Military Heavy

Chapter 528 Another main gun hoisting

Chapter 528 Another main gun hoisting

Now that the driver and the car have been arranged, don't drive by yourself, let's go by car.

The car ride is also good!
Yang Fan nodded and said, "I'll be down right away."

After tidying up and tidying up the things on the big desk, Yang Fan, accompanied by the director of the general office, went down the office building and got into the prepared black car.

The car is good, at least [-]% to [-]% new, this is definitely the best car in the entire East China Sea Ship Design Center, the car of the leader.

It was the first time for Yang Fan to go out in this car, and he not only looked at the condition of the car more, but also felt very satisfied.

The driver was a 30-year-old young man who looked very energetic and took the initiative to say hello to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan didn't put on airs at all, chatted with the driver for a while, and then ordered: "It's almost there, we can go."

The driver started the car and set off, it was very smooth, and Yang Fan felt pretty good sitting in the car.

There is a little distance from here to Dongjiang Shipyard, about 40 minutes, without driving by himself, Yang Fan even closed his eyes and rested in the car for a while.

"Mr. Yang, we've arrived."

Hearing the driver's soft reminder, Yang Fan opened his eyes and found that the car had arrived in front of the office building of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan said: "You don't have to wait for me, you can go back first."

Because this time I will definitely stay at Dongjiang Shipyard for most of the day, and I may only return to the unit in the afternoon, so there is no need for the driver to wait so long.

After Feng ordered the driver, Yang Fan walked into the office building familiarly, knocked on the door and entered Sun Baoguo's office.

Sun Baoguo was really waiting for the collapse, he had already made hot tea with the best tea leaves, and patiently waited for Yang Fan's arrival in the office.

After Yang Fan opened the door and came in, Sun Baoguo even shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically, and then invited Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa, and the two chatted for a while while drinking tea.

After drinking tea, Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go, let's go to the subsection manufacturing workshop to see the subsection manufacturing situation of 054A."

Although Sun Baoguo has already heard the detailed introduction of 054A's manufacturing situation, but you must see it with your own eyes, which is more intuitive and understands more things.

Sun Baoguo readily agreed, and accompanied Yang Fan into the segmented manufacturing workshop.

As soon as he entered the workshop, Yang Fan felt a sense of enthusiasm, and saw two sections that were already being manufactured at a glance.

One of the sections is the middle section of the bottom of the ship, and it is also the first section that will be used in the construction of the slipway in the future.

The segments that will be used first are manufactured first, and the segments that will be used later are manufactured later.

The construction of the whole berth can be started after a part of the segment is manufactured, and it is not necessary to wait for all the segments to be completely manufactured.

The berth manufacturing is also a process, and the berth manufacturing can be carried out at the same time, and the segmental manufacturing can be carried out at the same time. After the segmental manufacturing is completed, it is transported to the platform for hoisting, welding, etc.

Seeing the mid-bottom section under construction, Yang Fan showed great interest and walked over immediately.

Prepare to get an up-close look at how this segment was made, including its build quality.

Several workers who were welding stopped involuntarily when they saw Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo approaching.

Yang Fan is no stranger to the section welding workshop of Dongjiang Shipyard, and has seen several familiar faces.

Of course they also knew Yang Fan, and they all took the initiative to greet Yang Fan.

"Master Yang, hello."

"Director Yang, you are here."

Yang Fan smiled, nodded and responded one by one, and even said a few words to those workers who were more familiar with them.

Sun Baoguo corrected with a smile: "You can no longer be called Director Yang, but you should be called Mr. Yang, or General Manager Yang."

Those who knew about the reform of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute suddenly realized, and some people hurriedly greeted Yang Fan again.

"Mr. Yang, hello!"

Yang Fan smiled and nodded again, then looked at the middle section of the hull which was being welded.

This is a big thing, already taking shape, whether it is outside or inside, there were welders welding.

In particular, there are two welders in it who are welding, but they have all stopped now.

Yang Fan took another two steps forward, getting closer, carefully watching the condition of this segment, especially the condition of the weld.

Typical fish scale welding!

Top welding quality!
Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then praised: "Your technical level is good, and I am very relieved of such welding quality."

The welders burst into joy.

Sun Baoguo said proudly: "We did not dare to be careless in the manufacture of the first 054A section. Every worker engaged in section welding has undergone strict training. improved welding quality.”

Yang Fan nodded again with satisfaction, and praised Dongjiang Shipyard again.

In the welding workshop, Yang Fan watched for about three or four 10 minutes. He not only watched the two sections that were being welded, but also watched the welding of other parts.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, we can go to build the berth now, and the hoisting of the main gun is about to start."

Sun Baoguo smiled and said: "I was so busy looking at the welding of these sections that I almost forgot. Today's focus is on the hoisting of the main gun."

The two quickly walked out of the segmental welding workshop and walked directly towards the construction berth of the third Type 054 guided missile frigate.

From a distance, I saw the 054 ship being fitted out, and I also saw some technicians and workers preparing for the hoisting of the main gun.

If the crane is already in place, the workers are hanging the wire rope hook on the main gun.

Seeing this scene, Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan's footsteps quickened invisibly.

It was only two or three minutes before ten o'clock in the morning, and the two finally arrived at the side of the construction slipway.

After a while, a production manager in command of the hoisting of the main gun trotted over and asked for instructions loudly: "Mr. Sun, you are ready to hoist the main gun."

Sun Baoguo raised his hand to check the time, and then said loudly: "Hist the main gun, and try to lift it in place at one time."

After this order was issued, the hoisting of the main gun began. In everyone's eyes, the crane that built the berth slowly hoisted the main gun.

After gradually rising to a certain height, it began to move towards the installation position of the main gun.

Gradually, the whole scene became quiet. Many of the workers who were working stopped their work and turned to look at the main gun.

Everyone knows that the most important thing in weapon outfitting is the hoisting of the main gun, which is also the most difficult.

The scene was almost completely silent.

Almost all work has stopped, and the top priority now is to ensure that the hoisting of the main gun is qualified.

Those workers who participated in the construction of the first Type 054 guided missile frigate can't help but think of the first main gun hoisting a few years ago.

They were all a little nervous, praying in their hearts, God bless, this hoisting must be a success.

Even Sun Baoguo's expression turned straight, and he no longer felt the ease of talking and laughing with Yang Fan just now.

Yang Fan was the one with the most relaxed look in the entire hoisting scene, because he was confident that this time the berth was built horizontally, the difficulty of hoisting the main gun plummeted, and the strength of Dongjiang Shipyard should be able to hoist it successfully in one go.

In everyone's eyes, the main gun was adjusted to the top of the mounting hole and began to fall slowly.

When it fell to only about 20 centimeters away from the installation hole, it stopped temporarily.

Several technicians and quality inspectors checked it first to confirm that it was correct, and then the main gun continued to fall.

The speed of falling down the road was very slow, and he was very cautious, for fear of the slightest mistake.

At a height of about 20 centimeters, it took at least four or five minutes to fall.Finally, the main gun landed firmly on the mount.

Even if they saw the main gun falling steadily, everyone in the Dongjiang Shipyard did not dare to take it easy.

Because it is not known whether the hoisting is qualified or not, a dimensional inspection is required to confirm whether the process requirements are met.

Sun Baoguo looked at the time again, thinking in his heart, if the hoisting fails this time, we still have another chance, and there is still time.

After looking at the time on the watch, he waved his hand loudly and said, "Check the size immediately, and I want to know the result as soon as possible."

In fact, without his order, those technicians and quality inspectors had already walked towards the main gun.

They cooperate with each other, skillfully and quickly carry out the inspection of several main dimensions.

After some measurements, they all quietly let out a sigh of relief, and some even showed joy on their faces.

Through measurement, it was found that several main dimensions of the main gun installation were all qualified, fully meeting the technological requirements.

All of a sudden they all relaxed, as if a big stone that weighed on their hearts had been lifted away, it was no longer such a heavy pressure, but extremely relaxed.

The technician in charge reported to Sun Guo loudly: "Report to Comrade Chief Builder, the hoisting of the main gun is completely qualified and meets the technical requirements."

His voice was very loud.

Not only Sun Baoguo could hear clearly, many people heard his report.

Sun Baoguo's expression obviously eased, and then he shouted with joy in his tone: "The main gun has been hoisted successfully!"

After speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

Immediately, the relatively quiet shipbuilding berth suddenly became a sea of ​​joy, and thunderous applause rang out, mixed with a lot of cheering cheers.

Yang Fan stretched out his right hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Sun, congratulations, the main gun has been hoisted successfully in one go."

Sun Baoguo shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, and said happily and admiringly: "Mr. Yang, you are too good, and you are so good at predicting things. If you say that the one-time hoisting is successful, then the one-time hoisting is really qualified."


It will be delivered at the third watch, asking everyone for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, collections and other supports.

(End of this chapter)

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