Yang Fan took a few minutes to look at other places, especially the weapon system of this ship.

While watching, he reminded softly in Mandarin, "Everyone, look carefully. What kind of weapon systems are used on this ship, and what type are they, write them all down, and we can use them for reference when we go back."


Everyone nodded in agreement, and recorded the situation of the weapon system they saw in the notebook, such as the situation of the main gun, the secondary gun, torpedoes and anti-missile missiles, etc.

Half an hour seemed to pass by in no time.

Everyone was still observing and recording, and Mario reminded: "Gentlemen, the time has come, let's go down now."

After speaking, he walked in the front and started to disembark.Yang Fan raised his hand to look at the time, shook his head slightly, and thought in his heart, this Mario, the time is really accurate, not more than 1 minute, exactly 10 minutes.

Although it was just a quick glance, everyone felt that they saw a lot of things, and they gained a lot in half an hour.

After visiting this new type of frigate, today's study tour was completed, and Mario sent everyone to the door of the hotel.

It was still early, and after returning to the hotel, everyone discussed where to go for a stroll.

Shi Wei suggested, "We have plenty of time to go shopping tomorrow, how about we just go to the beach this afternoon?"

Not far away is the beautiful beach, you can see it through the window in the room, but you can't go there for a walk and have a look.

Yang Fan agreed, "The beach is not far away, and there is enough time. Let's go there for a walk and relax. We will have a meeting in the evening to summarize today's study and inspection."


"I agree."

Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua nodded in agreement, so it was decided, and Shi Wei happily brought over the camera he brought from China.

This is a Seagull brand camera specially brought from the institute. Visitors have not been allowed to take pictures these days, so this camera has not been used. I can take a few photos for everyone when I get to the beach.

"Hey guy, this camera is finally usable."

Looking at Shi Wei with the camera on his neck, Yang Fan said happily, and wanted to take some photos to take back later.

The group left the hotel and soon reached the beach.

The scenery is very good, the vast blue sea, white seagulls flying on the sea and in mid-air, there are golden sandy beaches on the seashore, and some places are reefs.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, everyone's interest immediately rose.

Three more sent!

Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, collections and other support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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