Military Heavy

Chapter 529 1 Good News

Chapter 529 A Good News
The main gun of Dongjiang Shipyard was hoisted successfully at one time, and everyone was relieved and very happy.

Sun Baoguo was even more joyful and tightly held Yang Fan's hand, with a look of admiration on his face.

It is said that it can be hoisted successfully once, and it is successful once, and the main gun fully meets the technical installation requirements.

Sensing Sun Baoguo's admiring gaze, Yang Fan smiled: "This is the main reason why I advocate the use of horizontal building berths. For the Type 054 guided missile frigate, which requires relatively high construction precision, using horizontal building berths is more efficient than inclined building berths." good."

Of course, Sun Baoguo firmly believed in this point, and the entire Dongjiang Shipyard had already tasted the sweetness of building berths horizontally.

The main gun of the 054 ship was hoisted successfully at one time, and the whole scene was filled with a festive atmosphere. At the invitation of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan also boarded the warship.

After boarding the warship, I took a good look on the ship and got a more comprehensive understanding of the entire outfitting situation.

Yang Fan said with great satisfaction: "Mr. Sun, according to the current progress, there will be no problem with launching in a few months."

Sun Baoguo said very confidently: "We don't think there is a big problem. It is estimated that the ship will be fully completed and launched in March or April next year."

The two walked off the warship while chatting like this. At this time, it was noon, and Sun Baoguo seemed very happy and very polite.

A phone call asked his driver to drive over, invited Yang Fan to get in the car, left the Dongjiang Shipyard, and went to a nice restaurant nearby.

After ordering a few good dishes, they were relatively hearty. After eating, Yang Fan returned to the East China Sea Ship Design Center.


in the office.

Yang Fan sat on the office chair and took a look at the air ticket that had just been delivered, thinking in his heart that he really should go to the capital.

Yang Fan's IQ is very high, and his EQ is not low.Knowing that the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute has been established for so long, the East China Sea Ship Design Center has also been established.

As the leader of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, I must go for a walk on it.Otherwise, the above people may have some different views.

The air tickets had already been booked. In the evening, Yang Fan only took Li Zhengjun with him. The two arrived at Donghai International Airport and took the plane to the capital.

Li Zhengjun performed well, was loyal enough, and had relatively strong professional ability.Yang Fan promoted him by half a level, and now Li Zhengjun is the assistant to the general manager.

To put it bluntly, he is Yang Fan's assistant. He originally wanted to promote Han Jiang, but his qualifications are slightly insufficient, and he is also worried that people will say cronyism.

The rank of the assistant to the general manager is still relatively high, half a rank higher than the director of the design office, and half a rank lower than the deputy general manager.

After Li Zhengjun became the assistant to the general manager, Han Jiang became the director of the 054 model office when he was vacated.

In this way, Han Jiang has been promoted, from the deputy director of the power design department to the director of the model office, which can be regarded as the main job of the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

Arriving in the capital, when Yang Fan and Li Zhengjun got off the plane, it was already the beginning of the lights.

After leaving the airport, the two called a taxi and found a hotel to live in first.

The next day, after breakfast, Yang Fan took Li Zhengjun into the newly established Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

After entering the gate, Yang Fan ordered: "We are separated temporarily, you go to various departments and offices to get in touch with each other."

As an assistant to the general manager, Li Zhengjun will definitely deal with these people from the General Design and Research Institute in the future, and it is very necessary to get in touch with each other.

Li Zhengjun also knew this, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, then we will call again, and I will leave first."

After the two separated, Yang Fan first went to the office of the dean of the General Institute of Design and Research, and visited the dean, who was also his immediate boss.

The arrival of Yang Fan made the dean very happy.

Yang Fan sat there, chatted, reported the recent situation of the East China Sea Ship Design Center by the way, and then got up to leave.

He is a big leader, and he has to grasp the scale. Yang Fan has a very good grasp of the time.

After coming out of the dean's office, Yang Fan knocked on the door and walked into Pan Jinfu's office.

Pan Jinfu is now the vice president and Yang Fan's boss.

With Pan Jinfu, it seemed much more relaxed. After all, the two of them were very familiar with each other and had a very good relationship. They were not as formal and formal as they were in the dean's office just now.

"Xiao Yang, you are finally here. You went to the dean's office just now. If you don't come to the general hospital for a while, I may call to remind you."

Yang Fan hurriedly said: "It is true that I should have come here a few days earlier, but the leader also knows that I have just been appointed as the leader, and I have a lot of things on hand, so I didn't have time until today."

Of course, Pan Jinfu didn't care about this. He and Yang Fan had a very good relationship, but Yang Fan didn't come to visit the leaders of the academy for a long time. He was worried that some of the leaders of the academy would have ideas.

After the two had a relaxed chat for a while, Yang Fan also went to Pan Jinfu to introduce the current situation of the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

Pan Jinfu was very concerned about the newly established East China Sea Ship Design Center. He listened carefully to Yang Fan's report and occasionally asked a few questions.

After listening to Yang Fan's detailed introduction, he combined his management experience and gave Yang Fan some suggestions.

It can be seen that he is very concerned about Yang Fan, afraid that Yang Fan is not experienced enough in management, so he told Yang Fan some of his experience without reservation.

After the two chatted for a while about the East China Sea Ship Design Center, Pan Jinfu also revealed a very important news to Yang Fan.

"Xiao Yang, there is some news that I think it is necessary to tell you."

Yang Fan came and said, "Leader, please tell me what kind of news it is."

Even though he didn't know what the news was, the sixth sense told Yang Fan that the news was very important and might be closely related to him.

Pan Jinfu said: "You should be very familiar with the Type 053 frigate."

Yang Fan nodded: "Of course, of course it is very familiar, it is simply too familiar."

It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Fan knows the details of this frigate even with his eyes closed, including its design parameters, performance parameters and so on.

The Type 053 frigate is the first light guided missile frigate developed and built in my country in the early 70s. Its basic mission is to perform fishing escort and security patrol tasks in the middle and offshore waters.

In addition to the basic type, it also has anti-aircraft missile frigates and anti-ship missile frigates. It is the first missile frigate developed by our country.

However, it belongs to the first generation of guided missile frigate, and there is a generation gap compared with the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and the technology between the two is very different.

Yang Fan did not understand why Pan Jinfu suddenly mentioned the Type 053 frigate.

Pan Jinfu said: "We have the ocean-going Type 054 guided missile frigate and the ocean-going Type 052 guided missile destroyer. Compared with these two types of warships, the current Type 053 frigate seems to be a bit behind."

"Especially compared with the same type of missile frigates in the world, the technology is quite different, and we have a long sea area, and we need a large number of light frigates in the middle and offshore waters."

"Reliable news, the upper echelons of the military are already discussing the construction of a new generation of light guided missile frigates to meet the requirements for escorting and protecting fisheries in the middle and offshore waters..."

He talked about the discussion of the upper-level military in more detail, and then reminded: "If I guess correctly, it may not be long before the military will start the design and demonstration of a new generation of light missile frigates. This is a big challenge for you. good chance."

Pan Jinfu came from the position of director of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. Of course, he hopes that the current East China Sea Ship Design Center will develop better and better.

If you want to develop well, of course, you must first get the design task.

If you don't have a design task, it's all talk.

Yang Fan also realized this immediately, and immediately said: "Leader, it would be the best if we can get this design task. Your news is better than ours. Once there is any progress, you must let me know as soon as possible."

Pan Jinfu's platform is different. He is the vice president of the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute. He has far more channels and resources than the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. Of course, he is also more informed.

Yang Fan is different. After all, the platform he is on is one level lower, and the channels and hospitals are also worse, especially the distance from the upper level is greater.

Pan Jinfu immediately agreed: "No problem, I will tell you as soon as I have news."

(End of this chapter)

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