Military Heavy

Chapter 546 Announcing the Results

Chapter 546 Announcing the Results
Whose call could it be?
Yang Fan stopped and took the phone out of his pocket.

Of course, Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun who followed behind also stopped.

As soon as the phone was connected, Pan Jinfu's happy voice came, "Xiao Yang, I have great news for you!"

The voice was very loud, and the hotel corridor was relatively quiet. Both Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun vaguely heard Pan Jinfu's joyful voice.

Their ears perked up!

Yang Fan became eager, and immediately guessed: "Leader, is there a result from the military?"

The military's meetings are relatively confidential, and others may not be able to know the situation of the meeting, except for several leaders of the General Academy.

It is related to the adoption of the design scheme of the new generation of light guided missile frigates. The military may communicate with the senior management of the General Academy and inform the senior leaders of the General Academy of the results of the meeting.

"Haha, you are really good at predicting things, yes, the military meeting is just for fun, and the results have already been reached!"


Very good!
Yang Fan cheered up, "Leader, has the military adopted the plan of our East China Sea Ship Design Center?"

Pan Jinfu's hearty voice came over, "Congratulations, the military has decided to adopt your design plan, and it will be officially announced at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Guess confirmed!
Yang Fan is completely relieved!
The dust settles!

"Leader, thank you for telling me the good news. We can sleep soundly tonight."

Expressing his thanks again and again, Yang Fan ended the call, and suddenly found that both Shen Changhai and Li Zhengjun looked at him with a little excitement.

Shen Changhai even said: "Mr. Yang, did the military choose our design plan?"

After all, the two of them couldn't hear very clearly, just vaguely.

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Yes, the military has chosen our design plan, and it will be officially announced at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

not worried!
The two of them felt extremely relaxed in an instant!
Also extremely happy!

"Haha, that's great, I'm completely relieved." Shen Changhai's joy was completely uncontrollable.

Li Zhengjun also laughed, with a very happy look on his face.

The next day.

The three of them didn't get up until about eight o'clock, and they had a good night's sleep. Now, they are having breakfast together in the dining room.

The office of a certain leader of the general hospital was not quiet.

The people in the DL Ship Design Center finally got the news, and their leaders rushed to the leader's office.

"Leader, did the military really choose the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center?"

Up to now, he still can't believe it a little bit, and wants to confirm it with the leader.

"Yes, the military has chosen the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center. I wanted to call you last night to tell you, but I'm afraid it will affect your rest at night."

Really chose the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center!

The face of the head of the DL Center changed, and he said a little dissatisfied: "Why is it the East China Sea Ship Design Center again? How can such a design task be given to them? It's not fair, I don't accept it!"

The leader of the General Academy persuaded: "The East China Sea Ship Design Center is really good. Whether it is the 052 guided missile destroyer or the 054 guided missile frigate, they are all designed very well. The military leaders are very satisfied."

"The design of their new generation of light guided missile frigate this time is really good, especially the cost-effective and cheap..."

He unabashedly praised the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, and then comforted him.

"Of course, your plan is also good, but the plan of Donghai Center is better, and the military is more satisfied. You also want to open some. There are still many design tasks in the future, and you have a lot of room for use."


He sighed unwillingly, thinking in his heart, the military's choice cannot be changed, that's the only way to go.

It was nearly nine o'clock in the morning.

The meeting room was full of people, and some of them probably knew the result, so they took a look at Yang Fan from time to time.

Yang Fan looked calm.

More people don't know the military's choice yet, but they seem to have noticed something and quietly inquired.

The military chose the plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center!

"They had a good idea, and I guessed the military might choose that, and it did."

"I read and read the picture book released by the East China Sea Center yesterday. This light guided missile frigate is really good. The military is right to choose it."

"The design plan is basically finalized. I really look forward to when this warship will be designed. No, I hope to see it built as soon as possible."


The meeting hadn't started yet, the military personnel hadn't come yet, and the leaders of the General Academy hadn't come here either. There was a buzz of discussion in the meeting room, and many people were talking in low voices.

After a while.

The leaders of the General Academy came, as did the people from the military, and everyone's discussions stopped abruptly, and they became quiet all at once.

However, there are still some people who will look at Yang Fan and the others enviously.

Mr. Yang is so calm, his face is calm, and he can't see the slightest bit of excitement. He really can't hold his breath.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the meeting officially started.

It was still presided over by one of the leaders of the General Academy. He first spoke a few words briefly, and then the meeting went directly to the most important part.

In everyone's eyes, a senior colonel from the military walked to the speaking seat. Obviously, he would officially announce the result on behalf of the military.

The conference room was extremely quiet, except for the colonel's footsteps.

A lot of eyes looked at Yang Fan again.

Our Comrade Yang Fan is still calm!
The senior colonel walked to the speaking seat and spoke into the microphone, his voice was very loud and clear to everyone's ears.

"Everyone, our military discussed the three design proposals yesterday afternoon, and finally reached a consensus. We decided..."


Shen Changhai found that one of his hearts was beating violently. Even if he knew the result, he still couldn't control his excitement when the military officially announced it.

Excited, but extremely happy!

He glanced at Yang Fan and saw the situation on Yang Fan's face, so he tried his best to control his mood and make his face as calm as possible.

"I announce that the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Center will be officially adopted, and the East China Sea Ship Design Center will undertake the specific design task of a new generation of light missile frigates!"

The sound is passed into everyone's ears!

As soon as the voice fell!
There was warm applause in the meeting room, and everyone looked at Yang Fan and the other three.

Even the leaders of the general hospital and those in the military are no exception.

In particular, there is a leader in the military who looks at Yang Fan with satisfaction and approval.

Noticing the eyes of military leaders, some people are extremely envious, especially some people in DL Design Center and GZ Center.

Amid the applause, Yang Fan stood up.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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