Military Heavy

Chapter 539 Chapter 541 Three Design Plans

Chapter 539 Chapter 540 - Three Design Plans
Whether it is the East China Sea Ship Design Center, the DL Ship Design Center, or the GZ Ship Design Center, there are people working in the capital.

The leaders of Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute also knew the determination of these three design institutions, and all three design centers wanted to get this design task.

It is still unknown which design unit the leaders of the general institute will give this design task to.

Shen Changhai stayed in the capital for several days. He visited all the leaders that should be visited, and all the departments that should be visited. He returned to the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

But he came back under pressure.

Appeared worried.

The first thing to do when returning to work is to report to Yang Fan.

He first gave a detailed account of the situation in the capital, and then said with great pressure: "I didn't expect that the people from the other two ship design centers were not slow to move. When I came back, they were still carrying out activities in the capital."

After finishing speaking, he sighed softly, and thought full of worry: "I hope the leaders of the General Institute will give us priority. I really don't want to see this task given to other design agencies."

Yang Fan seemed to be much less stressed, he smiled lightly and comforted him.

"It's still early, don't worry too much, what belongs to us will still belong to us in the end."

Shen Changhai said: "President Yang, what do you think our hopes are."

Yang Fan did not answer directly, but said: "Opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared. From now on, we can start to do a series of preparations."

Shen Changhai said: "Please give clear instructions from the leader, what should we do next?"

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then said: "I think the next step is to consider making a specific design plan."

"I guess, since three design agencies have expressed their attitudes and all want to get this design task, then the leaders of the General Institute will definitely consider it carefully and will not make a decision lightly."

"The most likely situation is to ask all three of our design agencies to submit design proposals, and then choose one of the three, and select the most suitable design proposal that satisfies the military."

"Since that's the case, let's start working on the specific design plan now, and leave this matter to you, how about it?"

Shen Changhai was slightly surprised.

He thought to himself: "Is this really the case? Will the leaders of the General Institute let our three design units submit design proposals instead of making a final decision?"

Although he had some doubts, he still agreed immediately: "Question, let me take the lead in making this design plan, Mr. Yang, you will check it out for us."

Next, Yang Fan further and more specifically talked to Shen Changhai about the design of the new generation of light missile frigates, including many specific design details.

Shen Changhai opened his notebook and recorded another two or three pages.

Back and forth, Yang Fan talked about the design of this warship in detail several times one after another, which is equivalent to teaching Shen Changhai how to design it hand in hand.

Shen Changhai's technical level is already good. With Yang Fan's guidance, it shouldn't be a big problem to come up with an excellent design plan.

At least Yang Fan was very relieved.

Yang Fan ordered: "Just follow what I told you to formulate the design plan, and send it to me for review or revision after it is done."

Shen Changhai said: "No problem, I will take the lead in making this design proposal right away."

As a result, a certain part of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, under the leadership of Shen Changhai, began to formulate a specific design plan for a new generation of missile frigates.

It's a rainy day!

This is to prepare ahead of time!

A few days later, in the capital thousands of miles away, a special meeting was held at the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

Almost all the high-level executives of the general hospital were present, and Pan Jinfu was also sitting in this conference room.

The head of the General Academy presided over the meeting in person, and he said loudly: "Comrades, a total of three design units have indicated that they want to undertake the design of a new generation of light missile frigates. We will hold a meeting today to discuss it, and everyone can speak freely."

A leader of the general institute immediately said: "We are the leading organization, I think it is better to directly assign this design task to a design agency, which is more efficient and saves time."

"This suggestion is good. We can make a decision on who to hand over the task to."

Some people also objected: "The military's expectations for the new generation of light missile frigates in the future are still very high. We must also be cautious, and then be cautious and carefully consider all aspects."

"Old Su is right, we must be cautious in this matter."

After some discussions, a consensus was gradually formed.

A leader suggested that it might be a bit sloppy for the general institute to make a decision directly. It is better for the following three accounting agencies to submit the design proposals separately, and then conduct the evaluation and review of the design proposals, and finally decide which one to hand over the design task to. design unit.

Pan Jinfu has always listened more than talked. After the leader put forward this suggestion, he immediately agreed: "Old Zhou is right. This is the most prudent way. I also agree that the three units should submit a design plan separately. We will make a decision after reviewing first.”

This proposal was approved by the majority of the leaders, and it was finally decided on the basis of the principle that decimals obey the majority.

The efficiency of the General Institute is very high, and the official documents were sent to the three design units the next day.

Naturally, the East China Sea Ship Design Center also quickly received the official document issued by the General Academy.

The document was clearly written in black and white, requiring the East China Sea Ship Design Center, DL Ship Design Center and GZ Ship Design Center to submit a design plan each.

The time is two months.

The two-month period was also carefully considered or discussed by the General Academy, and reported to the military for approval.

It is feasible to come up with a specific design plan within two months, although it is a little tight in terms of execution time.

Shen Changhai walked into Yang Fan's office with a look of admiration.

He was almost in admiration, "Mr. Yang, you are so good at predicting things. Earlier, you guessed that the General Institute might ask each of our three design units to come up with a design plan. It's only a few days. The official document will be issued, which is exactly the same as what you said."

Yang Fan smiled happily: "With the decision made by the General Hospital, we will take the initiative."

There is nothing wrong with that.

The East China Sea Ship Design Center has indeed taken the initiative, and started the formulation of specific design plans as early as a few days ago.

Shen Changhai was also full of joy, and completely agreed: "We are definitely one step ahead. I am sure that it will not take two months to formulate a specific design plan."

The other two design units may feel that the two months is a bit tight, but Yang Fan and Shen Changhai have more than enough time.

The reason is very simple. Yang Fan has a mature design plan in his heart, that is, just follow the gourd's drawing and take out the design plan of the 056 light missile frigate.

Shen Changhai also felt very relaxed, because Yang Fan had explained to him several times in detail the design plan of the new generation of missile frigates in the future, and he already had a blueprint in his mind.

In the following days, the East China Sea Ship Design Center began to seize the time to formulate a design plan for a new generation of guided missile frigates, and the other two design units probably did the same.

The only difference is that they may feel that time is tight and they need to hurry up and hurry up.


Today is the weekend.

Yang Fan rarely had to worry about the design of the new generation of missile frigates, and Shen Changhai's performance was remarkable.

Basically, the design plan was formulated according to the framework built by Yang Fan. Obviously, Shen Changhai had already kept what Yang Fan said in his heart.

Yang Fan was also happy and relaxed, taking advantage of today's Sunday, he drove out early.

Instead of going to the East China Sea Ship Design Center, he went to Jiangdong New District.

Jiangdong New District is a state-level development zone in Donghai City, where the development is very fast.

Yang Fan knows that in about ten years, Jiangdong New District will be well-known throughout the country, and many famous international companies have set up branches or large factories there.

Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. selected its chip manufacturing plant in Jiangdong New District.

It has been a month or two since construction started there, but Yang Fan has never been to the site to take a look, and today he is planning to go there to take a look at the situation there.

Originally, Lu Huaqiang asked to come to pick up Yang Fan, but Yang Fan didn't have such a big air, and it was very convenient to drive there by himself.

Driving his off-road vehicle, Yang Fan arrived near Huaqiang Technology's chip factory in less than an hour.

While driving, he looked at the surrounding situation, and thought in his heart with great satisfaction: "As expected of Jiangdong New District, the development is really good."

Especially the first-class infrastructure, every road is straight and wide, and on both sides of the road you can see big companies one by one, or big factories one by one.

Office buildings can be seen everywhere, and large factories are everywhere, which is also a microcosm of the development of Donghai City.

Gradually, we arrived at the gate of the chip factory of Huaqiang Technology Company.

There is a large construction site covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, which is undergoing intensive construction.

Yang Fan saw Lu Huaqiang from a distance. He was wearing work clothes and a hard hat, waiting at the gate.

According to Yang Fan's request, not all the high-level executives greeted him collectively at the gate, but only Lu Huaqiang and his assistant.

Yang Fan drove over and parked the car at the gate. Before he got out of the car, Lu Huaqiang walked over quickly and helped Yang Fan open the car door.

"Boss, hello!"

Yang Fan said with a smile on his face: "It's so hot here, it's gratifying to see, let's go in and have a look."


Lu Huaqiang handed Yang Fan a safety helmet, and accompanied Yang Fan to walk in front, while his assistant followed behind a few meters.

The three walked into the large construction site.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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