Military Heavy

Chapter 541 Ahead of Time

Chapter 541 Ahead of Time
The next day.

This revised and improved design plan was placed on Shen Changhai's desk again. He still looked at it carefully and felt that there was no problem.

He stood up and left the office with the design plan in his hand.

At this time, Yang Fan happened to be in the office, and he had just returned from Dongjiang Shipbuilding.

In the past one or two months, Yang Fan didn't have too many things to do, and his work was relatively easy, so he went to Dongjiang Shipyard more often.

Basically go there at least once a week, mainly to see the first 054A guided missile frigate under construction.

Its construction went fast and smoothly.

At present, the warship has completed the closing of the general section, and it is estimated that it will enter the stage of full outfitting in the near future.

This kind of construction speed is really not ordinary fast.

This also shows that Dongjiang Shipyard has accumulated rich construction experience. In addition, their construction strength has also improved.

Yang Fan was thinking about the construction progress of the first 054A when there was a knock on the office door.

Yang Fan withdrew his thoughts and said loudly, "Come in!"

It was Shen Changhai who pushed the door and came in, holding the revised design plan in his hand.

"Mr. Yang, we have basically finished the design of the new generation of light frigates. Please take a look and give us a check."

Yang Fan was not too polite, he took over the design plan and began to read it.

Although he is not planning to be the chief designer of this warship, it does not mean that Yang Fan does not pay attention to this matter.

On the contrary, Yang Fan attaches great importance to this matter, and will pay attention to the progress of the design plan every now and then.

After receiving the design proposal, Yang Fan looked seriously, and the office became quiet for a while.

Shen Changhai sat down on the sofa next to him, waited patiently, and kept quiet, as if he was afraid of affecting Yangfan's review of the design plan.

It took more than ten minutes for Yang Fan to read the design proposal.

Shen Changhai couldn't help but asked immediately: "Mr. Yang, what do you think? Is there anything that needs to be revised and improved."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and beckoned Shen Changhai to go over.

Shen Changhai immediately got up and walked to Yang Fan's side, and bent down to look at the design plan.

Yang Fan picked up the pen, and he was not polite, and began to explain which parts needed to be revised and which parts needed to be improved.

Shen Changhai listened carefully.

Gradually, he was overwhelmed with admiration, and thought to himself, as expected of Mr. Yang, his level is high!
He carefully reviewed this design proposal twice, and after revision and improvement, he originally thought that there should be no problem.

How did he know that there are still many places that need to be modified and improved when he arrives at Yang Fan. Yang Fan took a pen to explain, while directly modifying and modifying this design plan.

Circle some places that need to be modified, and even note a few lines of small words next to indicate how to modify.

It took three or four 10 minutes.

After pointing out all the places, Yang Fan said: "Revise and improve according to my requirements, hurry up and finish it, and then send it to me for review."

There are so many places that need to be modified, Shen Changhai is obviously a little embarrassed.

He said apologetically: "Mr. Yang, our work is still not careful enough. I will immediately organize a meeting and make serious revisions to this design plan."

Yang Fan still said with satisfaction: "Overall, the plan is good. It fully implements the design spirit I mentioned. The overall design plan is also done according to my requirements, but some details are not enough."

After some explanations, Yang Fan said: "Hurry up, we must strive to be the first to submit the design proposal to the General Academy."

The first to submit a design plan will definitely have a certain advantage, at least it can give the leadership of the general institute an impression of "our design is not bad".

Without a certain strength, without two brushes, how can the design proposal be submitted in advance.

Shen Changhai seemed to know this too, and quickly walked out of the office with the "unrecognizable" design plan modified by Yang Fan.

He immediately organized a meeting of relevant personnel, and immediately organized everyone to improve and modify the design plan.

Early the next morning.

Shen Changhai walked into Yang Fan's office again with the revised design plan.

They were busy all day yesterday, and Shen Changhai himself was even more busy until nearly 12 o'clock last night.

As soon as he went to work this morning, he carefully read the revised design plan again, and came to Yang Fan only after he felt that there was no problem.

Yang Fan took the design plan and looked at it seriously.

It took about ten minutes to finish watching it.

Seeing that Yang Fan had finished reading the design proposal, Shen Changhai was inexplicably a little nervous, worried that Yang Fan would point out a series of problems just like yesterday.

But he was soon relieved.

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction and said, "There shouldn't be any problems with this design plan. After submitting it, I think whether it's the leaders of the General Academy or the military, they will definitely be very satisfied."

After modification and improvement, the design plan is basically in full compliance with the historical 056 light missile frigate.

Yang Fan is very familiar with this frigate, and even more aware of its deficiencies and shortcomings.

In this design plan, Yang Fan perfected some deficiencies and shortcomings of this warship that he knew.

The future new generation of light guided missile frigates designed according to this design plan must be better than blue.

No matter in terms of technical and tactical indicators, or in terms of performance parameters, it is superior to the historical 056 light missile frigate.

In terms of cost, Yang Fan has also considered it, further reducing the construction cost, while subtly improving the overall performance.

Of course, Yang Fan is satisfied with this design plan, and it even exceeded his expectations a little bit, which is even better than the historical 056 light missile frigate.

In front of Shen Changhai, Yang Fan picked up the phone and called Pan Jinfu.

"Leader, I have good news for you. The design plan of our East China Sea Ship Design Center has been completed and can be submitted to the General Academy."

Pan Jinfu's surprised voice came from the phone: "The design plan has been completed so quickly, and there are still 20 days before the two-month deadline issued by the General Academy."

Yang Fan said: "We have indeed completed the design plan."

After getting an affirmative answer, Pan Jinfu became happy all of a sudden, "Great, if possible, send me the design plan first, how about it?"

He is very concerned about the East China Sea Ship Design Center and wants to help check it out.

Yang Fan said: "Of course, there is no problem, I will send someone to bring it to you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan ordered: "Please take a trip to the capital and show this design plan to Vice President Pan first, and let him check it out for us."

"Okay, no problem, I'll buy a ticket right away and head to the capital immediately."

Yang Fan Youfeng ordered: "If Vice President Pan has no problem after reading it, you can formally submit this design plan to the leadership of the General Academy on behalf of our Donghai Ship Design Center."


Shen Changhai was not ambiguous at all, he was neat and tidy, and immediately took this design plan out of Yang Fan's office.


News spread quickly.

The East China Sea Ship Design Center officially submitted the design plan, and this matter quickly spread to the other two design units.


Hearing that the East China Sea Ship Design Center had submitted a formal design proposal, both design units were taken aback.

The first reaction was unbelievable, and I immediately sent someone or called the General Hospital to confirm.

After confirming that they were correct, their pressure came up.

Not only the design center of the DL ship, but also the Guangzhou ship design center is more time-consuming, it is almost all night, and the design plan is completed.

DL Ship Design Center.

A large group of people in their unit are rushing to design and formulate the design plan. It is already night, but the entire design center is brightly lit.

In a certain conference room, several high-level executives of the unit are present, as well as many middle-level, senior and key designers.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

Only to find that the word "five hundred" was missing in the title of the chapter, sweat!
(End of this chapter)

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