Military Heavy

Chapter 536

Chapter 536
It was the voice of a young girl.

Yang Fan turned around quickly, and she could tell that she should be a young college student, and there were several people with her, probably her classmates.

The young girl also held a camera in her hand, and she should have taken a lot of photos just now.

"Sir, can you take a group photo for us, with this building as the background."

Yang Fan smiled and said cheerfully, "Of course there is no problem."

Seeing that Yang Fan agreed, the young girl smiled happily, very sweetly, and her classmates cheered even more.

They quickly got their positions and poses, and Yang Fan took two or three photos of them with the camera, all with Hongtai Building as the background.

After taking the photo, the young girl took the initiative to thank you, and then said: "You guys also want to take a group photo, I'll take a photo for you, okay?"

of course can.

I was worried that no one would help me take a group photo.

Jiang Yan happily gave his color camera to the girl, and stood in front of Hongtai Building holding Yang Fan's arm.

After posing several times in a row, the girl took several pictures of Yang Fan and the two of them.

After taking the photos, they gradually became familiar with each other, and Yang Fan chatted with them for a few words.

They are all college students of Tunghai University. When they learned that Yang Fan also graduated from Tunghai University, the girls called each other very sweetly.

They also talked about a situation, the Hongtai Building is very beautiful, many of their classmates will come here to have a look at it on weekends, and even take some photos with their cameras.

These photos are very popular and enviable in their circle of friends.

The girl said happily: "I didn't expect that there is such a tall building in our Donghai City, and it is so beautifully built."

"Hongtai Group is really amazing. It would be great if I can work in this company after graduating from university."

Sensing the feelings of the girls, Yang Fan also laughed happily.

Jiang Yan also covered her mouth and smiled lightly, she thought to herself, don't you know, standing in front of you is the boss of Hongtai Group, the real big boss.

After chatting with these young girls, Yang Fan's mood was also affected, and he seemed to be younger and happier.

Staying here in Hongtai Building for more than an hour, not only took a lot of photos in front of the building, Yang Fan also walked into the building to have a look.

It's just that I didn't take the elevator up, it was limited to the first floor of the building.

On the first floor of the building, there are four doors in the southeast, northwest, and each door leads to a magnificent and luxurious hall.

Every hall has been renovated, and the decoration effect is absolutely top-notch. It is estimated that it is difficult to find such a luxurious hall in any office building in Donghai City.

Yang Fan didn't go upstairs because each floor is still under renovation.

When the entire building is fully renovated and ready for use, Yang Fan will definitely come over and take a good look at it.

After leaving Hongtai Building satisfied, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan went to a nearby supermarket and watched a movie.


Yang Fan did not expect that he would receive a notice asking him to arrive in the capital before tomorrow, and the relevant leaders of the military had something to ask.

He didn't say what was going on in the phone call, but Yang Fan vaguely guessed that it might have something to do with the design and development of a new generation of light missile frigates.

After all, Yang Fan drew several color pictures of this type of warship before and sent them to Pan Jinfu. Some of the color pictures are estimated to have reached the military leaders.

Feeling that it might be related to the new generation of light missile frigates, Yang Fan was slightly excited.

I thought to myself, maybe, as Pan Jinfu said, the military will start the feasibility study of this warship in the first half of this year.

If it goes well, it is possible to start the project in the first half of this year.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan bought a plane ticket to the capital, no one brought it with him, and came to the capital alone.

After arriving in the capital, he decided to check in the hotel first. After thinking about it for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Pan Jinfu.

"Leader, I have already arrived in the capital. If you are free tonight, let's have a meal together."

Pan Jinfu was very straightforward, "No problem, we haven't seen each other for a while, we can have a good chat."

The two have a good relationship, and they will talk on the phone every now and then, but they have indeed met for a while.

Yang Fan personally chose a good hotel near the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute, and then texted the address to Pan Jinfu.

Soon after, Pan Jinfu came over, and of course the two met with enthusiasm.

After the dishes were served, the two chatted while drinking wine.

Gradually, we talked about this matter.

Pan Jinfu helped Yang Fan analyze: "The military leaders will probably ask about the new generation of guided missile frigates. You have to prepare in advance."

Yang Fan nodded, and said confidently: "I guess it's also about this aspect. I've already done all the preparations, and I'm confident."

This is no bragging.

Yang Fan is too familiar with the 056 light guided missile frigate, even if he will face inquiries from military leaders, he seems very confident.

Pan Jinfu seemed to be a little worried, and had a lot of conversations with Yang Fan on this issue.

Feeling Pan Jinfu's deep concern, Yang Fan felt warm in his heart.

It's great to have such a leader who is like an elder.

the next day.

Yang Fan got up early, tidied himself up, put on formal clothes, polished his leather shoes again, and checked his tie in the mirror.

At eight o'clock in the morning, a small car with a military plate on it arrived at the door of this hotel.

Yang Fan entered the military building in this car, and was led into a small meeting room by the military personnel.

"Mr. Yang, you wait here for a while."

Yang Fan sat up in the conference room, knowing that the military leaders would come over soon.

I am also guessing in my heart, wait a minute, is it a military leader or several, who will they be?
While thinking about this, footsteps sounded outside the door, and the door of the meeting room was gently pushed open.

Several generals came in from outside, all of them were leaders of the navy.

Yang Fan got up quickly.

The leading military leader seemed very kind, "Comrade Yang Fan, please sit down, don't be too restrained and nervous, let's chat casually."

Yang Fan said hello to several leaders before sitting down again.

Sure enough, as Yang Fan expected, the military leaders asked questions related to the new generation of guided missile frigates.

Yang Fan answered every question carefully and comprehensively.

He also unreservedly stated his design concept for the future new generation of light guided missile frigates in very detailed and specific terms.

Several military leaders listened carefully, and two leaders even opened their notebooks to record some of what Yang Fan said.

When Yang Fan finished talking about the design concept of the new generation of light guided missile frigates, the leading military leaders showed satisfaction.

He praised: "Comrade Yang Fan, I didn't expect you to have such a comprehensive design concept. We are really overjoyed."

Another military leader also said: "Yeah, this has given us a big surprise. We have been still worried, will there be some problems in the design of this warship?"

"Now we are relieved and confident. It seems that there is not much technical difficulty in the design and construction of a new generation of light missile frigates."

Yang Fan said confidently: "If it is designed by our East China Sea Ship Design Center, I have full confidence that it will definitely design an excellent light missile frigate."

Perhaps feeling Yang Fan's full confidence, these military leaders smiled happily.

Next, several military leaders asked Yang Fan several questions one after another.

Yang Fan gave a more detailed answer.

The satisfaction on the faces of the military leaders is even more obvious.

Although they didn't express their position to start the feasibility analysis or design and development of the new generation of guided missile frigate immediately, Yang Fan felt that this matter was almost inseparable.

Taking advantage of the good mood of the leaders, Yang Fan took the initiative to ask Ying again: "If the design task of the new generation of light missile frigates is entrusted to our East China Sea Ship Design Center, we will definitely hand in an answer sheet that satisfies the military."

"The new generation of light guided missile frigates we have designed is not only cost-effective and low in cost, but also fully capable of patrolling or defending mid-near seas. Compared with the same type of light guided missile frigates in the world, it will not be inferior in the slightest."

Yang Fan has such confidence.

Seeing that Yang Fan took the initiative to apply for this design task, several military leaders laughed meaningfully.

However, they did not explicitly agree to Yang Fan's request. Maybe they will have a meeting to study it and consider it comprehensively.

Although the military leaders did not agree to hand over this design task to the East China Sea Ship Design Center, Yang Fan was very happy when he walked out of the military building.

My heart is also quite relaxed, and I can fully foresee that it may not be long before the military will start the feasibility analysis of a new generation of light missile frigates.

Yang Fan didn't stay in the capital for long, and soon returned to Donghai City.

Not a few days after returning from the capital, Yang Fan got the news that the military was going to start the feasibility analysis of this type of warship.

In this feasibility analysis, the military considers more about the positioning of this warship.

What requirements will the warship designed and built in the future meet? The military will submit these requirements to future warship design units.

After receiving such news, Yang Fan felt much more relaxed and full of expectations.

I thought to myself, this design task should be handed over to our East China Sea Ship Design Center.

Another few days passed.

As usual, Yang Fan lived in his office and was carefully looking at several documents, preparing for review.

There was a knock on the door.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Come in."

It was Shen Changhai who pushed the door and came in. If you look closely, his face is not very calm, and there seems to be a faint excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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