Military Heavy

Chapter 544 Small Gifts

Chapter 544 Small Gifts

Yang Fan listened carefully to everyone's speech with a calm expression.

Shen Changhai couldn't be so calm, sometimes nervous, sometimes happy.When others affirmed the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, he was secretly happy, and when others put forward some opinions, he was a little nervous.

The discussion session is the session that takes the longest time in this meeting, and it is not considered to be basically over until near noon.

The leader of the general academy who presided over the meeting said loudly, "Thank you for your opinions. Now, please let the military announce their choices."

All of a sudden, the meeting room was extremely quiet!

There was a lot of excitement just now, and many people were talking about these design plans, but now there is a sharp contrast.

Some people are slightly nervous!
For example, Shen Changhai was a little nervous again, looking at Yang Fan with worried eyes.

Yang Fan still looked calm!
Seeing Shen Changhai's eyes looking over with nervousness, he smiled lightly and returned a look, as if saying, Changhai, don't worry too much, and have confidence in our design plan.

Shen Changhai was only slightly better.

Li Zhengjun was also a little nervous, but he still didn't forget to look around quietly. His eyes swept over the faces of the people in DL Ship Design Center and GZ Design Center.

When I noticed that many people in these two design units showed nervous expressions, I was slightly surprised, and then felt relieved.

It turned out that they were equally nervous!
Withdrawing his eyes and looking at Yang Fan, Li Zhengjun was overwhelmed with admiration immediately, and said in his heart, as expected of Mr. Yang, he is really calm, with a calm expression on his face!

After everyone's gaze, a senior colonel of the military stood up and walked towards the speaking seat.

He should be the one to announce the results of the military's selection. Which design unit will the military choose?
Looking forward to it!

The meeting room was still very quiet, and everyone's eyes were almost all focused on the senior colonel.

In the eyes of everyone, the senior colonel walked to the speaking seat with vigorous steps, faced the microphone, and looked around the entire conference room.

Then, his sonorous voice reached everyone's ears.

"Thank you for the design proposals provided by the three design units. To be honest, they are all good. It is difficult for us to make a decision at the moment. Just now we discussed it with the military and unanimously decided not to announce the results. We need further discussion and research."

"Please give us some time. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will announce the official results."

As soon as the voice fell!
There was commotion in the conference room, and many people turned their heads and whispered to the people on the left and right.

This is really beyond everyone's expectations. It turns out that the military has difficulty choosing for a while.

The leader of the general hospital who presided over the meeting stood up, raised his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

The originally tumultuous conference room gradually quieted down again. Many people thought that today's meeting was over, and the leader of the general hospital should have announced the adjournment.

But not like this.

He said loudly: "Everyone, the East China Sea Ship Design Center has prepared a small gift, which is now distributed to everyone."

There are also small gifts! ! !
In addition to being slightly surprised, many people looked at Yang Fan with slight curiosity in their eyes, what kind of gift will it be?

Pan Jinfu also looked over, more in approval, of course he knew what a small gift it was, at this moment, he gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

Beautiful job!
Once the small gifts were handed out to everyone, it added a lot of impression points to the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

It was not allowed to distribute small gifts to everyone at the meeting. The leaders of the general hospital said that it would affect fairness, and Pan Jinfu came forward to settle this matter.

However, it can only be at the end of the meeting, which is already good, Yang Fan is very satisfied.

Soon, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and several employees from the General Institute came in.

It's a picture book!
It's like a picture book! ! !
Looking at the things in the hands of these employees, everyone finally understands that the small gifts that the East China Sea Ship Design Center distributes to everyone are things!
One copy per person.

Each picture album is beautifully made, printed on imported coated paper, and each book is in the size of A3 paper.

What's inside?

The person who got this album couldn't help but opened it immediately, and read it with great interest.

Wow, so beautiful!
This is……

Open the picture album, the exquisite patterns inside deeply attract everyone's attention.

This is the future new generation of light guided missile frigate introduced by the East China Sea Ship Design Center just now!

so beautiful!

It turned out to be like this! ! !

Super high value, beautiful shape, deeply attracts everyone's attention, this warship is really good.

Every picture in the album was drawn by Yang Fan himself, and then handed over to a printing factory in Donghai City for printing, which took a lot of effort.

In addition to intuitive pictures, there are also some text introductions and some parameters.

In this way, it is very clear. If you look at these pictures, then look at the text and parameter introduction, you will have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of this warship.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"The Donghai Ship Design Center is ingenious and prepared such a small gift for us."


Such words floated over, Yang Fan smiled slightly, stood up, and said loudly: "Leaders, colleagues, this is a new generation of light guided missile frigate in the mind of our East China Sea Center, I hope you like it."

Changing the topic, Yang Fan said: "Of course, this is internal information, and I hope everyone abides by the confidentiality system and does not spread it outside."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter after the conference room. In fact, everyone knew this without Yang Fan's reminder.

The meeting is over, let's adjourn!

Everyone has such a brochure introducing the new generation of light missile frigates in their hands, whether it is military leaders, people from the General Academy, or people from the other two design units.

The leaders of the military and the General Academy were very happy to receive such a small gift, and they will definitely take a good look at it when they go back, and learn more about this warship.

What about the people from the other two design units?

It seems that they are not relaxed, even if there is a smile on their faces, it is very reluctant.

At this time, it is estimated that the pressure in their hearts has increased a bit.

After the meeting, the hospital arranged a working meal in the cafeteria. You can have a working meal or go out to eat.

Shen Changhai's pressure was much lower, and he was much more relaxed. He took the initiative to say: "Mr. Yang, let's go out to eat hot-boiled mutton. How about it? I'll treat you."

Anyway, there was nothing to do in the afternoon, and there was plenty of time, so Yang Fan readily agreed, "That's a good idea, let's go eat hot-boiled mutton."

A group of three people left the main hospital, and there was a mutton restaurant with a good environment not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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