Military Heavy

Chapter 542 Will You Win?

Chapter 542 Will You Win?

The meeting has been going on for some time, mainly discussing the design proposals submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

The head of the DL Ship Design Center once again said with emotion: "I really didn't expect the East China Sea Ship Design Center to submit the design proposal so soon."

"Yeah, it's really a bit beyond our expectation. I really hope this news is fake."

"The time given by the General Hospital was two months, and they were 20 days ahead of schedule. It's unbelievable!"

Several high-level executives expressed emotion.

But it is true.

After discussing for a while, in addition to a unanimous decision to speed up the completion of their design plan, a resolution was also formed.

The leader personally ordered: "Old Su, please go to the general courtyard and find out."

The deputy general manager surnamed Su immediately agreed: "No problem, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will win a hundred battles. I am also very curious about what the design plan submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center to the General Academy looks like."

Not just DL ship design center.

This situation is also happening in the GZ ship design center.

They also held a high-level meeting and sent a deputy general manager to the capital.

The purpose is the same, but also to inquire about the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center. If you can see the design plan and understand the specific content, that is the best.


Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute.

In Pan Jinfu's office sat another vice president, the two of them were drinking tea and chatting.

The content of the chat is related to the design proposal submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

After the design proposal was submitted, every high-ranking member of the general institute had personally read it and understood its specific content.

"Lao Pan, I didn't expect that the East China Sea Ship Design Center would be so powerful that it would formally submit the design plan so soon."

Pan Jinfu smiled happily.

He has worked in the East China Sea Ship Design Center for so many years, and the people there can be said to be his soldiers.

They performed well, and Pan Jinfu felt honored to submit the design proposal so quickly.

"Old Zhou, what do you think of the design proposal submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center?"

Vice President Zhou pondered for a while, and then replied, "I personally think that this design proposal is very well done. I don't know what kind of design proposals the other two design units will submit."

“Hopefully they will submit equally good designs so we can choose the best, most suitable of the three.”

After the two chatted for a while, Vice President Zhou revealed a piece of news.

"Old Pan, you probably don't know yet, whether it's the DL Ship Design Center or the GZ Ship Design Center, both of these design units have sent people over to inquire about the design proposal submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center."

No way!
There is such a thing? ? ?

Hearing the news, Pan Jinfu's face changed slightly, "They actually sent someone over to inquire, so we can't disclose the relevant content to them, otherwise it will be unfair to the East China Sea Ship Design Center."

Vice President Zhou smiled helplessly: "This matter may be a bit difficult to handle. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If they try their best to use various channels to inquire, I think they will understand something."

Pan Jinfu did not speak for a long time.

I was even a little annoyed in my heart. If I had known that such a thing would happen, I should have reminded the East China Sea Ship Design Center to submit the design plan later.

But the design plan has been officially submitted, and no matter how upset it is, it will not help.

Vice President Zhou said in relief: "Lao Pan, don't worry too much, there are only ten days before the official design proposal is submitted, even if these two design units know the specific design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, they will Too late to modify."

Pan Jinfu nodded lightly: "I hope so."

There are only a dozen days before the final submission node, and it has been more than a month since the design plan was formulated. The design plans of these two design units should be basically finalized, but some details need to be improved.

Further major changes are unlikely because there is too little time.

After understanding this in his heart, Pan Jinfu gradually felt relieved.

Each of these two design units sent a small team led by a deputy general manager to the capital city to use various resources and channels to understand and inquire, and basically learned something they needed.

Then, they happily returned to their original units and reported what they had learned to the leaders of their units.

DL Ship Design Center.

The deputy general manager Su who led the team came back, and the first thing he did after he came back was to report non-stop to the top leaders of their unit.

The top comrade immediately called several other deputy general managers over.

Then, there was such a scene in his office: Deputy General Manager Su reported in detail what he learned one by one, including the top leader, and several other deputy general managers listened carefully.

It can be seen that Deputy General Manager Su has put in a lot of effort and learned a lot.

After listening to the report, the office became lively and they were discussing.

"Overall, the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center is not bad."

"I don't think so. I think they didn't highlight the bright spots, and they pursued the overall balance too much."

"Yes, I completely agree with this point. It is indeed too balanced. It is estimated that it will be difficult to attract the military's interest."

"I think our design is even better, at least in terms of the power system, it completely surpasses the East China Sea Ship Design Center."

"Now I am relieved, and I am sure that our design proposal will win in the end."

After they discussed it for a while, they gradually came to a conclusion.

The top comrades also ordered to speed up the progress again, and strive to submit the formal design plan to the General Academy in about a week.

The GZ Ship Design Center also learned a lot, and they also "knowledge" in their hearts, and accelerated the progress.

A few days before the two-month deadline, the two design units submitted their design proposals successively.

In this way, three design proposals were placed on the desk of the leaders of the General Academy.

The leaders of the General Institute carefully read the three design proposals, but did not directly make a decision.

He thinks that the three design proposals are all well done, and he thinks it is more appropriate for the military to make the choice in the end.

Thus, the notification was officially issued.

The East China Sea Ship Design Center received a formal notice that it is scheduled to hold a meeting on the 30th of this month, the day after tomorrow, to discuss the three design proposals.

In addition to the leaders of the General Academy and relevant experts of the General Academy, the military was specially invited to participate.

In addition, three design units will also attend the seminar.

Yang Fan was not in the office when the official notice was sent to Donghai Ship Design Institute.

At the moment, he is in the combat system design room and Shi Wei, the director of the design room, is talking about the further improvement and improvement of the combat system.

Shen Changhai called.

"Mr. Yang, the official notice from the General Hospital has been issued, and I would like to discuss it with you."

Yang Fan said without hesitation: "You go to my office first, I'll be right over."

After answering the call, Yang Fan hurriedly left the combat system design room and returned to his office.

Outside the office gate, Shen Changhai was already waiting there.

Yang Fan pushed open the door of the office, "Come on, let's sit in the office and talk slowly."

The two entered the office one after the other, and Shen Changhai still held the notice that had just been sent out.

"Mr. Yang, take a look at the notice just issued by the General Hospital."

Yang Fan took the notice, sat on the sofa and read it, and signaled Shen Changhai to sit down on the sofa first, and wait for him to finish reading.

Shen Changhai sat down, and Yang Fan spent about two to three minutes reading the notice.

"Unexpectedly, the General Institute invited our three design units to participate in this seminar at the same time."


Shen Changhai nodded: "Mr. Yang, what are your orders?"

Yang Fan thought for a while, and then said: "The meeting will be held in the morning the day after tomorrow. At the latest, we will go to the capital tomorrow afternoon. We don't have much time for preparation."

"How about this, you work hard and make an introduction in person, in the form of slides, I think the leaders of both the military and the General Academy should listen to the introductions of the three units."

"Ok, no problem."

The two sat together and talked for a long time about this matter.

After walking out of Yang Fan's office, Shen Changhai became obviously busy, making various preparations according to Yang Fan's instructions.

Yang Fan himself was also sitting in the office, thinking about this matter seriously, and he was also doing some preparatory work himself.

The next afternoon.

Yang Fan, Shen Changhai, and Li Zhengjun arrived in Beijing by plane from Donghai International Airport.

After arriving at the hotel in Beijing, Yang Fan contacted Pan Jinfu and invited him to have dinner with him.

Before leaving for the capital, Yang Fan had contacted Pan Jinfu.

Hearing that Yang Fan and his party had arrived, Pan Jinfu readily agreed.

When the four of them had dinner together at night, they talked about this matter for a long time.

Pan Jinfu revealed a lot of news to Yang Fan and others.

For example, what is the general process of tomorrow's meeting and who will participate.

Especially who is in the military, Pan Jinfu told Yang Fan one by one.

After eating and sending Pan Jinfu away, Yang Fan thought with satisfaction, the leader is good, he has revealed so many things to us, and he has more confidence in tomorrow's meeting.

Tomorrow is one of three choices, and every design unit has hope.

But Yang Fan felt that the hope of the East China Sea Ship Design Center should be greater. After thinking so, the pressure in his heart was a lot less invisibly.

However, Shen Changhai is not as confident and content as Yang Fan is. It can be seen that he is still under a lot of pressure.

He didn't even sleep well all night, thinking about it all the time.

Can the East China Sea Ship Design Center win tomorrow, and will the military adopt its own design plan?

(End of this chapter)

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