Military Heavy

Chapter 537 Military Request

Chapter 537 Military Request

Yang Fan noticed Shen Changhai's expression and was slightly taken aback.

"Changhai, what's the matter? You seem so happy."

Shen Changhai is really happy, an unbearable excitement is getting stronger and stronger in his heart, just now he got a shocking good news.

Unable to bear it, he ran over immediately to share with Yang Fan, and everyone was happy together.

Seeing his appearance, Yang Fan suddenly became interested, and was ready to listen carefully to what made Shen Changhai so happy.

Shen Changhai didn't hold back, and immediately said: "Just now, a friend of mine in the capital called me and told me that the military has officially launched a feasibility study for a new generation of light missile frigates."

It turned out to be such a thing!

Yang Fan laughed.

As early as a few days ago, Yang Fan heard the news, and was very happy at that time.

Shen Changhai observed Yang Fan's expression and asked, "Boss Yang, do you already know?"

Yang Fan said, "It's really not busy. I learned the news a few days ago. I wanted to share it with you, but I haven't had time yet."


It's still Mr. Yang's approval!
Shen Changhai looked at Yang Fan in admiration, gave a thumbs up and said, "As expected of a leader, he is much more informed than us."

Yang Fan laughed happily: "Everyone is similar, I just learned the news a few days in advance."

Both are in a good mood.

This is indeed great news for everyone, and it is also something that the two have been looking forward to for a long time.

So I simply chatted about a new generation of light missile frigates.

Shen Changhai's attitude was very humble, completely asking for advice.

"Mr. Yang, last time you told me about some design ideas for a new generation of light guided missile frigates. Can you tell me more in detail?"

Of course no problem.

Yang Fan is exactly what he meant, and last time he only pointed to the end, because the feasibility analysis of when the military will launch a new generation of guided missile frigates is still uncertain.

It is different now, the military has already started the feasibility analysis, and it may not be long before a formal design task will be issued.

Then why not talk about this warship with Shen Changhai in detail.

In Yang Fan's plan, if the Donghai Ship Design Center is lucky enough to get this design task, the future chief designer of this warship should be Shen Changhai.

Yang Fan has no idea of ​​being the chief designer of this type of warship himself. After all, he is now the leader of the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

The new generation of light guided missile frigate is smaller after all, and its technical requirements must be lower than that of Type 054. For Yang Fan, it is basically a piece of cake, so there is no need to personally serve as the chief designer of this warship. Shen Changhai is the most suitable.

Seeing Shen Changhai humbly asking for advice, Yang Fan was not stingy, and began to introduce some design ideas in his mind in more detail.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a more detailed introduction to the Type 056 frigate.

Yang Fan said: "Although the military's specific requirements have not yet come out, I think the new generation of light guided missile frigates should be a multi-purpose light frigate."

"The design of this warship can adopt a deep V design, a long bridge ship shape, the pursuit of comfort and larger hull space, and a stealth design can be adopted."

"In terms of stealth design, the hull floats outward, and the superstructure is tilted inward to form a broken line running through the front and rear of the hull. The equipment, small boats, and torpedo tubes on the ship should be concealed to achieve a good radar stealth effect. The tail part can be designed with a helicopter take-off and landing platform..."

This time it was much more detailed than last time. Shen Changhai listened carefully, opened his notebook, and quickly recorded what Yang Fan said while listening.

After talking for more than half an hour, Shen Changhai filled several pages.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, Shen Changhai's expression changed.

Now he admires Yang Fan so much.

Never expected that in Yang Fan's mind, the design thinking of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future would be so clear.

There are many designs that he never thought of. Now that he thinks about it carefully, these designs of Yang Fan are very scientific and reasonable.

Shen Changhai said: "Mr. Yang, according to your design plan, the future light missile frigate will be very good."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, fully acknowledging this point.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

Shen Changhai only listened to it for about half an hour, but he felt it was more useful than reading any design materials.

Maybe he spent several months, or even a year or two, reading a lot of information and racking his brains, but it was impossible for him to design an excellent light guided missile frigate as Yang Fan imagined.


The military formally conducted a feasibility analysis on the future new generation of light missile frigates, and gradually unified their opinions, forming rough design requirements.

According to the military's vision, this type of warship is mainly used for mid- and offshore defense and performs daily patrol tasks.The number of technical and tactical indicators and weapons and equipment are advanced, which is a level higher than the current Type 053 frigate.

In other words, the future new generation of light frigates will be one generation ahead of the current 053 frigates.

In terms of displacement, the military set it at about 1500 tons, and the full-load displacement does not exceed 2000 tons.

A series of requirements have been put forward in terms of technical and tactical indicators, such as the installation of Hongqi series air defense missiles and certain air defense capabilities.

In terms of anti-ship, there must be two double-mounted anti-ship missile launchers, the main gun is a 76mm naval gun, and the secondary gun is two 30mm machine guns.

In addition, there must be two triple-mounted torpedo tubes, two multi-mounted anti-ship rocket launchers, etc...

The efficiency of the military is still very high, even very rare. It only took more than two months from the beginning of the feasibility analysis study to the official report.

In May, the military's request reached the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute in the form of a written report.

The military did not designate a specific design unit. Maybe they don't want to stretch their hands too far. Which of the following units will design it will be decided by the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

The report had been sent to China Ship Design and Research Institute, and Pan Jinfu immediately called the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

"Xiao Yang, the official report from the military has been issued."

"Really, that's great!"

Hearing the news, Yang Fan was very happy, and has been waiting for the written report from the military for the past two months.

Pan Jinfu reminded: "Don't be too happy too early, the military has not designated any design unit to undertake the design task."


Yang Fan was slightly startled. He originally thought that the military would mention the East China Sea Ship Design Center. Even if the East China Sea Ship Design Center was not designated to undertake the design task, it would have to make suggestions.

For example, it is suggested that the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute consider handing over this design task to the East China Sea Ship Design Center. In fact, the military has not done so.

Inexplicably, Yang Fan felt a certain sense of crisis and a little bit of pressure.

He is too clear that there are several design units under the China Ship Design and Research Institute, and it is really uncertain to whom this task will eventually be handed over.

Pan Jinfu may have felt Yang Fan's mood, and comforted him: "No matter what, I will definitely stand by your side and support the Donghai Ship Design Center 100%."

Yang Fan quickly expressed his gratitude: "Then please worry about it and fight for us."

Pan Jinfu agreed, "There is no problem, I will do my best."

Yang Fan feels relieved, and with Pan Jinfu's help to fight for it with all his strength, his hopes are much greater.

Pan Jinfu said: "Do you want me to fax the official request from the military for you to have a look at first?"

Can't ask for it.

Of course, Yang Fan wanted to see how the military positioned the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, and what specific requirements they put forward.

"Leader, send it here quickly, I can't wait to take a good look at it."

After chatting with Yang Fan for a few words, Pan Jinfu hung up the phone, and immediately sent the general's report on the new generation of missile frigates in the future.

Picking up the newly sent report from the fax machine, Yang Fan sat on his office chair and read it seriously.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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