Military Heavy

Chapter 532 054A enters the slipway construction

Chapter 532 054A enters the slipway construction

The time spanned from 1998 to 1999.

The early spring in Donghai City is still a bit chilly, but the Dongjiang Shipyard can't feel the slightest cold at all.

There seems to be a hot fire in everyone's heart.

The construction of the third Type 054 guided missile frigate on the No. [-] berth is nearing completion. It seems that the outfitting has been fully completed, and it may not be long before the painting work will be carried out.

Specifically, the No. [-] slipway is not far from the No. [-] slipway of Dongjiang Shipyard.

It used to be a sloping construction berth, but after transformation, it is now a standard horizontal construction berth, ready to be used to build the first Type 054A guided missile frigate.

The segmental welding of this ship had started a few months ago, and some segments had already been manufactured, and the conditions for the construction of the berth were basically mature.

Before the No. [-] slipway was built, it was relatively deserted, but it seemed a little different from yesterday, and it gradually became lively.

A lot of management personnel, construction workers and technicians began to appear here, and related process equipment has also been shipped over.

The construction of the first Type 054A guided missile frigate is about to begin, and a series of preparations are now underway.

They have experience in successfully building Type 054 guided missile frigates. Although 054A has made certain improvements and enhancements, there is little difference in construction.

Whether it is the workers or the technicians, the preparation work is done in an orderly manner.


East China Sea Ship Design Center.

In the office, Yang Fan was answering a call from Jinfu from the capital.

A few months ago, that is, last year, Yang Fan visited Pan Jinfu. At that time, he got an important news that high-level military officials were discussing whether to design and develop a new generation of light missile frigates.

Yang Fan very much hoped that the Donghai Ship Design Center could get this glorious design task, and also entrusted Pan Jinfu to pay attention to the development of this matter for him.

During the phone call, Pan Jinfu formally talked about this matter, "Little Yang, things have made some progress. According to what I know, the military should start the design demonstration of a new generation of light missile frigates this year."

Demonstration first, then design and development, and finally construction.

After receiving such a call, Yang Fan felt a little happy, and immediately asked: "Leader, have you set a specific time yet?"

Pan Jinfu said: "We haven't set a specific time yet, but it will be the first half of this year at the earliest, and the design demonstration will definitely start in the second half of this year at the latest."

Hearing what Pan Jinfu said, Fanfan had a rough idea.

He said very happily: "Great, this is really exciting news. Our East China Sea Ship Design Center has been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Pan Jinfu laughed: "Xiao Yang, it seems that you have already been doing some preparatory work before the design."

Yang Fan didn't hide anything, and said truthfully: "The preparations before the design can't be discussed, but I have been thinking about the design of a new generation of light missile frigate, and I have a lot of ideas. The picture shows the new generation of light guided missile frigates in my mind."


Hearing that Yangfan had some ideas and drew color pictures, Pan Jinfu obviously showed great interest, and said loudly: "Xiao Yang, tell me, what does the new generation of light guided missile frigate look like in your idea?" ?”

Faced with the question, Yang Fan briefly introduced the 056 light missile frigate in history according to the memory in his mind.

Among the light guided missile frigates in the world, the Type 056 is definitely of a very high standard. Compared with the current Type 053, it is of course much more advanced and far ahead.

After listening to Yang Fan's introduction, Pan Jinfu said decisively: "These design ideas of yours are so good, I will definitely feed them back to the upper-level leaders, and send me some of the color pictures you drew, so that I can send them to the military. related leaders."

This is of course no problem.

It is what Yang Fan is most happy to see that these drawn color pictures can be sent to the military leaders.

So he agreed: "I have drawn a total of more than a dozen such color pictures, and I will send them all to you."

For a few months, Yang Yang often thought about the Type 056 guided missile frigate, and when he had time, he would spread out blank paper and pick up a pen to draw its color renderings.

Yang Fan's painting skills are good. He is a typical painter who was delayed by the ship business. The pictures he drew are very beautiful and lifelike.

The 056 light missile frigate is vivid on paper, very intuitive.

During the phone call, Yang Fan and Pan Jinfu chatted for at least ten minutes. After hanging up the phone, he opened the drawer of his desk, took out all the drawn drawings and sorted them out, preparing to send them all out today.

As soon as these blueprints were sorted out, the phone on the desk rang again. It was Sun Baoguo calling from Dongjiang Shipyard.

"Mr. Yang, you have been very busy recently. You haven't been to our Dongjiang Shipyard for a while."

Yang Fan immediately knew what was going on, and said happily: "Is the construction of the first Type 054A missile frigate about to begin?"

Sun Baoguo said: "You didn't come to our shipyard, but you really know the situation here. That's right, the construction of the first 054A berth is about to start. I made this call to invite you to come and have a look tomorrow."

The construction of the berth for the first ship of 054A is definitely a big event. No matter how busy Yang Fan is, he will definitely take the time to take a look.

Not only Yang Fan himself, but many people from Donghai Ship Design Center will go to Dongjiang Shipyard to see the construction of the first 054A on the slipway.

"No problem, we'll come over early tomorrow morning."

Yang Fan readily agreed.

Sun Baoguo said: "Great, then I'll congratulate you next to the construction berth. Besides, Commander Luo will also come over for his plane tonight."

Yang Fan said: "Even Lao Luo came here in person, so we have to come here even more, and we have to see the first section hoisted up to build the berth with our own eyes."

The two chatted on the phone for a few minutes. In addition to talking about the construction of the first Type 054A berth, Sun Baoguo also reported on the construction of the third Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Its outfitting has been fully completed and painting is about to start. It was launched this year and last year without any problem.

This is the third ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and the fourth ship is being built at the Xiangjiang Shipyard. It has also entered the outfitting stage. If it goes well, it is estimated that it will be launched in the second half of this year.

In this way, a total of four Type 054 guided missile frigates will be fully constructed.

After the construction and launching of these four Type 054 guided missile frigates, there is no construction plan for Type 054 guided missile frigates, and all of them will be Type 054A guided missile frigates in the future.

The next day.

Early in the morning, the office building of Donghai Ship Design Center was bustling with activity. Several cars were parked neatly, and many people came out of the office building talking and laughing.

They will all get on the car here, and will drive to Dongjiang Shipyard to witness the construction of the first 054A berth.

A few minutes later, Yang Fan strode ahead, followed by several middle and high-level executives of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, including Tang Jianming and Shen Changhai.

Everyone got into the car one after another.

A small convoy of several vehicles left the Donghai Ship Design Center and headed for the Dongjiang Shipyard.

In about [-] minutes or so, the convoy drove into the factory area of ​​Dongjiang Shipyard, went all the way unimpeded, and came directly to the No. [-] construction slipway.

Everyone got out of the car one after another, and not only saw the ready-made No. 054 construction slipway, but also saw the Type [-] guided missile frigate that was basically completed on the No. [-] slipway not far away.

Yang Fan also got out of the car and walked over with a large group of people, while Sun Baoguo warmly greeted them.

He shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, and after some polite greetings, Luo Jianguo also came over.

The two also shook hands happily and chatted happily.

At the invitation of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo and others went to No. [-] to build the front desk.

A group of us stood beside the slipway and saw that the preparation work on the huge horizontal construction slipway was complete.

Not far away, several sections have arrived at the designated area and will be hoisted soon.

Many people looked at those sections, and some people immediately recognized the middle section of the bottom of the ship, which is about to be hoisted for the first time. It is the first section of the construction of the slipway, and it is also the benchmark section for the construction of the entire slipway. .

At this time, the person in charge of the construction of the slipway walked over quickly and reported to Sun Baoguo loudly.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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