Military Heavy

Chapter 531 Chip Design Software

Chapter 531 Chip Design Software
After listening to Lu Huaqiang's report, Yang Fan showed satisfaction, and praised: "You guys did a good job, it gave me a feeling of surprise."

Being praised by the boss, Lu Huaqiang was overjoyed, but he didn't show much on his face, and said modestly: "Everything is the boss's guidance. You have built a development framework for us, and we have today's achievements."

Yang Fan smiled happily, and then asked specifically, "You mentioned in your report just now that you designed and developed a chip design software, can you tell me in detail?"

This is of course no problem!
Lu Huaqiang himself is a professional in the chip industry. This chip design software was designed and developed under his leadership, and he is very familiar with the situation.

He began to introduce this chip design software in detail. Yang Fan listened carefully.

After listening to the introduction, Yang Fan showed satisfaction again, and praised: "Well, not bad, not bad, you are really good."

The use of "good" three times in a row shows Yang Fan's mood at the moment.

Lu Huaqiang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yang Fan would be so happy after hearing that they had designed and developed a special chip design software.

Of course Yang Fan is happy. As a reborn person, no one knows the significance of this professional chip design software better than him.

With such a professional design software, there is no need to use other people's chip design software in the future, nor will they be stuck in this area.

The chip design and development of Huaqiang Technology Company will be completely independent, and Yang Fan certainly does not want others to get stuck in the future.

After praising it, Yang Fan ordered: "You can promote this chip design software so that other chip manufacturers can also use this software."

Lu Huaqiang was slightly puzzled: "Boss, we have spent a lot of manpower and material resources to successfully design and develop it. It seems a bit bad to share software with other chip manufacturers like this."

Lu Huaqiang seemed a little unwilling to share something that took a lot of effort to share with others.

Yang Fan explained: "Of course it makes sense for me to do so. There is no dedicated chip design software in the chip industry. We are the first to eat crabs."

"After the professional chip design software is developed, we provide it to other chip design companies to share and let them use our software, so that they will not spend manpower and material resources to develop new chip design software."

"In this way, there will be no competitors for my chip design software. After a few years, I'm sure that everyone in the world's chip design and research and development field will use our software."

Yang Fan is very clear, before his rebirth, some world-renowned software companies did this.

After they developed the software, they let a large number of users use this software at a lower price. Even after piracy, they let other people do the piracy, basically sitting idly by.

In this way, off-the-shelf software can be used at low cost, and other countries will not spend manpower and material resources to develop such software.

Looking at the whole world, the company is basically the only one in this software field.

Yang Fan also plans to follow suit and share this professional chip design software successfully designed and developed by Huaqiang Technology Company with other chip design companies.

With ready-made chip design software, other chip design companies will not invest a lot of manpower and material resources to develop another new chip design software.

In this way, after a few years, Huaqiang's chip design software must be the only one.

After listening to Yang Fan's explanation, Lu Huaqiang's eyes lit up, and he was filled with admiration.

"Boss, your approach is so clever, why didn't I think of it."

Yang Fan laughed, thinking in his heart, who made me a reborn person.

The matter is so settled, this professional chip design software designed and developed by Huaqiang Technology Company will be promoted and shared with other professional chip design companies.

After chatting about this design software, Yang Fan showed great interest and said, "Let's go, let's take a look at the application of this design software."

Accompanied by Lu Huaqiang.Yang Fan arrived at the Design and R&D Center and casually walked into a certain large office.

Dozens of designers are working in this large office to design and develop mobile phone chips.

They use this professional chip design software developed by Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. on their computers.

Although he is not an expert in chip design, Yang Fan still feels very satisfied after looking at it.

Because it was found that the designers used this software for chip design operations very freely, and asked some technicians, they responded that this design software is very easy to use.

During the visit, Lu Huaqiang further introduced this design software, demonstrated it himself, and explained it to Yang Fan while demonstrating it.

In this way, Yang Fan is even more sure that this design software should be good, and after it is promoted in the future, it will definitely become the mainstream design software in the field of chip design in the world.

After looking around in the design and development center, Lu Huaqiang also put forward an idea of ​​his.

"Boss, we have now become the chip supplier for the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer. Last month, the mobile phone manufacturer placed an order with us for a total of 1000 million mobile phone chips."

"At present, all of our mobile phone chips are entrusted to outside chip manufacturers for OEM. Now that we have started to make profits, and the funds will gradually become sufficient, I wonder if we can manufacture mobile phone chips by ourselves."

Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. is now only engaged in the design and development of chips, and does not yet have the production and manufacturing capabilities of chips. The designed chips are mainly handed over to certain chip manufacturers for OEM.

Make chips yourself!
In this way, the design, development and manufacturing of chips forms a complete industrial chain.

Yang Fan was slightly pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect that Lu Huaqiang would consider this step by himself.

In fact, Yang Fan also thought about the mobile phone chip being manufactured by Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., and he planned to wait another three to five years. Even if Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. did not intend to manufacture chips, Yang Fan would bring it up.

It's just that he didn't expect that Lu Huaqiang's thoughts coincided with his own. He actually thought of the chip manufacturing problem early.

Now that such a request has been made, Yang Fan agreed without hesitation, "I think it's okay, and I support you in doing so."

Lu Huaqiang was pleasantly surprised.

When he proposed this idea just now, to be honest, he was a little nervous, worried that Yang Fan would reject it outright.

He always thought that the boss was only based on the professional design and development of chips, and would not involve the production and manufacture of chips.

It seems that what he saw was not accurate. Yang Fan is not opposed to the production of chips, on the contrary, he is very supportive.

Of course, Yang Fan supports Lu Huaqiang's decision. It is definitely the best to be able to produce chips by himself.

At present, the resistance to importing lithography machines from abroad is not too great. In another ten or twenty years, the situation will take a sharp turn for the worse.

At that time, if you only remember that you are going to manufacture chips, it may be a little late. If you want to import lithography machines from abroad, the resistance will be very high, and there is even little possibility.

It's different now, as long as you have money, you can still buy relatively advanced lithography machines.

Yang Fan said in a loud voice: "You go ahead and do it yourself. If you don't have enough funds, you can live. I can ask Hongtai Group to invest a few hundred million or even a billion more."

Lu Huaqiang said: "We have started to make profits now, so we don't need to continue to invest in capital. We use the money we earn to realize the production and manufacturing of chips step by step."

Now that Yang Fan had agreed, Lu Huaqiang simply started talking to Yang Fan about some of his plans.

If you plan to choose a site to purchase industrial land, build the first chip manufacturing plant, and strive to achieve production capacity within two to three years.

Yang Fan stayed in Huaqiang Technology Company for a whole morning, and he drove away after lunch.

Yang Fan knew that Huaqiang Technology basically didn't have to worry about it, it was completely on the right track, and its future development was almost predictable.

Yang Fan even wondered hopefully whether Huaqiang Technology could become a world-class chip giant in a few years.

Breaking the monopoly of Western countries on chips in one fell swoop will not only allow us to achieve self-sufficiency in chips, but also a large number of chips that can be exported.

It has a pivotal position in the world chip industry.

In the morning, when he was at Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., Yang Fan repeatedly explained that the core technology mastered in the chip field must apply for international patents.

Strive to be far ahead in this field. If other chip companies carry out chip R&D and design, it is best to make them unable to bypass the patents held by Huaqiang Technology.

If they want to design and develop chips, they must use the patented technology owned by Huaqiang Technology.

Regarding this aspect, Yang Fan solemnly explained again and again, and Lu Huaqiang also kept it in mind.

If Huaqiang Technology Company really masters a large number of chip patent technologies, then after a few years, it has great hopes of growing into a world-class chip giant.

After Yang Fan left, Lu Huaqiang organized a high-level meeting of the company that afternoon to convey the spirit of the boss' instructions.

And excited to tell everyone that the boss supports Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. to manufacture mobile phone chips in the future, and supports Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. to establish the first professional mobile phone chip manufacturing plant.

Lu Huaqiang didn't mention who the boss was. Many people speculated that it should be Yang Fang, the chairman of Hongtai Group.

After the meeting, Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. began to select a site, preparing to build the first chip manufacturing plant, which was located in the Jiangdong New District of Donghai City.

(End of this chapter)

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