Military Heavy

Chapter 535 The Hongtai Building with Superb Appearance

Chapter 535 The Hongtai Building with Superb Appearance
The military leader Lao Zhao smiled proudly: "This picture was given to me by someone else. How about it? It's not bad."

"Old Zhao, don't be a fool, just tell us how this picture came about."

Only then did Lao Zhao talk about the truth, "This picture was given to me by Vice President Pan of the Ship Design and Research Institute."

It turned out to be a gift from Pan Jinfu.

Many people were stunned.

Some people continued to ask: "Is this the design concept of the General Design and Research Institute? It seems that they have a lot of ideas, and even the color map of the new generation of light missile frigates has been drawn."

Old Zhao corrected: "This is not drawn by people from the Design and Research Institute, but to be precise, it was drawn by Comrade Yang Fan from the East China Sea Ship Design Center."

It was him!

These military leaders are familiar with Yang Fan.

Because the Type 054 guided missile frigate designed by Yang Fan is very good, and now, the construction of the first Type 054A has begun, and the military has very high expectations for this type of warship.

"So, Comrade Yang Fan has a lot of ideas about the new generation of light missile frigates. In this case, I don't think there is any problem in starting the feasibility study of this type of warship."

"I also agree. Since the comrades below have already made up their minds, why should we procrastinate like this? It's not too late."

The appearance of this color picture quickly broke the balance. Originally, there was a dispute between them, but now they gradually unified their opinions.

Of course, Yang Fan didn't know that the color pictures he drew brought such a great effect, which actually prompted the military high-level to start the feasibility study of a new generation of light missile frigates.

During this period of time, Yang Fan didn't have much to do, and his work was relatively easy and satisfying.In addition to daily affairs, I went to Dongjiang Shipyard every now and then to see the construction of the first 054A guided missile frigate.

Since the construction of the berth began, the progress has been relatively smooth, and basically no major problems have been encountered.

This is also to be expected.After all, Dongjiang Shipyard has strong strength. It has successfully built two Type 054 guided missile frigates before, and has accumulated rich construction experience in this regard.

The Xiangjiang Shipyard, which is thousands of miles away, is also preparing to start the construction of the second 054A guided missile frigate.

The military's plan is still the same, starting the construction of two 054A guided missile frigates successively, instead of building one first, and after a series of tests, there are no problems before starting to build the second one.

Yang Fan is sure that the construction of the second ship in Xiangjiang Shipyard will be smooth sailing, because they also have rich construction experience.

Today is the weekend.

Because there were not many things to do in the unit, Yang Fan didn't intend to work overtime. After breakfast, he planned to drive out with Jiang Yan.

In addition to going out for a stroll, the two of them also planned to take a look at the Hongtai Building, which was nearly completed.

In the second half of last year, the roof of Hongtai Building was successfully capped, and then entered the decoration stage.

During breakfast just now, Jiang Yan proposed to take a look at this building, and Yang Fan readily agreed.

It's been a while since I went to see this building. When Yang Fan went there last time, the glass exterior wall of the building had not been completely installed.

Yang Fan guessed that after such a long time, its glass exterior walls should be completed now, and the effect of this building should have been basically reflected.

I just have time today, and Jiang Yan has a suggestion, so let's take a look.

Yang Fan asked while driving: "Honey, should we go shopping first, or go directly to Hongtai Building first."

Jiang Yan replied without even thinking: "Of course, go to Hongtai Building. It's still early. Let's go to Hongtai Building to have a look before going shopping. We will find a place to eat outside at noon and come back in the afternoon."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement and said, "No problem, just arrange it this way, let's go to Hongtai Building first."

There are still more cars along the way, probably because of the weekend.

When he was still a few kilometers away from Hongtai Building, Yang Fan's driving speed slowed down significantly.

This area is the core urban area of ​​Donghai City, and it is very lively, almost full of traffic.

Donghai City, which is about to enter the 21st century, already has the prototype of an international metropolis, and its prosperity is not much worse than those of foreign cities.

It took more than ten minutes to drive for a distance of several kilometers, and there was still a certain distance from Hongtai Building. Jiang Yan pointed out the window excitedly and shouted loudly.

"Brother Fan, that's the Hongtai Building, have you seen it!"

Yang Fan has already seen it.

The 86-story Hongtai Building soars into the sky, it stands out from the crowd, it is very conspicuous, and its figure can be seen from a long distance.


It's spectacular!

Seeing this skyscraper full of modern atmosphere, Yang Fan was slightly excited, wishing to go to the front of this building immediately.

When driving, whenever he had a chance, Yang Fan would glance at the building in the distance. A few minutes felt very long.

We finally reached the front of the building.

After not coming for a while, Yang Fan felt that there were still great changes. The glass exterior walls of the building have been completed, and the effect has been fully reflected.

The design of the 86-story building is very distinctive!

At the beginning of the design of the building, Yang Fan had seen its design renderings, and now seeing the real building, it feels more beautiful than the renderings.

Before getting out of the car, Yang Fan felt very satisfied just by looking at it a few times in the car.

Jiang suggested: "Brother, let's park the car first, then take a good look here and take a few photos. I even brought my camera."

It seemed that she was well prepared.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and turned his gaze away. After a quick glance, he found that one of the entrances of the underground garage of the building seemed to be ready for parking.

So, Yang Fan drove over to park the car in the underground garage.

The design of this building is very reasonable, and there is a huge parking garage underneath.

It's just that the car was stopped by security guards as soon as it reached the entrance of the underground garage.

He told Yang Fan.The underground garage has not yet been put into use.

Yang Fan took a look at the underground garage, feeling that it seemed to have been completed, thinking in his heart, is it really impossible to park?
Just as he was about to exit the car, a person who looked like a leader came over.

He should have recognized Yang Fan, and after jogging all the way over, he said enthusiastically, "Mr. Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Fan didn't know the other party, nodded lightly and said: "Hongtai Building is nearing completion, I'll come over and have a look."

This leader-like person quickly directed the security guards to raise the barrier and guide Yangfan into the parking garage.

Yang Fan signaled that he didn't need to follow, and was busy with his own affairs, then drove into the garage, and found that a small number of cars had been parked inside, and the entire garage was ready for use.

It's just not open to the public yet, and the parked cars should be some internal vehicles.

Yang Fan found a parking space and parked the car, and then happily led Jiang Yan out of the underground garage. The two stood at the entrance of Hongtai Building, looking up at the skyscraper.

"Brother Fan, this is definitely a landmark building in our Donghai City. I think it is more beautiful than the JM Building next to it."

Yang Fan agreed, and also looked at the JM Building not far away. The roof of that building has been capped, and some exterior walls have been renovated.

From the perspective of progress, it is a little later than Hongtai Building, and it does not look so beautiful now. It seems that Hongtai Building faintly overshadows JM Building.

Yang Fan's original intention was not to let the Hongtai Building overshadow the JM Building. When designing this building, he specifically requested that the height of the building be set at 86 floors, which is two floors less than the JM Building next to it.

Now it seems that the heights of the two buildings seem to be about the same, and it is impossible to tell which one is taller and which one is shorter.

Hongtai Building does not look shorter than JM Building. In addition, Hongtai Building looks more distinctive, and its appearance seems to be higher.

Yang Fan looked at Hongtai Building in a good mood, and Jiang Yan also took out the camera he brought over, and the two of them took a lot of photos with the camera.

Some photos were taken alone in Hengtai Building, and some were taken with Hongtai Building as the background. For example, Jiang Yan took a few single photos of Yang Fan, all of which were Hongtai Building as the background.

Just as he was about to find someone to take a group photo with, a voice sounded beside him.

"Hello sir, can you do us a favor?"

(End of this chapter)

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