Military Heavy

Chapter 543 Program Review

Chapter 543 Program Review
the next day.

Yang Fan and the other three got up very early, and the meeting was scheduled to officially start at nine in the morning, but all three got up before seven.

After getting up, I took a serious shower, without exception, I looked in the mirror again and again.

Yang Fan requires all formal attire, requiring shirts, suits and ties.

It can also be seen from this that Yang Fan takes this matter seriously.

Yang Fan himself had a neat suit and shiny leather shoes. After looking in the mirror again and again, he felt that there was nothing wrong, so he walked out of his room with his bag.

Within 2 minutes of sitting down in the restaurant, Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun came over one after another.

Li Zhengjun joked in a rare way: "Leader, you are the most handsome today."

Yang Fan laughed, and looked at Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun who were also wearing suits and shirts and ties: "You are the most handsome today, too."

Having chatted so happily, both Li Zhengjun and Shen Changhai felt less pressure in their hearts.

The three sat down to have breakfast together.

While eating, he was also chatting about the upcoming meeting, and Yang Fan specially explained some details.

According to the arrangement, Shen Changhai will personally introduce the design plan submitted by the East China Sea Ship Design Center to everyone, and fully demonstrate the new generation of light missile frigates.

There was plenty of time, and it took the three of them about 30 minutes to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, and said loudly: "We can go there now."

The hotel I stayed in is not far from the Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute, and it takes only ten minutes to walk.

Without taking a taxi, the three of them just walked and chatted like this, and walked into the conference room where the meeting was held today without knowing it.

I came earlier, and there were not many people in the conference room.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the three of them sat down in the designated area.

After waiting for a while, some people came in one after another. It was about ten minutes before nine o'clock in the morning, and [-] to [-]% of the people had entered the meeting room.

A few minutes later, people from the military came in accompanied by the leaders of the General Academy.

The military must have attached great importance to this matter. It can be seen from their lineup that a total of more than a dozen people came.

Among them, there are three officers, and the lowest rank is also a lieutenant colonel.

All personnel arrived, and the meeting officially started at nine o'clock in the morning.

A vice president of the General Academy personally presided over the meeting. First, he introduced the process and basic situation of the meeting, and then the military personnel began to speak.

This is a naval colonel. He stood on the speech table and introduced the new generation of light guided missile frigates needed by the military.

The basic requirements of this warship are emphasized again, including technical and tactical indicators and performance parameters, etc.

After the introduction, according to the meeting process, the three design units will introduce their respective design plans to everyone.

The first one to introduce is DL Ship Design Center, and one of their deputy general managers walked to the speech seat.

"Leaders, colleagues, good morning everyone, let me introduce the design plan of DL Center..."

They also prepared very well, prepared slides, and began to introduce their design plans with pictures and texts.

In the meeting room, quiet down.

Everyone is listening carefully and watching the introduction of the design plan on the animation film.

It can be seen from his introduction that the highlight of their plan is to emphasize the mobility of this light guided missile frigate.

In terms of power, three high-power diesel engines are used, and the maximum speed can exceed 32 knots. This speed is the highlight of this warship.

In addition, the selection of weapons and equipment also fully considered the current domestic advanced weapons, emphasizing the powerful strike capability of this warship.

After the introduction, there was warm applause, and several military representatives even turned their heads to discuss a few words and nodded slightly.

It can be seen that these people in the military are quite satisfied with the design of the DL Center.

Next, representatives from the GZ Center will introduce their design plans to everyone.

Different from the design of the DL center, the GZ center focuses on the powerful air defense of this warship, using a missile vertical launch system and the current advanced three-coordinate radar on the roof.

Of course, due to the adoption of the missile vertical launch system, the displacement of the warship has increased, and the full-load displacement has reached about 2300 tons, which exceeds the military's requirement of less than 2000 tons.

The GZ Ship Design Center also explained that the displacement exceeds the standard. They believe that the displacement exceeds the standard by [-] to [-] tons, and the three-coordinate roof radar and missile vertical launch system can be used on warships. Such an excess should be acceptable.

After the introduction of the GZ Center, there was also warm applause.

After the applause subsided, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference room, and many people were discussing in a low voice.

Especially the people in the military, at least half of them were talking and exchanging opinions in low voices, and some of them nodded from time to time.

After several minutes, the leader of the General Academy who presided over the meeting raised his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to quiet down.

Gradually, the meeting room became quiet again.

When it was Donghai Ship Design Center's turn to speak, Shen Changhai looked at Yang Fan, who nodded slightly to him and gave him an encouraging look.

Shen Changhai took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then walked to the speaking seat.

His slides were very good, and he began to introduce the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center with pictures and texts.

"Leaders, experts, and colleagues. Our Donghai Ship Design Center believes that the new generation of light missile frigates in the future will be firmly positioned for daily patrol and security, and we will not blindly pursue powerful firepower and excellent power. balance in all respects."

"Our warship has many design highlights, such as considering its radar stealth performance and space comfort..."

Shen Changhai introduced for more than half an hour.

He introduced the highlights of this warship in detail, such as the warship's stealth performance, comfort performance, sailing performance, and super high cost performance.

It also introduces the platformization of this warship, which can be derived from anti-submarine type, coast guard type, export type and so on.

At first glance, this warship pursues balance in design, but in fact it has many design highlights.

Through Shen Changhai's introduction, the people in the conference room gradually deepened their understanding of the design of this warship, and their understanding of it gradually became more comprehensive, especially the advantages of this warship have been recognized by many people.

After the introduction, there was warm applause first, and after the applause subsided, there was also buzzing discussion in the conference room.

Everyone was discussing in low voices, and many people nodded from time to time.

"I think the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center is good. This warship has so many design highlights."

"Radar stealth is actually considered, which is a bit beyond my expectation."

"A helicopter takeoff and landing platform is also designed at the stern of the ship, which can be used for helicopter takeoff and landing. I think this design is good."

"The power system uses a mature and economical diesel engine to ensure endurance performance. It adopts two-axis propulsion. There are also a pair of stabilizing fins on both sides of the hull to enhance the stability of navigation. This design is better than the designs of the other two design units. Some."


Whether it's people from the military or experts from the General Academy, they are all discussing enthusiastically.

Seeing that everyone was so enthusiastic, the leader of the General Academy who presided over the meeting did not immediately ask everyone to quiet down, but gave enough time.

After a full 10 minutes, the leader of the general hospital said loudly into the microphone: "Everyone can be quiet for a while, our meeting will continue."

Some people laughed kindly.

The conference room also gradually quieted down. According to the conference process, after the three design units finished their presentations, the design proposals would be reviewed and discussed.

The next link was the most intense. Many people expressed their opinions and opinions, and evaluated the three design proposals from different angles.

Not only the experts from the General Academy, but also many people from the military also expressed their views.

Which design scheme will win in the end, maybe the answer will be revealed soon.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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