Military Heavy

Chapter 538 3 out of 1

Chapter 538 Choose one from three
Why is Yang Fan so eager to read the military report?
the reason is simple!
The main purpose is to check what the new generation of light guided missile frigate that the military wants to build looks like. Is there any difference between it and the historical 056 light guided missile frigate?

Whether history has deviated on this point, Yang Fan is not fully sure.

If the new generation of light guided missile frigate that the military wants to build is the historical 056 guided missile frigate, then there is basically no difficulty for Yang Fan, and he can design the 056 directly according to the gourd's drawing.

If there is a relatively large deviation and it is not the historical 056 light guided missile frigate, then it needs to be reconsidered.

Holding the faxed report, Yang Fan sat in the office and read it seriously.

After watching it, I am sure!
I am completely relieved.

It is the 056 light missile frigate in history, and there is no difference.

It would be very simple if this design task was handed over to the East China Sea Ship Design Center. Under the guidance of Yang Fan, it would be fine to design it according to the design plan of 056.

"Well, this design task must be done." Yang Fan secretly decided in his heart.

I am too familiar with 056, too familiar!

Yang Fan knows that if the East China Sea Ship Design Center undertakes this design task, it will be much smoother than other design agencies, and it will save a lot of detours and reduce a lot of unnecessary losses.

This is very important to the entire 056 project. Yang Fan does not want to watch such a warship take a lot of detours in the design and development, wasting a lot of time, manpower and material resources.

After reading the report, his face showed satisfaction. After thinking for a while, Yang Fan picked up the phone on his desk and called Shen Changhai.

"Chang Hai, come to my office."

Within a few minutes, Shen Changhai knocked on the door and came in, still very humble.

"Mr. Yang, what do you want from me?"

Yang Fan waved and said, "Come here and take a look at this report."

Taking the report from Yang Fan, Shen Changhai read it.

Soon, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He said loudly in an unbelievable tone: "My God, this is the military's feasibility study report on a new generation of light missile frigates."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "Yes, the military has conducted a comprehensive feasibility analysis and research on this warship, and even put forward a series of technical parameters and requirements. Do you think that if you are responsible for the overall design of this warship? How sure is the teacher."

Shen Changhai looked at the report again, and then took a deep breath.

"Mr. Yang, if I were to be the chief designer of this warship, I would be at least [-]% sure that I would be able to design a light guided missile frigate that fully meets the military's requirements."

More than [-]% sure!
That is to say, they are basically full of confidence, and there is no big problem in designing warships that meet the requirements of the military.

Yang Fan praised: "I just like your confident look."

Shen Changhai said modestly: "I didn't have such great confidence at first. Since you told me the detailed design plan of this warship, my confidence has become more and more abundant."

It turned out to be the case.

Yang Fan did talk about the design plan of this warship with Shen Changhai in detail more than once, and even talked about many design details.

Every time Shen Changhai listened carefully and recorded something in his notebook.

His notebook was densely packed with at least a dozen pages.

Now, he has a very clear idea of ​​the design of this warship.

The two chatted about the military report for a while, and then Shen Changhai made a request.

"Mr. Yang, since the official report from the military has been issued, it should not be too late. Please allow me to go to the capital for some activities."

Yang Fan fully understood what he meant by "move a little bit".

I also know that "waiting, relying, and asking" is absolutely impossible. If you want to win this design task, you must strive for it with all your strength and take the initiative to attack.

Yang Fan agreed without hesitation: "Yes, you can go to the capital first, visit some relevant leaders and departments, and express the attitude of our East China Sea Ship Design Center."

"Clearly tell the relevant leaders that for this design task, our East China Sea Ship Design Center hopes to get it, and we can make a promise. If we undertake this design task, we can definitely submit a design to satisfy the military. answer sheet."

In this regard, Yang Fan is full of confidence.

Perhaps for some people, the series of requirements and technical parameters put forward by the military are difficult to a certain extent, but there is no difficulty for Yang Fan.

As long as this warship is designed according to the design plan of 056, an answer sheet that satisfies the military can be submitted.

Because the 056 light missile frigate also occupies a very important position in the world's light missile frigate family, it is absolutely world-class.

This type of warship is not only advanced in technology, but also very low in cost. Before Yang Fan was reborn, nearly a hundred of this type of warship had been built.

Such a quantity is astonishing, and it also shows that this warship is really outstanding.

After sitting with Yang Fan and chatting about this type of warship, Shen Changhai left.

At work, he's a hothead and doesn't want to spend the night on anything.

Now that he has obtained Yang Fan's consent and authorization, he can't wait to rush to the capital immediately.

No need to ask, you know that after he leaves Yang Fan's office, he will definitely order a plane ticket immediately, and he will rush to the capital today.


There are several military ship design institutions under the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute, and the East China Sea Ship Design Center is just one of them.

With the help of Pan Jinfu, the Donghai Ship Design Center was the first design agency to obtain the feasibility analysis report from the military.

Several other design agencies were a few days later, but they also got the report one after another.

DL Ship Design Center is also one of the design agencies.

Obviously, they also attach great importance to this matter. After receiving this report, their unit specially organized a working meeting to discuss the key points.

The head of the DL Ship Design Center personally presided over the meeting, and he said in a loud voice: "Comrades, you have all read this report, what do you think?"

Immediately someone said: "This is a key project of the military. This type of warship is also one of the main warships for offshore defense and patrol in the future. I dare to conclude that the number of future constructions will definitely be amazing. We must do such a design task." To get it."

"What Lao Liu said is absolutely correct, and I agree with it. We must go all out for this design task."

They quickly agreed and, like the East China Sea Ship Design Center, hoped to get this design task.

GZ Ship Design Center is also a military ship design institution under the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute, and their strength is also impressive.

After receiving this report from the military, several senior officials of this unit sat together and were also negotiating and discussing.

"Everyone, let's talk about it."

"I have read this report in detail several times. Although this is a light missile frigate, the technical requirements are not low."

"Old Xie is right, and I think so too. The displacement is only 1500 tons, and the full-load displacement does not exceed 2000 tons. Such a small warship must meet this series of technical requirements and have a lot of weapons and equipment. I think There is still a lot of difficulty.”

"There will definitely be difficulties, but our GZ center also has this technical strength, and I am sure that I can design a warship that meets the military's requirements."

"It's completely normal for the military to have relatively high requirements. For this type of warship, I mean that our design center should work hard to get design tasks as much as possible."

"Yes, this is a glorious design task. If we can complete it well, it will not only be the highlight of our personal career, but also a proud thing for our GZ Ship Design Center."

The senior executives of the GZ Ship Design Center quickly agreed, and they all agreed that this design task must be obtained.

This is more interesting.

A total of three military ship design units expressed their all-out attitude towards this task, and all hoped to get this design task.

Shen Changhai soon arrived in the capital, and he still had a lot of connections and acquaintances. After arriving in the capital, he began to visit them one by one.

And made it clear to these leaders that the East China Sea Ship Design Center hopes to get this design task, and promises to design a very good light missile frigate.

He even introduced the design plan of this warship in detail with some executives.

After hearing Shen Changhai's design plan, the eyes of these leaders lit up slightly.

Not bad, the preparations of the East China Sea Ship Design Center are so full that even the design plan has been roughly thought out.

Shen Changhai stayed in the capital for several days. The first three days went very smoothly. On the fourth day, he felt the pressure.

He actually met people from other design centers, and he knew without asking, that the purpose of the people from these two design centers was basically the same as his.

They are also determined to win this design task.

With the pressure of competition, Shen Changhai worked harder and tried his best to lobby the relevant leaders.

He even visited the offices of certain leaders several times, and repeatedly talked about his design plan with these leaders, hoping to persuade them to hand over this design task to the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

A total of three design units have expressed their attitudes, and the future situation is very obvious. It must be one of the three, and each unit has only 1/3 hope.

Of course, the East China Sea Ship Design Center is not fully sure. It is hard to say everything, and no one knows who will get it.

(End of this chapter)

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