Military Heavy

Chapter 545 The Choice of the Military

Chapter 545 The Choice of the Military
Walking into a restaurant, the three of them found a good seat and sat down. While enjoying the delicious hot-boiled mutton, they talked and laughed happily, relaxed and happy.

After distributing these picture albums, seeing that the leaders of the General Academy and the military were very happy, Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun felt relieved, and the pressure was a lot less.

"Mr. Yang, your move is really clever. Such a small gift can play a big role."

"As expected of Mr. Yang, if this happens, our two competitors may not have a very good time!"

Haha ...

Hearty laughter sounded.

"Mr. Yang, what are your plans after dinner?"

Yang Fan said, "What about you two?"

Half a day in the afternoon is fine, free to move around.Half a day is neither too long nor too short.

Shen Changhai said: "We are going to go out for a walk. I heard that a new super shopping center has opened in Beijing. It is the largest store of Hongtai Supermarket in Beijing. We are going to have a look."

Yang Fan suggested: "It won't take an afternoon to visit this supermarket. Otherwise, let's go to some scenic spots in the capital first, and then go to the supermarket."

Great advice!

Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun raised their hands in favor.

"The capital city is a famous historical and cultural city. It's a good time to take a look and feel its historical and cultural heritage."

After lunch, the three of them didn't go back to the hotel where they stayed. Instead, they hailed a taxi and headed to the Forbidden City.

Huaxia Ship Design and Research Institute, in the office of a certain leader.

The head of the GZ Ship Design Center was there, expressing strong dissatisfaction, "Leader, Donghai Ship Design Center distributed this kind of album to everyone at the meeting, it's not fair!"

The leader of the General Academy smiled meaningfully, "Hurry up, let's put aside the fairness and unfairness for now, but I think their picture book is really well done, and the light guided missile frigate drawn on it is very beautiful."

The head of the GZ center sank again, feeling that opportunities were gradually moving away from them.

"Leader, I can't figure it out. The East China Sea Ship Design Center is playing tricks, using this picture book to interfere with the military's choice."

The leader of the general hospital said: "If you can't figure it out, think about it slowly."

After a short pause, the topic changed, "However, aside from this catalog, the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center is really good. I guess the military is most likely to choose this design plan."


Done! ! !

The head of the GZ center's heart sank, his heart was ashes, cold and cold.

At this time, the military meeting was going on, and there were many more people attending the meeting besides those who had the meeting in the General Academy in the morning.

30. No. [-] people are having a meeting to discuss which plan to adopt. Among the people attending the meeting, there are several generals.

The three sets of plans have been introduced, and anyone is familiar with these three sets of plans.

"It's really hard to choose, the three plans are all good."

"Yes, they are all of high design standard, but today we have to choose one of the three, and choose the best design plan that is most suitable for us."

"I think the design plan of the GZ Center is good. The new generation of light missile frigates they designed will have a missile vertical launch system and a three-coordinate roof radar. They are almost catching up with the 054 ship."

"I think the plan of GZ is not suitable. The positioning of the new generation of light missile frigates is to patrol and guard in the middle and offshore waters. There is no need to use the missile vertical launch system and the roof radar."

"I completely agree with this point of view. The design plan of GZ Institute is too gorgeous. The cost of such a warship is too high. We already have 052 and 054 ships. There is absolutely no need to build such a warship."


The meeting was very intense, especially in the first hour or so. There was a lot of controversy. Some people supported the design plan of the GZ Center, while others supported the design plan of the DL Center.

After the meeting lasted for about two hours, everyone's opinions gradually became unified, and most people were inclined to adopt the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center.

"It's still better to have the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center. I think they can choose their design plan."

"I fully agree. This warship pursues balance and has some design highlights, such as radar stealth, large and comfortable cabins, and good anti-submarine, air defense, and sea rescue capabilities."

"Yeah, the more you know about it, the more you think the design is good. In addition, its cost is very cheap, which is exactly what we hope."


Gradually, everyone's opinions were unified.

The navy leader who presided over the meeting said loudly: "It seems that everyone has discussed it almost, and they have made a decision in their hearts, so let's vote with a show of hands."

"Please raise your hand if you agree with the proposal of the GZ Ship Design Center."

Sparsely, only three or four of the 30 or [-] people raised their hands, which is very few.

"Well, it can be put down, please raise your hand if you agree to adopt the design of the GZ center."

Fewer people raised their hands, only two or three people, about one tenth.

"Now, please raise your hand if you agree with the proposal of the East China Sea Ship Design Center."

As soon as the voice fell!
The scene became more spectacular, most of the people raised their hands, at least three-quarters of them!

All the generals who participated in the meeting raised their hands without exception. If you look closely, their faces are more or less satisfied.

They are very satisfied with the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center. The future generation of light missile frigates that the military hopes will look like this.

The general who presided over the meeting raised his hand himself. After looking around at the situation of everyone raising their hands, his voice was very loud.

"More than two-thirds of the people agree with choosing the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, so it is decided. The plan of the East China Sea Center is selected. The relevant comrades will make a meeting record and form a meeting resolution."

After speaking, he was the first to applaud, and in an instant, there was enthusiastic applause in the conference room.

Around eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the three of Yang Fan returned to the hotel where they stayed.

It was rare to relax so much, the three of them were in a good mood, talking and laughing.

When he walked into the hotel lobby, Li Zhengjun suddenly said, "Leader, are you really not worried about the results of the military meeting?"

Yang Fan showed confidence all over his body, and said relaxedly: "I believe in our design plan and have confidence in it."

Shen Changhai was originally happy, but when the design plan was mentioned, the relaxed look on his face was much less.

I thought in my heart, I hope so, I hope the military can choose our design.

The three entered the elevator and came to the floor where their room was located.

The rooms of the three are basically next to each other. Yang Fan walked in the front, and while walking forward, he took out his room card and prepared to open the door.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

(End of this chapter)

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