Chapter 58 Returning to Donghai City

Blue sea, blue sky, warm sun.
Everyone cheered and rushed to the seashore. Zhang Xiaodong was the first to stand on a rock and shouted loudly: "Director Shi, take a photo for me!"

Shi Wei smiled, picked up his sea-gull camera, clicked, and took the first photo when he went abroad.

Yang Fan stood beside him with a smile, looking at Zhang Xiaodong who was standing on the reef with POSS. It would be nice to have a color camera, but it's a black and white camera.

"Yang Fan, do you know how to use a camera? Take a picture for me too." Shi Wei himself became interested.

Yang Fan took the camera, pointed the lens at Shi Wei who was already prepared, selected the background, and pressed the shutter.Next, even Yang Fan asked others to take a few photos.

"Come here, come here!"

Just after taking another photo, Yang Fan heard Zhang Xiaodong yelling not far away, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Yang Fan and Shi Wei looked at each other, they both smiled, walked over together, and finally understood what was going on, it turned out that they found sea cucumbers by the beach.

That's right, it is indeed a sea cucumber, the big one.

"There's one here too." Wu Anhua also shouted loudly. He also found a sea cucumber and was about to pick it up.

"It's really a sea cucumber."

After Shi Wei confirmed that it was correct, he also searched for it, and found one after a while, which was not too small, so he happily picked it up.

Yang Fan was a little surprised. He never expected to find sea cucumbers on the beach. He never expected it.I soon understood what was going on. It was because the ecological environment was good, and the locals probably didn't eat it, so they could find sea cucumbers here.

Foreigners don't eat it, in our opinion it's delicious.

Yang Fan also found one, which was very fat. After picking it up, he was a little worried, whether it could be picked up, and whether there would be some locals or environmental protectionists coming to make trouble.

This is just a matter of asking.

There were local people not far away. Yang Fan went over to ask and soon became happy. It turned out that the local people didn't care about this thing at all, and let it breed. There is no problem at all if they want to pick some back.

This is reassuring.

Yang Fan also joined in the search, and soon found the second one, which was still bigger.Zhang Xiaodong said: "How about I go back to the hotel and get a bucket?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You're still planning to get a bucket back, just enough to eat."

After picking up some enough for a big meal tonight, Yang Fan suggested: "Why don't we go back first and make a seafood feast together."

"Yes." Shi Wei agreed.

The four happily returned to the hotel, and returned with a full load, bringing back enough sea cucumbers for a big meal.Let's work together, wash and clean the sea cucumbers we picked up, and start to process them.

In the evening, there was a hearty sea cucumber feast, plus a bottle of red wine, and a few dishes made with some leftover ingredients from yesterday.

After the meal, after a short rest, everyone sat together again and began to summarize today's study and investigation. Everyone's speeches were very active.

Zhang Xiaodong said: "I feel that today's harvest is not small. I have a basic understanding of the ship design and development level of Western developed countries."

Wu Anhua said under pressure: "Because I learned about their level, I realized how big the gap is between us and others."

Shi Wei comforted: "There must be a gap, but as long as we work hard, I think this gap will become smaller and smaller."

It took more than an hour for everyone to summarize and exchange, and they talked about a lot of things.Also discussed tomorrow's technical exchange meeting.

According to the itinerary, tomorrow morning, Yang Fan and other four people will have a technical exchange meeting with some technicians and engineers from the West Coast Shipyard. The tentative time is one hour.

"Okay, everyone, rest early, the exchange meeting tomorrow is over, and our study tour has been successfully completed." Shi Wei said.

Everyone smiled easily. After the exchange meeting, everyone had time to go shopping, and they could choose some things to buy and bring them back to China to give to relatives and friends.

Early in the morning, Mario came to the hotel as usual, and took Yang Fan and the other four to the conference room of the West Coast Shipyard.

Not long after, Mario brought seven or eight people over, including men and women, some in their 60s, 30 years old, and some in their [-]s and [-]s. They were all technicians or engineers in the shipyards on the west coast.

On behalf of everyone, Yang Fan introduced our four people to everyone. Mario also introduced those people. The two sides shook hands warmly and said a few polite words.

Soon, the technical exchange officially began.

At the beginning, it was mainly words of praise. For example, Yang Fan praised the long history of the West Coast Shipyard, and its strong scientific research strength and so on.

After talking about the praise for a while, both sides began to ask about some substantive things. For example, we asked about the tonnage, size, aspect ratio, power system, weapon system and other things of the new destroyer and frigate of the West Coast Shipyard.

Due to the requirement of confidentiality, the people of the West Coast Shipyard were a little bit evasive, but they still revealed a lot of valuable things, and everyone recorded them in their notebooks.

People from our side found that people from the West Coast Shipyard are very interested in the scale and technical strength of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

In the face of such inquiries, both Shi Wei and Yang Fan grasped the principle of properly disclosing some information within the scope allowed by the confidentiality discipline.

An hour passed quickly.

Mario stood up, "Gentlemen and ladies, this is the end of today's exchange, thank you engineers from the east."

The other party applauded enthusiastically, and Yang Fan and others also applauded in response.

After the applause subsided, everyone adjourned.Mario politely invited: "Yang, your study tour has ended successfully, and it's time to relax. I'll take you to the local attractions."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Yang Fan readily agreed.

After everyone left the West Coast Shipyard, they went to a hotel first. For example, Shi Wei even wore a Seagull camera around his neck.

In addition to being very technically confidential, Mario people are still very hospitable and enthusiastic. He first took everyone to see the very famous local lighthouse, which is a lighthouse with a history of more than 100 years.

Everyone took a group photo in front of the lighthouse.At noon, Mario treated the guests on behalf of the West Coast Shipyard. Everyone had lunch together and visited a local medieval castle in the afternoon.

The lighthouses and castles are full of exotic western style. Everyone took several photos, all of them relaxed and happy.

In the evening, Mario sent everyone back to the hotel.

On the second day, everyone was free to move around, mainly strolling around the famous port city of Saint-Nancy, and went into the city's largest supermarket to buy some things, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan .

Both Yang Fan and Shi Wei bought more than [-] yuan. In the afternoon, Mario came again and personally sent everyone to the capital airport of country F.

When it was getting dark at the capital airport of country F, everyone boarded the plane to Hong Kong Island, transferred through Hong Kong Island, and returned to Donghai City smoothly.

On the first day back, I did not ask to go to work immediately, but to take a short rest, mainly to overcome the jet lag and get enough energy before entering the working state.

After a day off, everyone is busy again.

Yang Fan and Shi Wei first went to Pan Jinfu to report the harvest of Country F. Then, Yang Fan, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua held several meetings together to summarize and exchange the things they brought back from Country F. A sharing meeting to share some things with the key technicians in the combat system design room.

The days passed by.

As the end of the year approached, those computers finally arrived.
(End of this chapter)

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