Military Heavy

Chapter 527 Sun Baoguo Visits

Chapter 527 Sun Baoguo Visits

The scene is very quiet!
Everyone's eyes were almost all on the position of the bow deck, looking at the missile vertical launch unit that had fallen into place.

The inspection took several minutes, and many people felt that these few minutes were still too long.

Finally, the results are out!

A technician in charge stood on the deck and said loudly to everyone: "Our first missile vertical launch unit was hoisted at one time and fully met the technical requirements."

As soon as the voice fell!
The originally quiet scene suddenly boiled up, some people applauded, some people cheered, and everyone wrote their joy on their faces.

This kind of happy mood is incomprehensible to others. Only when you are really engaged in the military shipbuilding industry and truly immersed in the scene, can you fully feel this kind of joy.


Donghai Design Center.

After becoming the leader, Yang Fan obviously felt that there were more daily affairs.

Fortunately, the office meeting was held two days ago, and the work of each deputy general manager was arranged and divided. In this way, Yang Fan felt a little more relaxed.

As the top leader, he only needs to take care of the overall situation and the general direction. The specific things are handled by the people below. With this management philosophy, Yang Fan has relaxed a lot in the past two days. , I have time to read newspapers and drink tea in the office, and I also have time and energy to think about the future improvement and improvement of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

I was thinking that the first ship of the Type 054A guided missile frigate was already at the Dongjiang Shipyard, and it was starting to weld in sections, and I was thinking about whether I should take the time to go and have a look.

There was a knock on the door.

Yang Fan originally thought that it was a middle-level cadre from below who came to report on his work, but he was a little surprised to find that the person who opened the door was Sun Baoguo, the deputy general manager of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Immediately, he said in his heart that Cao Cao Cao Cao would be here, and was thinking about going to the Dongjiang Shipyard, but he didn't expect Sun Baoguo to come over on his own initiative.

Yang Fan was very enthusiastic now, and immediately got up and said, "Mr. Sun is here, please sit on the sofa here and drink some tea or coffee."

Sun Baoguo seemed to be in a good mood, and waved his hand: "You can drink whatever you want, even plain water is fine."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You come to my place, how can I let you drink plain water, how about a taste of my coffee?"

He personally made a cup of coffee for Sun Baoguo.

The two sat up on the sofa, drinking coffee and chatting.

This is Yang Fan's new office. It has only been a few days since he moved in, and it is larger than the previous office. , the environment should be better, just like this reception area, it seems relatively large, there are several sofas, at least seven or eight people can sit, it is no problem to hold a small meeting here.

This is the second time Sun Baoguo has come here since Yang Fan officially became the leader.

But he still first expressed warm congratulations to Yang Fan, and then began to chat about the construction of the first ship of the Type 054A guided missile frigate at Dongjiang Shipyard.

"Mr. Yang, the welding of the first section started a few days ago, and the welding of the second section also started yesterday. If you have time, you can go over and have a look."

Yang Fan agreed immediately: "I originally planned to go there in a few days, or tomorrow, I will go to your shipyard."

Sun Baoguo welcomed him immediately: "Then I'll wait for you in the office."

Yang Fan's level is half a level higher now, and his status is different, Sun Baoguo is more polite.

Yang Fan didn't put on airs at all, and still regarded Sun Baoguo as an old friend as before: "Hello, then it's settled, we will meet in your office tomorrow."

Sun Baoguo nodded, and then said: "Actually, I came here today to invite you. Tomorrow morning, the main guns of our third Type 054A guided missile frigate will be hoisted. I would like to ask you to come over and give guidance."

Yang Fan smiled again.

Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of well ropes for ten years, which was vividly reflected in Dongjiang Shipyard.

When the first Type 054 guided missile frigate was built at Dongjiang Shipyard, it used an inclined construction berth, which caused great difficulties when hoisting the main gun.

Because the berth is inclined, the mounting plane and mounting hole of the corresponding main gun are both inclined. It is very difficult to accurately connect the vertically falling main gun and the inclined mounting hole.

At that time, Dongjiang Shipyard spent a lot of effort, and finally succeeded in hoisting the main gun in place under the guidance of Yang Fan.

This time, the hoisting has not yet started, and everyone in Dongjiang Shipyard is worried whether the problem of installing the main gun of the first ship will reappear.So, Sun Baoguo specially came over and politely invited Yang Fan to come over tomorrow for hoisting instructions.

Yang Fan looked relaxed: "The hoisting this time will not be like the last time. We are now building the berth horizontally. Believe me, as long as your preparations are sufficient, the hoisting may be in place at one time."

Yang Fan has always advocated the use of horizontal construction berths for the construction of Type 054 missile frigates, because the construction accuracy of this ship requires high construction. If the horizontal construction berths are used, the construction process will be much more convenient and the difficulty of construction will be reduced accordingly.

On the contrary, if the berth is built in an inclined manner, the difficulty of construction will increase accordingly, and the construction period may be extended by one or two months.

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo was surprised, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Is there really no problem with the hoisting of the main gun this time?"

Yang Fan still said very relaxedly: "As long as your preparations are in place, I don't think there will be any big problems."

Immediately, Sun Baoguo felt relieved, almost patted his chest and said, "Please rest assured on this point, our preparations are very thoughtful, and a few days ago, we arranged for technicians to measure the size of the main gun installation port every hour. changes."

"Through the analysis of the measured size data, we agree that the best hoisting window period is from 11 am to [-] am every day."

Yang Fan agreed immediately: "I'll come over early tomorrow to see the segmental manufacturing of the first Type 054A guided missile frigate, and then we'll go to the berth to see the hoisting of the main gun with our own eyes."

Sun Baoguo immediately agreed, "This arrangement is fine, so it's settled."

After discussing this matter, Sun Baoguo did not leave Yang Fan's office immediately, but sat on the sofa and chatted with Yang Fan for a long time.

In addition to congratulating Yang Fan once again as the general manager of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, the main content of the chat is all related to the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

It not only introduced the segmental manufacturing of the first Type 054A guided missile frigate, but also introduced the current outfitting situation of the third Type 054 guided missile frigate.

After finishing speaking, these are even full of hope. I really look forward to the mass production of 054A. Their Dongjiang Shipyard has already made preparations for mass production of 054A guided missile frigates.

Yang Fan told him that the design of the Type 054A missile frigate is mature and stable, and it may enter the mass production stage in a few years. It is also possible to start construction of two or three construction berths at the same time.

Two or three of the whole Taiwan started construction at the same time!
A spectacular scene immediately appeared in Sun Baoguo's mind. The several construction slipways of Dongjiang Shipyard were working day and night, and they were all building Type 054A guided missile frigates.

Thinking of this, he felt a little excited. This was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

I even thought in my heart that it would be great if I could see a large number of Type 054A guided missile frigates being built, at least seven or eight, before retiring.

I don’t feel wronged in this life. After retiring, I can proudly tell my friends around me that my grandson has worked in Dongjiang Shipyard all his life. There are no other bright spots, but at least seven or eight 054A guided missile frigates are in my hands. built.

He sat with Yang Fan for more than an hour before leaving.

The next day.

After Yang Fan went to work, he arranged his own affairs, said hello to the person in charge of the general management department, and then prepared to drive to Dongjiang Shipyard by himself.

But before he went out, the person in charge of the general management department knocked on the door and came in, and told Yang Fan very respectfully that the driver had been arranged and the car was waiting in front of the office building.

Yang Fan suddenly realized that he was the leader now, which was different from before, and the chances of driving to Dongjiang Shipyard by himself might be less and less.

(End of this chapter)

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